Excerpted from my Substack publication


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
My home city, Redacted New Hampshire.

Warning: The following content may be disturbing to some readers. It is strongly advised that only those with a normal IQ continue.

I am asking myself the same question you are asking. When did the people in my hometown get stupid? The answer is of course, they did not. It appears they did because local media has an agenda to save itself by abandoning its responsibility to inform the public about what is going on. My hometown Redacted, New Hampshire, has a newspaper, the Redacted Sentinel, that has been in business since 1799 when a good share of the local population was illiterate. Sadly, due to the propensity of America’s colleges and universities to become propaganda centers for central planning, we may be returning to those days. Today the local daily tabloid publication is as thin as a character in the Grapes of Wrath, and it has the credibility of a children’s coloring book. A small part of the community still subscribes to it because cultural traditions endure, but it is quickly going the way of public phone booths and shoeshine stands. Based on some of the decisions that newspaper has made, that might not be a great loss.

The newspaper finds itself swept along in a deluge of electronic social media that is rapidly replacing its readership with people who cannot understand anything written in sentences longer than four or five single syllable words. Aldous Huxley wrote a dystopian science fiction novel, Brave New World, in 1931 that pegged what is happening today with startling accuracy. In a society that has devolved into lab rats with faces pasted into I phones, reading comprehension has ratcheted down to the level of a factory bathroom wall. Even in the most optimistic forecast it is difficult to envision an outcome that escapes a future world where Americans are reduced to communicating with drug-addled grunts and hand gestures. The fall of the United States is underway and my local newspaper, like many newspapers nationwide, ignores the biggest stories in the history of news reporting because it agrees with the byproduct of a phenomenon that leads the Fourth Estate in America to cross the line from protecting the people with authentic information to mesmerizing them with government propaganda to keep itself relevant.

A rigged and stolen presidential election via a corruption of the election apparatus is no small thing and most Americans know what they saw. What they read on the other hand, is that questioning a central authority that says everything is fine is presented as a conspiratorial aberration that threatens the republic. In other words, voicing what you saw with your own eyes goes against everything America stands for. A lot is being bandied about these days telling us what America is and how it came to be. Older folk like us thought the founders wanted a citizen government controlled from the bottom up but government here has grown to the point where it has become a black hole and the light of truth seldom escapes. If there is one thing Permanent Washington is good at it, it is convincing the people that they did not just see what they saw with their own eyes. It used to be that the American press would keep Washington honest, but we all know that that is no longer true.

This is not new. In 2001 New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia killing more than 2,700 innocent civilians. President George W. Bush quickly spirited all Saudi diplomats from the US and attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attacks. Most Americans knew at the time that Saddam Hussein was a menace to the region, but they also knew that not long before the suspicious surprise attack on the World Trade Center he was especially useful to Washington as an equalizer to Iran that had developed into a serious threat after the breathtaking incompetence of Jimmy Carter resulted in the taking of American hostages. Carter’s gullible, self-serving pursuit of a legacy of peacemaker, great negotiator, and consummate nation builder was likely the seed of the Arab spring. Of course, the press seldom reported on Carter’s ineptitude.

Ten years before the last attack on New York’s twin towers, George HW Bush, Bush’s father dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein to find our why he was massing troops on Kuwait’s borders and what his intentions were. Glaspie promptly made the most idiotic statement in the history of the US Foreign Service when she told Saddam: “We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts” which Saddam interpreted as a green light to attack Kuwait. He followed through and the Gulf War ensued generating hatred of the United States in Arab countries and laying the groundwork for Sept. 11, 2001. So, Carter and both Bush’s share the responsibility for those deaths in New York City, but the press never reported it that way.

The reason Donald Trump was taken out by Homeland security agencies in place to find and keep a watchful eye on foreign enemies was that he said on several occasions that he did not want to bomb people in places that most Americans could not find on a map. America is hated all over the Middle East because it has been killing people there for generations to feed the wallets of American politicians and inflate the bottom lines of American corporations. Americans have somehow forgotten Dwight Eisenhower’s warning shortly after World War Two about a growing military-industrial complex and the press is not reminding them. If anything backfires, special Harvard and Yale educated superior individuals in permanent Washington all just run underground to fortified secret shelters while innocent civilians like you and your children face the consequences on the surface crushed and emulsified in collapsing urban buildings. This is where we go from Huxley to Orwell.

