Exactly what is the WORSE case for Trump Jr.???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"There's a strong case that Donald Trump Jr. violated the prohibition on knowingly soliciting a contribution from a foreign national," said Brendan Fischer of Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan campaign finance reform group.
The relevant statute — 52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510 — bars foreign nationals from making any "contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value" in connection with any election.
It also says no American "shall knowingly solicit, accept or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation" in connection with any election.

Did Donald Trump Jr. break law when he met with Russian lawyer?

OK... so what VALUE did Trump Jr. get from the foreign nationals in that meeting?
Was there any dirt on Hillary, the DNC? NOTHING of VALUE....

But say there was... a very very slim chance but with the biased MSM something of value.

WHAT is the PENALTY??? Death by slow torture? What is the penalty?

AGAIN FACTs from the internet so helpful!

Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.
Home - FEC.gov

Did Trump Jr. receive "contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value" from the Russians? NO!
What did he receive? Nothing.
The statute also says "shall knowingly solicit, accept or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation"
What did Trump Jr knowingly solicit? Nothing.
What did he accept or receive? Nothing.

That is why this is called a "nothing burger". There is nothing there.
Again... read the statute.
Then again...tell me did Trump Jr. solicit, accept or receive any contribution or donation from the Russians, i.e. was there any juicy dirt on Hillary? NO!
Tell me again... did Trump "knowingly and willfully engage in the activities of getting any contribution or donation" NO!
So where's the beef?
it's not an antitrust violation. russiapalooza is helping the Trump family. and the Trumps are helping us to put sunshine on a parasitic press.
The Trump Cartel lives in a shoe factory, and the other shoe will fall sooner than later, and when it does it'll be like dominos ...

Lefty calls him names for the rest of his fabulous life and he and his friends laugh about it over dinner for the next 8 years with his father at The White House!
The Trump Cartel lives in a shoe factory, and the other shoe will fall sooner than later, and when it does it'll be like dominos ...


plus, he doesn't even have a path to the White House.

After Trumps 2 terms, Jr will have 2 terms, then Ivanka
probably nothing to Trump Junior, other than him knowing that it was his email chain and his accepting the meeting with these alleged Kremlin lawyers/associates with govt dirt on Hillary that made his father out to be a LIAR and caught red handed in his lie of never working with any Russians....and possibly the campaign coordinating with them.
Wait a minute, we know Al Gore knowingly solicited contributions from foreign nationals. He was caught with the freaking phone in his hand. Gore was the freaking V.P. Trump Jr was a civilian.
Wait a minute, we know Al Gore knowingly solicited contributions from foreign nationals. He was caught with the freaking phone in his hand. Gore was the freaking V.P. Trump Jr was a civilian.

so did willard ...

Trump = Russia = key word
Aww aww you poor miserable snowflake.

Don't you know that all you are doing is exposing The Swamp?

And nothing will happen with The President or his family but a little Obstruction for his first year or two out of his next 8 years in office.

Look at the data.

You are destroying your party.

Nearly 60% of America thinks that The Democrat Party has no plan for America and that the only goal they have is a desperate agenda to damage The Presidency and disrupt the peaceful transition of power and obstruct obstruct obstruct.

America is turning on you. Thats why Democrats voted for Trump to block a career Political Criminal from winning the Presidency.

You earned that election. No one needed to help you repulse most of America.

84.5% of the Counties in The US went for Trump. Only 16.5% of the counties in the US went for Clinton.

Just think about that for a minute.

probably nothing to Trump Junior, other than him knowing that it was his email chain and his accepting the meeting with these alleged Kremlin lawyers/associates with govt dirt on Hillary that made his father out to be a LIAR and caught red handed in his lie of never working with any Russians....and possibly the campaign coordinating with them.
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Trump conspired to collude to keep Hillary out of the White House

So did 16 other republican campaigns and a couple of dem campaigns, oh and a few independents. The FEC law allows for foreign volunteers.

Your queen bitch had a foreign national on her payroll.

Not only does the FEC allow for foreigners to volunteer on campaigns, you can hire a Russian or Pakistani for instance to work on your campaign.

Pakistani Hackers worked for The DNC in house IT Team.

Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps

So not only is it legal to meet with a foreign national for information, you can hire Pakistanis to work in Information Technology too!

Sit Down & STFU Lefties.

Your hoax is over.

Trump conspired to collude to keep Hillary out of the White House

So did 16 other republican campaigns and a couple of dem campaigns, oh and a few independents. The FEC law allows for foreign volunteers.

Your queen bitch had a foreign national on her payroll.

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Worst case? The embarrassment of having been set-up.
i'm sure that's why the Trumps stayed out politics until DJT decided to be President. don't forget that the career politicians (both sides) don't like that he did that, kinda turned their profession upside down.

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