'Eviction Moratorium' Is Biden's Obama 'DACA' - Democrats Celebrate Violations Of The constitution


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Barry knew and told Americans he had no authority to effect Illegal Immigration / Immigration Laws......but he did so anyway a short time later....and Democrats celebrated his violation of the Constitution.

Now the Democrats are celebrating Biden's Constitution-violating extended Eviction Moratorium.


Democrats Applaud Biden’s Unconstitutional Act

'Is a president of the United States flagrantly defying the Constitution an authoritarian act? A threat to democracy? Something that at least should be discouraged or frowned upon?

Judging by the reaction of Democrats and center-left commentators to the lawless last-minute decision of President Joe Biden’s CDC to extend an eviction moratorium sure to be struck down in the courts, the answer is emphatically “no.”

Biden Admits New CDC Eviction Moratorium Runs Counter to 'the Bulk of the Constitutional Scholarship'​

The Supreme Court will likely rule against Biden’s executive gambit.​

"Say this for President Joe Biden: He's willing to admit that the actions of his own administration might not always pass the constitutional smell test. Speaking to reporters this week, Biden announced that a new federal eviction moratorium was coming soon from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it's not likely to pass constitutional muster," Biden acknowledged. "But there are several key scholars who think that it may and it's worth the effort."

So Biden damn-well knows this ins Un-Constitutional, or at least his handlers do. 1) They think it is worth doing anyway because even if overturned by the USSC they will have gotten away with it and delayed Evictions for a month or two. 2) They are willing to chance it because they know there is a strong chance several of the 'Conservative judges' will go along with it because of 'how it would effect people' rather than the Constitutionality of it, as they have done recently.

The dirty demagogue bigot Chuck Schumer doesn't care about landlords going bankrupt and losing their life investment.
All he cares about is his power and money.

Biden Admits He's Buying Time With Latest Attack on Private Property Rights​

Speaking to reporters at the White House Thursday afternoon, President Joe Biden again admitted his recent directive for the Centers for Disease Control to issue a 60-day eviction moratorium extension -- an ongoing attack on private property owners -- is likely unconstitutional. Regardless of its illegality, he's doing it anyway.

Joe Biden himself admits that the eviction moratorium could be unconstitutional, but that it’s just a strategy to buy more time.

HOW does Joe Biden and the Democrats ALREADY KNOW the Eviction Moratorium is UNCONSTITUTIONAL?

The Supreme Court ruled in June that the CDC's eviction moratorium was unconstitutional and needed to end.

In light of the evidence that Biden is INTENTIONALLY VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION, constitutional scholar Mark Levin called for Biden's impeachment....and GOP Politicians should follow suit.

"provide for the general welfare"

If retarded Drumpf supporters had gotten their jabs long ago this wouldn't be necessary. Biden knows he will lose in the long run with the courts but hopefully this gives him time to get the virus under control so people can get back to work.
Why would a President request an extension for something the USSC has already declared to be 'Un-Constitutional' ... and why would snowflakes support and defend such a moronic and / or criminal move?

You just can't fix stupid, as they continue to demonstrate.
All going into the great pot of offenses by Pinocchio Biden to be served up to the American people
when the midterm elections roll around again.

It's going to be great!
"provide for the general welfare"
Why don't you explain to us in detail exactly what that means in the context of the Constitution instead of regurgitating that clause simply because you've heard other likeminded people reference it?
If retarded Drumpf supporters had gotten their jabs long ago this wouldn't be necessary.
You have no evidence of that whatsoever. There are other countries with high vaccination rates, like the UK, going through the same problem we are. Then you have Sweden, whose had practically no restrictions at all, down to less than one death a day.
Why don't you explain to us in detail exactly what that means in the context of the Constitution instead of regurgitating that clause simply because you've heard other likeminded people reference it?

You have no evidence of that whatsoever. There are other countries with high vaccination rates, like the UK, going through the same problem we are. Then you have Sweden, whose had practically no restrictions at all, down to less than one death a day.
No need to explain to you in detail what it means. If I have to explain something that simple then its obvious I need to become a certified special ed teacher.

I dont know what you are babbling about. Its obvious that reason the virus has mutated to the Delta variant is because it has had time to practice on retarded Drumpf supporters.
"provide for the general welfare"

If retarded Drumpf supporters had gotten their jabs long ago this wouldn't be necessary. Biden knows he will lose in the long run with the courts but hopefully this gives him time to get the virus under control so people can get back to work.
haha how does that line apply here?

it’s not necessary now, there are tons of places hiring.

most of the people not working or paying their rent are dembots
Why would a President request an extension for something the USSC has already declared to be 'Un-Constitutional' ... and why would snowflakes support and defend such a moronic and / or criminal move?