Many are taking a fresh look at whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Even with the dumbing down of America by its educational institutions, Americans are becoming acutely aware that Washington regards the people not as living citizens but as human infrastructure to be sacrificed to global counterparts across oceans that make up a tiny nucleus of insular nobility like the US Congress. The problem American elites have is that they are voted into office by the people and Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 revealed that the people were waking up to Washington’s treacherous con. Washington viewed Trump’s election as an attack on itself by the people of the United States leaving it no choice but protect the interests of its global associates and new elite friends by corrupting and destroying the American election process.

The media in my home city, like yours, is rapidly becoming symbolic of the surveillance state of the former Soviet Union. The Russian press functioned for seven decades as a ministry of truth for the government. In its heyday the Soviet Union characterized criticism of government policies as conspiracy theories concocted by enemies of the state that was trying to do what was right for the people. Since government was advertised as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-good, any questioning of its authority was criminalized and punished automatically. Today there are calls to brand parents that oppose Critical Race Theory in schools as terrorists and this is not new. The Soviets regularly hauled off dissidents and critics of government policies to gulags and mental institutions using tax-supported surveillance mechanisms to find and arrest them. They also made a regular practice of encouraging school children to rat out their parents for infractions against the state. Sound familiar? Wait for it.

In the wake of a swindled national presidential election, the people in my home city, Redacted NH, are not stupid, they are suffering from the same mental illness that takes down empires like Rome and the former Soviet Union. They greedily swallowed propaganda offered by their local newspaper and Hooterville Open Mic radio program. The US economy is on the verge of collapse and my home city like yours is in the crosshairs of permanent Washington as it prints paper to cover its wildly, phantasmagorical central planning and turns our finances into Monopoly money. The meager local industry left in the city is begging for workers while a puppet regime in Washington has become the laughingstock of the world. The US has never been in more danger of attack as its enemies realize the dumb unawareness if its sock puppet presidential administration.

People in Redacted, NH, like your city, scattered like spooked chickens in a barnyard running from a media created monster, Donald trump, that is not and has never been part of Wahington DC and its strategy to sell out America to globalization. It does not occur to them to question how the People’s Republic of China got control of the manufacture of our antibiotics and lifesaving medications that make US politicians rich. No one here can hold the Chinese responsible for a global plague because they have us in an awkward position already after spreading money around Washington for generations. The people’s Republic of China did not defeat America on a field of battle, they just bought the country from US politicians.

This is too complex for some of the people of Redacted NH, and the only thing that keeps them from being up in arms is the Washington-issued straitjacket they wear as they run screaming in a duck-and-cover slobbering fit over dispensed government propaganda. It is sad that this has happened to my hometown, and it may be happening to yours as well. Ever hear of Sun Tzu? After the Trump-monster Redacted-State-College educated fear lings of Redacted NH have someone teach them to read, they may want to look that man up.

When Redacted voters are not marveling at Hunter Biden’s art and petitioning local political hacks to bring it to the city and display the prints as graffiti on its walls, they may want to stop genuflecting to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a shameful example of a lifelong bureaucrat that secretly used back channels to fund gain of function research against direct orders from the Obama administration no to do so. Elevating Fauci to sainthood when he should be dragged before a world court and charged with crimes against humanity is a standard modus operandi of a cerebrally damaged population not unlike Rome in its final days as an empire. I am sorry to say that puts Redacted is some serious company.

We need to get Trump back in office to save this country and protect it from cities like Redacted NH that have gone from All-America in 1964 to Hate-America in 2021. Hating America is all the rage these days among political activists and academics especially if they are Caucasians expecting special treatment when the flood of new American voters continues over unprotected US borders. The “good” white people are going to turn the rest of us in for “future considerations” in a coming Huxley-Orwell coin-flip world. We are the “bad” white people that voted for Trump, they are like the stupid Jews in Nazi Germany that looked forward to a reward that turned to a holocaust.

God save them,

My home city, Redacted New Hampshire.

