EXCLUSIVE: Taliban uncover secret US high-tech weapons stores in deep embarrassment for Pentagon


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Taliban uncover secret US high-tech weapons stores in deep embarrassment for Pentagon​

28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Hughes
Two secret arms dumps left by US forces in case they return to Afghanistan have been found by the Taliban.
The caches - earmarked for US counter-terrorism “over the horizon” attacks against al-Qaeda and Islamic State - were hidden to help the US quickly attack terrorist organisations.
Both warehouse-sized stores contained hundreds of thousands of bullets, heavy weapons, missiles, survival supplies and even spare helicopters parts.
Sources told The Mirror the supplies contained spares for attack choppers as they would be essential for an on-the-ground mission against networks.
It means President Joe Biden ’s threat of future “over the horizon” attacks launched against terrorists without having a permanent Afghan base are battered.
The discoveries by the Taliban in the towns of Mazer-e-Sharif , in the north, and Herat, in the west of Afghanistan are deeply embarrassing for the Pentagon.
They had been left there as a contingency against a terrorist resurgence across the region as US troops withdrew to Kabul and faced having no in-country base.
It also meant a massive special forces and commando raid on terrorists would be well-supplied for weeks without having to uplift heavy equipment.
A source said: “This is one of the biggest blows to America in terms of future operations against al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other emerging groups.
“As a logistical supplies dump already in-country the caches would have been an invaluable resource serving a large-scale counter-terror operation.
“It meant there was a secret heavy punch against terrorism lying in reserve in case US troops needed to return suddenly, without bringing in huge supplies.
“It is enormously difficult for the US to source a supply chain from a neighbouring country airfield as so many areas around Afghanistan are hostile.
“They didn’t want this to get out as it piles even more embarrassment on an utter shambles of a withdrawal.”
Taliban gunmen have launched door-to-door searches for people suspected of having worked with the west in 20 years of fighting.
And many suspects are believed to have been killed as the new rulers of Afghanistan appear to be clamping down with their iron rule nationwide.

The title claims 'High Tech weapons' and the article is speaking about bullets. Anyway, it written in every military textbook that when you retreat YOU DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT THE ENEMY MAY USE!!
Gen. Milley is returning in the morning for more questioning. Will someone ask him about this?
They weren't abandoned. Those are Hillary style Benghazi weapons sales franchises. The State Dept. most likely has the sets of keys to the front doors and cash vaults waiting for the grand opening .:laugh2:
Simple fix. Just drop a few 1,000 pound JDAMs on each facility warehouse. It's ours to blow up anyway?
What I don't understand why hasn't the deep thinkers at the Pentagon sent a B-52 in to blow the selective targets. Surely they have the GPS coordinates.
By Friday, the Quisling Media will be telling us what a brilliant move this was by Joey Xi. They've been trying hard to to that since we tucked tail and flew the coop on August 31st.
DudleySmith I really don't want to believe that is true, but observing just how far off the rails the Democrats have gone brings everything into play. What better way to insure America has lots of bad guy targets for their new weapon systems? They sure as hell won't use them on China.

I think they're actively working against their own country, and not just creating new enemies.

there is an article in the WSJ titled 'Afghanistan Was Lost In The Halls of Harvard' or something like that, if you care to read it. the American 'elites' are transferring their allegiances and investing their wealth in Red China and other countries with valuable commodities to exploit and cheap slave labor, and have been since the Carter admin, and that includes the GOP establishment as well.
I think they're actively working against their own country, and not just creating new enemies.
Oh yes, Open Borders and shipping Covid infected immigrants to every state in the country is clear evidence that they are attacking the homeland. And if that isn't enough Biden has turned on the border patrol and vowed to MAKE THEM PAY. If there had been a movie made of this 2 years ago, everyone would be saying "Oh come on they wouldn't do that!".
The number of weapons left in Afghanistan by US troops is worrying. Dmitry Shugaev, head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), told the ZVEZDA news agency about this.

"Frankly speaking, this figure of 85 billion is simply terrifying... Think about the numbers: 22 thousand armored vehicles, 358 thousand automatic rifles, 176 artillery installations, 8 thousand trucks, transport planes, more than a hundred helicopters. They armed them to the teeth and God only knows how it will all end," Shugaev said.

He also spoke about the 2011 contract for the supply of military transport Mi-17V-5, the holders of which were Americans. According to Shugaev, the location of military equipment can now only be guessed.

"We had a contract in 2011, it was signed by Rosoboronexport, for the supply of 63 military transport Mi-17V-5 helicopters. Moreover, it should be noted here that the contract holders were Americans, not Afghans. Where these cars are today, in whose hands they are, one can only guess," the head of the Federal Customs Service stressed.
At the end of August, the Pentagon announced the completion of the US mission in Afghanistan, along with the withdrawal of troops from the country. After that, Joe Biden said that the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan was "an incredibly successful mission." He also stressed that this operation was the longest in the history of the United States.
Those weapons will also find their way into the hands of Muslim terrorists in Russia and its border states; their support of Islamo-Nazism in Iran and other countries will come back on them sooner or later, specially now that the Democrats are enthusiastically backing the same regimes; they would much rather do business with the likes of a criminal like Biden, over Putin.

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