Evidence of Dominion Vote-Flipping Against Bernie Sanders in 2016 Boosts Trump Charges


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Amazing, liberals have known about this all along but they are awfully silent now!

“Someone is hacking into these computers that tabulate the votes” – US Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA)

It was April of 2016 when Georgia Democrat Hank Johnson saidthese words, in a House Judiciary Committee hearing. Officially, the topic was something bland-sounding, having to do the with voter suppression and insecure elections blah blah.
But the real topic in the air of the packed room was the feeling of many, that Bernie Sanders had just been cheated in the primaries.
Johnson said:
“There is a very insidious, treacherous and deceitful method of voter suppression, and it has to do with the integrity of the voting process itself.”
Johnson was taking about a kind of election fraud that is hard to see. No boxes of ballots disappearing or magically appearing in the middle of the night. A kind which can take but a few keystrokes, once access is gained. A few lines of code. The only way to prove or disprove it conclusively is to hand-count the paper ballots.
Shockingly, both ES&S and its main competitor, Dominion Voting Systems, manufacture vote-counting machines that security experts say can add votes to paper ballots after they are cast by voters.

That July, a team of statisticians and election integrity activists, one of whom was a former president of the American Statistical Association, published a paper that shook many Sanders supporters.

In the first place, the statisticians were concerned that in key counties in all-important New York, such as Kings County in the chart below (Brooklyn,) Hillary Clinton just happened to do much better where the votes were counted by machine, rather than by hand. Kings County uses a combination of Dominion and ES&S vote-counting machines.

The authors of the paper wrote that in New York, a key battleground in Democratic presidential primaries:
“In every single assembly district we examined, except one, Hillary Clinton performed better when the votes were counted by machine; Sanders performed better when the votes were counted by hand. The graph shows eight of the districts that were included in the study. This is a small sample of the overall ballots cast, but the consistency of the results makes a convincing case that something is amiss.”

Kings County, NY (Brooklyn) hand versus machine-counted ballots
Click to expand image

MORE Evidence of Dominion Vote-Flipping Against Bernie Sanders in 2016 Boosts Trump Charges
Why wouldn't they have flipped the votes for Hillary?
Because the folks in control wanted Trump to win. . . duh?

It's the same reason they released all that dirt on Hillary and blamed it on the Russians. . . to distract everyone. You really don't have a clue what is going on, do you? :dunno:

I see we're down to citing "word press" sites now.

That "Publis"--the author of the piece who didn't write a story before 11/8 couldn't get Gateway pundit to buy this piece of crap should tell you something.

Good to see the genius sat on the story for 4 years before publishing it. Quality journalism at it's finest.
Why wouldn't they have flipped the votes for Hillary?

Or in the 2018 midterms? Strange how these machines can't seem to change any Senate races.... Same machine for all of the ballots, same voters, same states, same poll workers pretty much....

I have always wondered how Nancy Pelosi keeps getting voted in. I can't believe all Californians are that ignorant. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these long termers are being put in fraudulently.
What happened against Democrats in the mast meant everything...in the past. It has no significance or importance when happening to Trump now....
- 'I Hate Trump' Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
Why wouldn't they have flipped the votes for Hillary?

Or in the 2018 midterms? Strange how these machines can't seem to change any Senate races.... Same machine for all of the ballots, same voters, same states, same poll workers pretty much....

I have always wondered how Nancy Pelosi keeps getting voted in. I can't believe all Californians are that ignorant. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these long termers are being put in fraudulently.
All Californians don’t vote for Nancy. She’s a member of the House. It’s not a statewide elected office.
Amazing, liberals have known about this all along but they are awfully silent now!

“Someone is hacking into these computers that tabulate the votes” – US Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA)
Gee now Hank Johnson is a stable genius when only yesteryear the CON$ were calling him a stupid kook. Were you lying then or now?

Mr. Johnson may have set a new standard for cluelessness, even by the low standards of the U.S. Congress. Participating in a House Armed Services Committee Hearing on Guam's growing military population, Congressman Johnson suggested if more troops and hardware are placed on the island, it might "tip over and capsize." To emphasize that possibility, he made a tipping motion while he spoke.
What happened against Democrats in the mast meant everything...in the past. It has no significance or importance when happening to Trump now....
- 'I Hate Trump' Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
BDS Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
Why wouldn't they have flipped the votes for Hillary?

Or in the 2018 midterms? Strange how these machines can't seem to change any Senate races.... Same machine for all of the ballots, same voters, same states, same poll workers pretty much....

I have always wondered how Nancy Pelosi keeps getting voted in. I can't believe all Californians are that ignorant. I wouldn't be surprised if many of these long termers are being put in fraudulently.
All Californians don’t vote for Nancy. She’s a member of the House. It’s not a statewide elected office.

What is this then?

What happened against Democrats in the mast meant everything...in the past. It has no significance or importance when happening to Trump now....
- 'I Hate Trump' Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
BDS Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
What's the matter, snowflake? So ignorant, like Biden, that you are too stupid to be able to come up with original thought & have to plagiarize / steal from others?

:p Bwuhahahaha
What happened against Democrats in the mast meant everything...in the past. It has no significance or importance when happening to Trump now....
- 'I Hate Trump' Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
BDS Manual, Page 102, pt 3, line 5.
What's the matter, snowflake? So ignorant, like Biden, that you are too stupid to be able to come up with original thought & have to plagiarize / steal from others?

:p Bwuhahahaha
Just exposing YOUR stupidity.

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