Warning: The following content may be disturbing to some readers. It is strongly advised that only those with a normal IQ continue.

I am asking myself the same question you are asking. When did the people in my hometown get stupid? The answer is of course, they did not. It appears they did because local media has an agenda to save itself by abandoning its responsibility to inform the public about what is going on. My hometown Redacted, New Hampshire, has a newspaper, the Redacted Sentinel, that has been in business since 1799 when a good share of the local population was illiterate. Sadly, due to the propensity of America’s colleges and universities to become propaganda centers for central planning, we may be returning to those days. Today the local daily tabloid publication is as thin as a character in the Grapes of Wrath, and it has the credibility of a children’s coloring book. A small part of the community still subscribes to it because cultural traditions endure, but it is quickly going the way of public phone booths and shoeshine stands. Based on some of the decisions that newspaper has made, that might not be a great loss.

The newspaper finds itself swept along in a deluge of electronic social media that is rapidly replacing its readership with people who cannot understand anything written in sentences longer than four or five single syllable words. Aldous Huxley wrote a dystopian science fiction novel, Brave New World, in 1931 that pegged what is happening today with startling accuracy. In a society that has devolved into lab rats with faces pasted into I phones, reading comprehension has ratcheted down to the level of a factory bathroom wall. Even in the most optimistic forecast it is difficult to envision an outcome that escapes a future world where Americans are reduced to communicating with drug-addled grunts and hand gestures. The fall of the United States is underway and my local newspaper, like many newspapers nationwide, ignores the biggest stories in the history of news reporting because it agrees with the byproduct of a phenomenon that leads the Fourth Estate in America to cross the line from protecting the people with authentic information to mesmerizing them with government propaganda to keep itself relevant.

A rigged and stolen presidential election via a corruption of the election apparatus is no small thing and most Americans know what they saw. What they read on the other hand, is that questioning a central authority that says everything is fine is presented as a conspiratorial aberration that threatens the republic. In other words, voicing what you saw with your own eyes goes against everything America stands for. A lot is being bandied about these days telling us what America is and how it came to be. Older folk like us thought the founders wanted a citizen government controlled from the bottom up but government here has grown to the point where it has become a black hole and the light of truth seldom escapes. If there is one thing Permanent Washington is good at it, it is convincing the people that they did not just see what they saw with their own eyes. It used to be that the American press would keep Washington honest, but we all know that that is no longer true.

This is not new. In 2001 New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia killing more than 2,700 innocent civilians. President George W. Bush quickly spirited all Saudi diplomats from the US and attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attacks. Most Americans knew at the time that Saddam Hussein was a menace to the region, but they also knew that not long before the suspicious surprise attack on the World Trade Center he was especially useful to Washington as an equalizer to Iran that had developed into a serious threat after the breathtaking incompetence of Jimmy Carter resulted in the taking of American hostages. Carter’s gullible, self-serving pursuit of a legacy of peacemaker, great negotiator, and consummate nation builder was likely the seed of the Arab spring. Of course, the press seldom reported on Carter’s ineptitude.

Ten years before the last attack on New York’s twin towers, George HW Bush, Bush’s father dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein to find our why he was massing troops on Kuwait’s borders and what his intentions were. Glaspie promptly made the most idiotic statement in the history of the US Foreign Service when she told Saddam: “We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts” which Saddam interpreted as a green light to attack Kuwait. He followed through and the Gulf War ensued generating hatred of the United States in Arab countries and laying the groundwork for Sept. 11, 2001. So, Carter and both Bush’s share the responsibility for those deaths in New York City, but the press never reported it that way.

The reason Donald Trump was taken out by Homeland security agencies in place to find and keep a watchful eye on foreign enemies was that he said on several occasions that he did not want to bomb people in places that most Americans could not find on a map. America is hated all over the Middle East because it has been killing people there for generations to feed the wallets of American politicians and inflate the bottom lines of American corporations. Americans have somehow forgotten Dwight Eisenhower’s warning shortly after World War Two about a growing military-industrial complex and the press is not reminding them. If anything backfires, special Harvard and Yale educated superior individuals in permanent Washington all just run underground to fortified secret shelters while innocent civilians like you and your children face the consequences on the surface crushed and emulsified in collapsing urban buildings. This is where we go from Huxley to Orwell.

