Excerpts from judges rulings concerning Trump’s Bogus lawsuits.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012

Nov. 21
“This claim, like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together… This Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence. In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more.”
Judge Matthew W. Brann of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, dismissing the Trump campaign’s attempt to block certification of Pennsylvania’s election result. (The state certified its results on Tuesday.)

Nov. 6
“This ‘supplemental evidence’ is inadmissible as hearsay. The assertion that Connarn was informed by an unknown individual what ‘other hired poll workers at her table’ had been told is inadmissible hearsay within hearsay, and plaintiffs have provided no hearsay exception for either level of hearsay that would warrant consideration of the evidence."
Judge Cynthia Stephens of the Michigan Court of Claims, dismissing a Republican-led lawsuit attempting to stop the count of absentee ballots in the state.

Nov. 13
“Perhaps if plaintiffs’ election challenger affiants had attended the Oct. 29, 2020, walk-through of the TCF Center ballot-counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day. Regrettably, they did not and, therefore, plaintiffs’ affiants did not have a full understanding” of the absentee ballot tabulation process.”
Judge Timothy M. Kenny of the Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan, dismissing a Republican-led suit seeking to stop the certification of the vote in Wayne County. (Michigan certified its results on Monday.)


Nov. 20
“Although Wood generally claims fundamental unfairness, and the declarations and testimony submitted in support of his motion speculate as to widespread impropriety, the actual harm alleged by Wood concerns merely a “garden variety” election dispute. Wood does not allege unfairness in counting the ballots; instead, he alleges that select non-party, partisan monitors were not permitted to observe the Audit in an ideal manner. Wood presents no authority, and the Court finds none, providing for a right to unrestrained observation or monitoring of vote counting, recounting, or auditing.
Judge Grimberg, once again turning down Mr. Wood’s emergency request to halt certification of the vote in Georgia.

I just wanted to post some of the judge’s comments in their rulings throwing out Trump’s frivolous lawsuits. These judges have made clear that Trump’s, as well as Lin Wood’s, law suits alleging election fraud are trash and rubbish. Trump and his legal tramps have produced no evidence worth a damn of voter fraud.
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What kind of a nerd sits around reading excerpts from judges decisions?

What kind of a nerd sits around reading excerpts from judges decisions?

I enjoy it. At any rate, I think those that allege election fraud should understand why Trump’s cases are being tossed.
PA's certification is on hold now. What do you to day about that?
LOL...Penn has already certified it’s presidential votes. As a word of advice, get your news from sources other than Breitbart or OAN.

From where then? I can guaranfuckingtee you that your "media sources" are only those that tell you exactly what you want to hear.

Your hypocrisy is sticking out like a big bloody herpes sore on your lip.
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PA's certification is on hold now. What do you to day about that?
LOL...Penn has already certified it’s presidential votes. As a word of advice, get your news from sources other than Breitbart or OAN.
Wow, you are truly clueless.
I won‘t argue with you. The Penn. judge couldn’t enjoin the presidential certification because it has already taken place. Other than that, you‘re on your own.
Trump and his legal tramps have produced no evidence worth a damn of voter fraud.

Cabbage, don't hurt your brain! You are working overtime much too hard trying to prove to yourself that Captain Zero really won the White House.

PA's certification is on hold now. What do you to day about that?
LOL...Penn has already certified it’s presidential votes. As a word of advice, get your news from sources other than Breitbart or OAN.

You mean the state which has now STOPPED its certification now placed on hold? You need to start getting your news from somewhere better than the cabbage patch at CNN.

Every Day, the presidency just keeps slipping farther and farther out of the grasp of Captain Zero and his Space Cadet Democrats.


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What kind of a nerd sits around reading excerpts from judges decisions?
I enjoy it. At any rate, I think those that allege election fraud should understand why Trump’s cases are being tossed.
Sidney Powell has stepped in and will be Kraken heads. PA should be the first state flipped to Trump, then NV, then GA, then....
Pres. Trump isn't stupid to handover all of his evidence or election and voter fraud to the Deep state controlled judges. He knows if he give them all, that the witnesses' lives will be endanger. They will dismiss these cases and then the Deep state will know who they are and will send out their foot soldiers to scare them into submission or set them up by conjuring up evidence on the witnesses saying they were apart of some past crime or have them murdered like they've done to Seth Rich. And any other physical evidence of these frauds. That the Deep state will figure out ways of destroying the evidence like how they blew up the Oklahoma federal building to destroy evidence that was inside of the building. They will do all this just to prevent the witnesses and evidence making it to the supreme court. And all of the MSM and other news outlet are trying their best to have Pres. Trump to divulge all of his evidence and witnesses.