You just can't fix stupid, as they continue to demonstrate.
Because about $50 billion dollars was put in our Covid relief bills that passed for renter and landlord relief...

Given to State gvts to disburse to their citizens who were affected by covid and the States have only given out $3 Billion of the $50 billion or so of this renter relief out....

The bail out money is there so renters can pay landlords their money in the rears, and landlords don't have to evict.... And chaos and mayhem can be avoided...
Barry knew and told Americans he had no authority to effect Illegal Immigration / Immigration Laws......but he did so anyway a short time later....and Democrats celebrated his violation of the Constitution.

Now the Democrats are celebrating Biden's Constitution-violating extended Eviction Moratorium.

View attachment 522273

Democrats Applaud Biden’s Unconstitutional Act

'Is a president of the United States flagrantly defying the Constitution an authoritarian act? A threat to democracy? Something that at least should be discouraged or frowned upon?

Judging by the reaction of Democrats and center-left commentators to the lawless last-minute decision of President Joe Biden’s CDC to extend an eviction moratorium sure to be struck down in the courts, the answer is emphatically “no.”

Biden Admits New CDC Eviction Moratorium Runs Counter to 'the Bulk of the Constitutional Scholarship'​

The Supreme Court will likely rule against Biden’s executive gambit.​

"Say this for President Joe Biden: He's willing to admit that the actions of his own administration might not always pass the constitutional smell test. Speaking to reporters this week, Biden announced that a new federal eviction moratorium was coming soon from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it's not likely to pass constitutional muster," Biden acknowledged. "But there are several key scholars who think that it may and it's worth the effort."

So Biden damn-well knows this ins Un-Constitutional, or at least his handlers do. 1) They think it is worth doing anyway because even if overturned by the USSC they will have gotten away with it and delayed Evictions for a month or two. 2) They are willing to chance it because they know there is a strong chance several of the 'Conservative judges' will go along with it because of 'how it would effect people' rather than the Constitutionality of it, as they have done recently.

Trump did the same thing last year and you loved it!
haha how does that line apply here?

it’s not necessary now, there are tons of places hiring.

most of the people not working or paying their rent are dembots
Like I said. If I have to explain....

You never have accurate information so I'm going to need some factual data from a legit source to believe your claim.
Because about $50 billion dollars was put in our Covid relief bills that passed for renter and landlord relief...

1) That's not a sufficient, reasonable, or legally accepted reason for a President to intentionally declare on an extension of something the USSC has already declared Un-Constitutional.

2) You made a great case for not extending the Un-Constitutional policy - Americans were paid thousands of dollars so they could pay their rent.....and many - including those I know - blew the money on 'stuff' instead.

The money should have gone to the LANDLORDS to cover the rent instead of the renters who blew the money.
1) That's not a sufficient, reasonable, or legally accepted reason for a President to intentionally declare on an extension of something the USSC has already declared Un-Constitutional.

2) You made a great case for not extending the Un-Constitutional policy - Americans were paid thousands of dollars so they could pay their rent.....and many - including those I know - blew the money on 'stuff' instead.

The money should have gone to the LANDLORDS to cover the rent instead of the renters who blew the money.
Your boy Drumpf has affected a lot of things. One being that you can stretch the constitution now and no one will bat an eye.
Like I said. If I have to explain....

You never have accurate information so I'm going to need some factual data from a legit source to believe your claim.


The source is not good, the source
is not good, <sqwawk>

Funny how when snowflakes can't debunk what is being reported, they 'circle back' to attempting to discredit the source. Even funnier considering THEIR #1 source is a faux news agency is the bottom-dwelling, muck-sucking rating wise source CNN.

"provide for the general welfare"

If retarded Drumpf supporters had gotten their jabs long ago this wouldn't be necessary. Biden knows he will lose in the long run with the courts but hopefully this gives him time to get the virus under control so people can get back to work.
Trump has encouraged everyone to get vaccinated....what are you talking about doofus? If they were really Trump supporters they would have been vaccinated long ago....it has nothing to do with their politics you total moron maximus. By the way " Provide for the General welfare " also includes property owners....exactly why the four states are able to ignore the mandate and why others will soon follow. Those democratic voters won't vote democrat again now will they?


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