Many are taking a fresh look at whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Even with the dumbing down of America by its educational institutions, Americans are becoming acutely aware that Washington regards the people not as living citizens but as human infrastructure to be sacrificed to global counterparts across oceans that make up a tiny nucleus of insular nobility like the US Congress. The problem American elites have is that they are voted into office by the people and Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 revealed that the people were waking up to Washington’s treacherous con. Washington viewed Trump’s election as an attack on itself by the people of the United States leaving it no choice but protect the interests of its global associates and new elite friends by corrupting and destroying the American election process.

The media in my home city, like yours, is rapidly becoming symbolic of the surveillance state of the former Soviet Union. The Russian press functioned for seven decades as a ministry of truth for the government. In its heyday the Soviet Union characterized criticism of government policies as conspiracy theories concocted by enemies of the state that was trying to do what was right for the people. Since government was advertised as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-good, any questioning of its authority was criminalized and punished automatically. Today there are calls to brand parents that oppose Critical Race Theory in schools as terrorists and this is not new. The Soviets regularly hauled off dissidents and critics of government policies to gulags and mental institutions using tax-supported surveillance mechanisms to find and arrest them. They also made a regular practice of encouraging school children to rat out their parents for infractions against the state. Sound familiar? Wait for it.

In the wake of a swindled national presidential election, the people in my home city, Redacted NH, are not stupid, they are suffering from the same mental illness that takes down empires like Rome and the former Soviet Union. They greedily swallowed propaganda offered by their local newspaper and Hooterville Open Mic radio program. The US economy is on the verge of collapse and my home city like yours is in the crosshairs of permanent Washington as it prints paper to cover its wildly, phantasmagorical central planning and turns our finances into Monopoly money. The meager local industry left in the city is begging for workers while a puppet regime in Washington has become the laughingstock of the world. The US has never been in more danger of attack as its enemies realize the dumb unawareness if its sock puppet presidential administration.

People in Redacted, NH, like your city, scattered like spooked chickens in a barnyard running from a media created monster, Donald trump, that is not and has never been part of Wahington DC and its strategy to sell out America to globalization. It does not occur to them to question how the People’s Republic of China got control of the manufacture of our antibiotics and lifesaving medications that make US politicians rich. No one here can hold the Chinese responsible for a global plague because they have us in an awkward position already after spreading money around Washington for generations. The people’s Republic of China did not defeat America on a field of battle, they just bought the country from US politicians.

This is too complex for some of the people of Redacted NH, and the only thing that keeps them from being up in arms is the Washington-issued straitjacket they wear as they run screaming in a duck-and-cover slobbering fit over dispensed government propaganda. It is sad that this has happened to my hometown, and it may be happening to yours as well. Ever hear of Sun Tzu? After the Trump-monster Redacted-State-College educated fear lings of Redacted NH have someone teach them to read, they may want to look that man up.

When Redacted voters are not marveling at Hunter Biden’s art and petitioning local political hacks to bring it to the city and display the prints as graffiti on its walls, they may want to stop genuflecting to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a shameful example of a lifelong bureaucrat that secretly used back channels to fund gain of function research against direct orders from the Obama administration no to do so. Elevating Fauci to sainthood when he should be dragged before a world court and charged with crimes against humanity is a standard modus operandi of a cerebrally damaged population not unlike Rome in its final days as an empire. I am sorry to say that puts Redacted is some serious company.

We need to get Trump back in office to save this country and protect it from cities like Redacted NH that have gone from All-America in 1964 to Hate-America in 2021. Hating America is all the rage these days among political activists and academics especially if they are Caucasians expecting special treatment when the flood of new American voters continues over unprotected US borders. The “good” white people are going to turn the rest of us in for “future considerations” in a coming Huxley-Orwell coin-flip world. We are the “bad” white people that voted for Trump, they are like the stupid Jews in Nazi Germany that looked forward to a reward that turned to a holocaust.

God save them,


Very well written essay. :clap:
My home city, Redacted New Hampshire.