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Pres. Trump isn't stupid to handover all of his evidence or election and voter fraud to the Deep state controlled judges
How's he gonna get it to court, then? What good does evidence he refuses to put forth do?

I mean seriously, what a stupid thing to believe.
Biden is no President elect. He's an imposter and a thief. When the dust settles, Trump will still be in the White House, where he belongs.
Pres. Trump isn't stupid to handover all of his evidence or election and voter fraud to the Deep state controlled judges
How's he gonna get it to court, then? What good does evidence he refuses to put forth do?

I mean seriously, what a stupid thing to believe.
He wants to quickly bypass these small courts that are controlled by the Dems, so that he can bring it to the highest court of the land, which there is more of a chance that they'll not have it thrown out. He knows that these small court will pretend that there is no evidence at all. He knows there is no justice in the smaller court that are controlled by Dems.
But I do believe that Pres. Trump was given intel ahead of time that these elections are going to be rigged. That is why he hurried up and appointed Amy to replace Ruth. He knew better not to replace Ruth quickly. it takes time to decide on who will be the replacement. But he already has chosen her to replace Ruth before he elected Kavanaugh.
But he was playing dumb when he asked the crowds at his rallies should he elect the new SCOTUS before the election. He had already chosen her after Ruth's death in 2019. He was just waiting for the Dems to get tired of stashing Ruth's dead corpse from morgue to morgue, trying to evade Pres. Trump's intel agents from finding her lifeless corpse.
The Dems knew beforehand that Pres. Trump was going to bring the case to the supreme court once the election was rigged. And so they had to pronounced her death because the world will be watching those judges very carefully, 24/7. Will be wondering why she can't be seen real closely, like they are a Republican poll watcher at a Democrat controlled polling station.
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  • Funny
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Pres. Trump isn't stupid to handover all of his evidence or election and voter fraud to the Deep state controlled judges
How's he gonna get it to court, then? What good does evidence he refuses to put forth do?

I mean seriously, what a stupid thing to believe.
He wants to quickly bypass these small courts that are controlled by the Dems, so that he can bring it to the highest court of the land, which there is more of a chance that they'll not have it thrown out. He knows that these small court will pretend that there is no evidence at all. He knows there is no justice in the smaller court that are controlled by Dems.
But I do believe that Pres. Trump was given intel ahead of time that these elections are going to be rigged. That is why he hurried up and appointed Amy to replace Ruth. He knew better not to replace Ruth quickly. it takes time to decide on who will be the replacement. But he already has chosen her to replace Ruth before he elected Kavanaugh.
But he was playing dumb when he asked the crowds at his rallies should he elect the new SCOTUS before the election. He had already chosen her after Ruth's death in 2019. He was just waiting for the Dems to get tired of stashing Ruth's dead corpse from morgue to morgue, trying to evade Pres. Trump's intel agents from finding her lifeless corpse.
The Dems knew beforehand that Pres. Trump was going to bring the case to the supreme court once the election was rigged. And so they had to pronounced her death because the world will be watching those judges very carefully, 24/7. Will be wondering why she can't be seen real closely, like they are a Republican poll watcher at a Democrat controlled polling station.
These aren't going to the supreme court.
Pres. Trump isn't stupid to handover all of his evidence or election and voter fraud to the Deep state controlled judges
How's he gonna get it to court, then? What good does evidence he refuses to put forth do?

I mean seriously, what a stupid thing to believe.
He wants to quickly bypass these small courts that are controlled by the Dems, so that he can bring it to the highest court of the land, which there is more of a chance that they'll not have it thrown out. He knows that these small court will pretend that there is no evidence at all. He knows there is no justice in the smaller court that are controlled by Dems.
But I do believe that Pres. Trump was given intel ahead of time that these elections are going to be rigged. That is why he hurried up and appointed Amy to replace Ruth. He knew better not to replace Ruth quickly. it takes time to decide on who will be the replacement. But he already has chosen her to replace Ruth before he elected Kavanaugh.
But he was playing dumb when he asked the crowds at his rallies should he elect the new SCOTUS before the election. He had already chosen her after Ruth's death in 2019. He was just waiting for the Dems to get tired of stashing Ruth's dead corpse from morgue to morgue, trying to evade Pres. Trump's intel agents from finding her lifeless corpse.
The Dems knew beforehand that Pres. Trump was going to bring the case to the supreme court once the election was rigged. And so they had to pronounced her death because the world will be watching those judges very carefully, 24/7. Will be wondering why she can't be seen real closely, like they are a Republican poll watcher at a Democrat controlled polling station.
These aren't going to the supreme court.
So then why are you guys are nervous if it do make it to the supreme court?


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