Warning: The following content may be disturbing to some readers. It is strongly advised that only those with a normal IQ continue.

I am asking myself the same question you are asking. When did the people in my hometown get stupid? The answer is of course, they did not. It appears they did because local media has an agenda to save itself by abandoning its responsibility to inform the public about what is going on. My hometown Redacted, New Hampshire, has a newspaper, the Redacted Sentinel, that has been in business since 1799 when a good share of the local population was illiterate. Sadly, due to the propensity of America’s colleges and universities to become propaganda centers for central planning, we may be returning to those days. Today the local daily tabloid publication is as thin as a character in the Grapes of Wrath, and it has the credibility of a children’s coloring book. A small part of the community still subscribes to it because cultural traditions endure, but it is quickly going the way of public phone booths and shoeshine stands. Based on some of the decisions that newspaper has made, that might not be a great loss.

The newspaper finds itself swept along in a deluge of electronic social media that is rapidly replacing its readership with people who cannot understand anything written in sentences longer than four or five single syllable words. Aldous Huxley wrote a dystopian science fiction novel, Brave New World, in 1931 that pegged what is happening today with startling accuracy. In a society that has devolved into lab rats with faces pasted into I phones, reading comprehension has ratcheted down to the level of a factory bathroom wall. Even in the most optimistic forecast it is difficult to envision an outcome that escapes a future world where Americans are reduced to communicating with drug-addled grunts and hand gestures. The fall of the United States is underway and my local newspaper, like many newspapers nationwide, ignores the biggest stories in the history of news reporting because it agrees with the byproduct of a phenomenon that leads the Fourth Estate in America to cross the line from protecting the people with authentic information to mesmerizing them with government propaganda to keep itself relevant.

A rigged and stolen presidential election via a corruption of the election apparatus is no small thing and most Americans know what they saw. What they read on the other hand, is that questioning a central authority that says everything is fine is presented as a conspiratorial aberration that threatens the republic. In other words, voicing what you saw with your own eyes goes against everything America stands for. A lot is being bandied about these days telling us what America is and how it came to be. Older folk like us thought the founders wanted a citizen government controlled from the bottom up but government here has grown to the point where it has become a black hole and the light of truth seldom escapes. If there is one thing Permanent Washington is good at it, it is convincing the people that they did not just see what they saw with their own eyes. It used to be that the American press would keep Washington honest, but we all know that that is no longer true.

This is not new. In 2001 New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia killing more than 2,700 innocent civilians. President George W. Bush quickly spirited all Saudi diplomats from the US and attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attacks. Most Americans knew at the time that Saddam Hussein was a menace to the region, but they also knew that not long before the suspicious surprise attack on the World Trade Center he was especially useful to Washington as an equalizer to Iran that had developed into a serious threat after the breathtaking incompetence of Jimmy Carter resulted in the taking of American hostages. Carter’s gullible, self-serving pursuit of a legacy of peacemaker, great negotiator, and consummate nation builder was likely the seed of the Arab spring. Of course, the press seldom reported on Carter’s ineptitude.

Ten years before the last attack on New York’s twin towers, George HW Bush, Bush’s father dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein to find our why he was massing troops on Kuwait’s borders and what his intentions were. Glaspie promptly made the most idiotic statement in the history of the US Foreign Service when she told Saddam: “We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts” which Saddam interpreted as a green light to attack Kuwait. He followed through and the Gulf War ensued generating hatred of the United States in Arab countries and laying the groundwork for Sept. 11, 2001. So, Carter and both Bush’s share the responsibility for those deaths in New York City, but the press never reported it that way.

The reason Donald Trump was taken out by Homeland security agencies in place to find and keep a watchful eye on foreign enemies was that he said on several occasions that he did not want to bomb people in places that most Americans could not find on a map. America is hated all over the Middle East because it has been killing people there for generations to feed the wallets of American politicians and inflate the bottom lines of American corporations. Americans have somehow forgotten Dwight Eisenhower’s warning shortly after World War Two about a growing military-industrial complex and the press is not reminding them. If anything backfires, special Harvard and Yale educated superior individuals in permanent Washington all just run underground to fortified secret shelters while innocent civilians like you and your children face the consequences on the surface crushed and emulsified in collapsing urban buildings. This is where we go from Huxley to Orwell.

Many are taking a fresh look at whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Even with the dumbing down of America by its educational institutions, Americans are becoming acutely aware that Washington regards the people not as living citizens but as human infrastructure to be sacrificed to global counterparts across oceans that make up a tiny nucleus of insular nobility like the US Congress. The problem American elites have is that they are voted into office by the people and Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 revealed that the people were waking up to Washington’s treacherous con. Washington viewed Trump’s election as an attack on itself by the people of the United States leaving it no choice but protect the interests of its global associates and new elite friends by corrupting and destroying the American election process.

The media in my home city, like yours, is rapidly becoming symbolic of the surveillance state of the former Soviet Union. The Russian press functioned for seven decades as a ministry of truth for the government. In its heyday the Soviet Union characterized criticism of government policies as conspiracy theories concocted by enemies of the state that was trying to do what was right for the people. Since government was advertised as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-good, any questioning of its authority was criminalized and punished automatically. Today there are calls to brand parents that oppose Critical Race Theory in schools as terrorists and this is not new. The Soviets regularly hauled off dissidents and critics of government policies to gulags and mental institutions using tax-supported surveillance mechanisms to find and arrest them. They also made a regular practice of encouraging school children to rat out their parents for infractions against the state. Sound familiar? Wait for it.

In the wake of a swindled national presidential election, the people in my home city, Redacted NH, are not stupid, they are suffering from the same mental illness that takes down empires like Rome and the former Soviet Union. They greedily swallowed propaganda offered by their local newspaper and Hooterville Open Mic radio program. The US economy is on the verge of collapse and my home city like yours is in the crosshairs of permanent Washington as it prints paper to cover its wildly, phantasmagorical central planning and turns our finances into Monopoly money. The meager local industry left in the city is begging for workers while a puppet regime in Washington has become the laughingstock of the world. The US has never been in more danger of attack as its enemies realize the dumb unawareness if its sock puppet presidential administration.

People in Redacted, NH, like your city, scattered like spooked chickens in a barnyard running from a media created monster, Donald trump, that is not and has never been part of Wahington DC and its strategy to sell out America to globalization. It does not occur to them to question how the People’s Republic of China got control of the manufacture of our antibiotics and lifesaving medications that make US politicians rich. No one here can hold the Chinese responsible for a global plague because they have us in an awkward position already after spreading money around Washington for generations. The people’s Republic of China did not defeat America on a field of battle, they just bought the country from US politicians.

This is too complex for some of the people of Redacted NH, and the only thing that keeps them from being up in arms is the Washington-issued straitjacket they wear as they run screaming in a duck-and-cover slobbering fit over dispensed government propaganda. It is sad that this has happened to my hometown, and it may be happening to yours as well. Ever hear of Sun Tzu? After the Trump-monster Redacted-State-College educated fear lings of Redacted NH have someone teach them to read, they may want to look that man up.

When Redacted voters are not marveling at Hunter Biden’s art and petitioning local political hacks to bring it to the city and display the prints as graffiti on its walls, they may want to stop genuflecting to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a shameful example of a lifelong bureaucrat that secretly used back channels to fund gain of function research against direct orders from the Obama administration no to do so. Elevating Fauci to sainthood when he should be dragged before a world court and charged with crimes against humanity is a standard modus operandi of a cerebrally damaged population not unlike Rome in its final days as an empire. I am sorry to say that puts Redacted is some serious company.

We need to get Trump back in office to save this country and protect it from cities like Redacted NH that have gone from All-America in 1964 to Hate-America in 2021. Hating America is all the rage these days among political activists and academics especially if they are Caucasians expecting special treatment when the flood of new American voters continues over unprotected US borders. The “good” white people are going to turn the rest of us in for “future considerations” in a coming Huxley-Orwell coin-flip world. We are the “bad” white people that voted for Trump, they are like the stupid Jews in Nazi Germany that looked forward to a reward that turned to a holocaust.

God save them,

Well Written
My home city, Redacted New Hampshire.

Warning: The following content may be disturbing to some readers. It is strongly advised that only those with a normal IQ continue.

I am asking myself the same question you are asking. When did the people in my hometown get stupid? The answer is of course, they did not. It appears they did because local media has an agenda to save itself by abandoning its responsibility to inform the public about what is going on. My hometown Redacted, New Hampshire, has a newspaper, the Redacted Sentinel, that has been in business since 1799 when a good share of the local population was illiterate. Sadly, due to the propensity of America’s colleges and universities to become propaganda centers for central planning, we may be returning to those days. Today the local daily tabloid publication is as thin as a character in the Grapes of Wrath, and it has the credibility of a children’s coloring book. A small part of the community still subscribes to it because cultural traditions endure, but it is quickly going the way of public phone booths and shoeshine stands. Based on some of the decisions that newspaper has made, that might not be a great loss.

The newspaper finds itself swept along in a deluge of electronic social media that is rapidly replacing its readership with people who cannot understand anything written in sentences longer than four or five single syllable words. Aldous Huxley wrote a dystopian science fiction novel, Brave New World, in 1931 that pegged what is happening today with startling accuracy. In a society that has devolved into lab rats with faces pasted into I phones, reading comprehension has ratcheted down to the level of a factory bathroom wall. Even in the most optimistic forecast it is difficult to envision an outcome that escapes a future world where Americans are reduced to communicating with drug-addled grunts and hand gestures. The fall of the United States is underway and my local newspaper, like many newspapers nationwide, ignores the biggest stories in the history of news reporting because it agrees with the byproduct of a phenomenon that leads the Fourth Estate in America to cross the line from protecting the people with authentic information to mesmerizing them with government propaganda to keep itself relevant.

A rigged and stolen presidential election via a corruption of the election apparatus is no small thing and most Americans know what they saw. What they read on the other hand, is that questioning a central authority that says everything is fine is presented as a conspiratorial aberration that threatens the republic. In other words, voicing what you saw with your own eyes goes against everything America stands for. A lot is being bandied about these days telling us what America is and how it came to be. Older folk like us thought the founders wanted a citizen government controlled from the bottom up but government here has grown to the point where it has become a black hole and the light of truth seldom escapes. If there is one thing Permanent Washington is good at it, it is convincing the people that they did not just see what they saw with their own eyes. It used to be that the American press would keep Washington honest, but we all know that that is no longer true.

This is not new. In 2001 New York City was attacked by Saudi Arabia killing more than 2,700 innocent civilians. President George W. Bush quickly spirited all Saudi diplomats from the US and attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attacks. Most Americans knew at the time that Saddam Hussein was a menace to the region, but they also knew that not long before the suspicious surprise attack on the World Trade Center he was especially useful to Washington as an equalizer to Iran that had developed into a serious threat after the breathtaking incompetence of Jimmy Carter resulted in the taking of American hostages. Carter’s gullible, self-serving pursuit of a legacy of peacemaker, great negotiator, and consummate nation builder was likely the seed of the Arab spring. Of course, the press seldom reported on Carter’s ineptitude.

Ten years before the last attack on New York’s twin towers, George HW Bush, Bush’s father dispatched April Glaspie, Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein to find our why he was massing troops on Kuwait’s borders and what his intentions were. Glaspie promptly made the most idiotic statement in the history of the US Foreign Service when she told Saddam: “We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts” which Saddam interpreted as a green light to attack Kuwait. He followed through and the Gulf War ensued generating hatred of the United States in Arab countries and laying the groundwork for Sept. 11, 2001. So, Carter and both Bush’s share the responsibility for those deaths in New York City, but the press never reported it that way.

The reason Donald Trump was taken out by Homeland security agencies in place to find and keep a watchful eye on foreign enemies was that he said on several occasions that he did not want to bomb people in places that most Americans could not find on a map. America is hated all over the Middle East because it has been killing people there for generations to feed the wallets of American politicians and inflate the bottom lines of American corporations. Americans have somehow forgotten Dwight Eisenhower’s warning shortly after World War Two about a growing military-industrial complex and the press is not reminding them. If anything backfires, special Harvard and Yale educated superior individuals in permanent Washington all just run underground to fortified secret shelters while innocent civilians like you and your children face the consequences on the surface crushed and emulsified in collapsing urban buildings. This is where we go from Huxley to Orwell.

Many are taking a fresh look at whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Even with the dumbing down of America by its educational institutions, Americans are becoming acutely aware that Washington regards the people not as living citizens but as human infrastructure to be sacrificed to global counterparts across oceans that make up a tiny nucleus of insular nobility like the US Congress. The problem American elites have is that they are voted into office by the people and Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 revealed that the people were waking up to Washington’s treacherous con. Washington viewed Trump’s election as an attack on itself by the people of the United States leaving it no choice but protect the interests of its global associates and new elite friends by corrupting and destroying the American election process.

The media in my home city, like yours, is rapidly becoming symbolic of the surveillance state of the former Soviet Union. The Russian press functioned for seven decades as a ministry of truth for the government. In its heyday the Soviet Union characterized criticism of government policies as conspiracy theories concocted by enemies of the state that was trying to do what was right for the people. Since government was advertised as all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-good, any questioning of its authority was criminalized and punished automatically. Today there are calls to brand parents that oppose Critical Race Theory in schools as terrorists and this is not new. The Soviets regularly hauled off dissidents and critics of government policies to gulags and mental institutions using tax-supported surveillance mechanisms to find and arrest them. They also made a regular practice of encouraging school children to rat out their parents for infractions against the state. Sound familiar? Wait for it.

In the wake of a swindled national presidential election, the people in my home city, Redacted NH, are not stupid, they are suffering from the same mental illness that takes down empires like Rome and the former Soviet Union. They greedily swallowed propaganda offered by their local newspaper and Hooterville Open Mic radio program. The US economy is on the verge of collapse and my home city like yours is in the crosshairs of permanent Washington as it prints paper to cover its wildly, phantasmagorical central planning and turns our finances into Monopoly money. The meager local industry left in the city is begging for workers while a puppet regime in Washington has become the laughingstock of the world. The US has never been in more danger of attack as its enemies realize the dumb unawareness if its sock puppet presidential administration.

People in Redacted, NH, like your city, scattered like spooked chickens in a barnyard running from a media created monster, Donald trump, that is not and has never been part of Wahington DC and its strategy to sell out America to globalization. It does not occur to them to question how the People’s Republic of China got control of the manufacture of our antibiotics and lifesaving medications that make US politicians rich. No one here can hold the Chinese responsible for a global plague because they have us in an awkward position already after spreading money around Washington for generations. The people’s Republic of China did not defeat America on a field of battle, they just bought the country from US politicians.

This is too complex for some of the people of Redacted NH, and the only thing that keeps them from being up in arms is the Washington-issued straitjacket they wear as they run screaming in a duck-and-cover slobbering fit over dispensed government propaganda. It is sad that this has happened to my hometown, and it may be happening to yours as well. Ever hear of Sun Tzu? After the Trump-monster Redacted-State-College educated fear lings of Redacted NH have someone teach them to read, they may want to look that man up.

When Redacted voters are not marveling at Hunter Biden’s art and petitioning local political hacks to bring it to the city and display the prints as graffiti on its walls, they may want to stop genuflecting to Dr. Anthony Fauci, a shameful example of a lifelong bureaucrat that secretly used back channels to fund gain of function research against direct orders from the Obama administration no to do so. Elevating Fauci to sainthood when he should be dragged before a world court and charged with crimes against humanity is a standard modus operandi of a cerebrally damaged population not unlike Rome in its final days as an empire. I am sorry to say that puts Redacted is some serious company.

We need to get Trump back in office to save this country and protect it from cities like Redacted NH that have gone from All-America in 1964 to Hate-America in 2021. Hating America is all the rage these days among political activists and academics especially if they are Caucasians expecting special treatment when the flood of new American voters continues over unprotected US borders. The “good” white people are going to turn the rest of us in for “future considerations” in a coming Huxley-Orwell coin-flip world. We are the “bad” white people that voted for Trump, they are like the stupid Jews in Nazi Germany that looked forward to a reward that turned to a holocaust.

God save them,

Damn! We must have the same paper here in Phoenix. Only it has a much lower reading level so democRats can have someone read it to them if they were good and not soiled them self.

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