“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
Blah blah Trump bad #15664437788


Trump voters are even WORSE. Democrats have a bound duty and need to take up arms and rid themselves of the deplorable Republicans. The cowards just don't have the guts.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
So the obama admin allowed other countries to choose our foreign policy?
Thats all I get out of this justification.
It explains why you are a member of the Trump cult.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.
The next fact you post will be your first. Any monkey can cut and paste. Put yourself out there and give an opinion. See how that goes. Here is another fact. Trump will not get convicted. Troll.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.
The next fact you post will be your first. Any monkey can cut and paste. Put yourself out there and give an opinion. See how that goes. Here is another fact. Trump will not get convicted. Troll.
IDGAF about your opinions. Please refute any of the facts contained in the article I linked to. If you can't do that I have no interest in your insipid babbling.
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.
The point of an investigation is the uncover facts.
Then why was Don's focus on getting his minions to work on getting Ukraine to announce an investigation? Answer, in order to create an air of suspicion based on absolutely nothing. He saw how effective the endless smear campaign worked in the 2016 election and was going back to a reliable playbook.

But mostly the post is about exposing the innuendos Biden as complete bullshit.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.

Did you not even read your own link?
The article states that Burisma claimed it hired Hunter for a lawyer team, and Hunter himself contradicted that.

It even says that the fact that Hunter was hired by the company looks bad, then it just dismisses it by saying this is just “routine business” in Washington.

In the midst of these troubles, Hunter Biden accepted a Burisma board seat, and was paid for his trouble, sometimes as much as $50,000 per month. It is unclear what he did for the company. Burisma said at the time that Biden — a lawyer — would be “in charge of” a legal unit. Biden told the New York Times in May 2019 that this was incorrect: “At no time was I in charge of the company’s legal affairs.”

Though none of this looks great for the Bidens, it is, unfortunately, routine business in Washington to hire the family members of powerful officials in hopes of gaining influence over public policy. For example, President Jimmy Carter’s brother, Billy; President George W. Bush’s brother, Neil; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham were all involved in business interests that once drew concern
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

Sorry, but that’s not how the constitution works. Before you investigate you need some credible reason. “Looks fishy” doesn’t justify invading someone’s privacy.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
They don’t care. They won’t even acknowledge it. It doesn’t fit the narrative so it’s should not be considered.
The point of an investigation is the uncover facts.
Then why was Don's focus on getting his minions to work on getting Ukraine to announce an investigation? Answer, in order to create an air of suspicion based on absolutely nothing. He saw how effective the endless smear campaign worked in the 2016 election and was going back to a reliable playbook.

But mostly the post is about exposing the innuendos Biden as complete bullshit.

To expose the obvious corruption by Joe Biden. Or is it just a giant coincidence Hunter landed all those jobs in countries his dad had government dealings with resulting in Hunter earning millions of dollars for jobs he wasn't qualified for.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.
The next fact you post will be your first. Any monkey can cut and paste. Put yourself out there and give an opinion. See how that goes. Here is another fact. Trump will not get convicted. Troll.
IDGAF about your opinions. Please refute any of the facts contained in the article I linked to. If you can't do that I have no interest in your insipid babbling.

Vox is a Leftist rag. Should I refute The Enquirer too? Please post your own opinion or STFU. I'll tell you what if you're so confident he is guilty then put your ass on the line. If the Senate doesn't convict, you leave this board forever. Deal?
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

Sorry, but that’s not how the constitution works. Before you investigate you need some credible reason. “Looks fishy” doesn’t justify invading someone’s privacy.

He had credible reason. Biden on national TV said no aid until the prosecutor is fired and he was looking into a company where his son sat on the BOD, was getting paid a lot of $$ and didn't have the experience to garner such a role.
The point of an investigation is the uncover facts.
Then why was Don's focus on getting his minions to work on getting Ukraine to announce an investigation? Answer, in order to create an air of suspicion based on absolutely nothing. He saw how effective the endless smear campaign worked in the 2016 election and was going back to a reliable playbook.
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.

Did you not even read your own link?
The article states that Burisma claimed it hired Hunter for a lawyer team, and Hunter himself contradicted that.

It even says that the fact that Hunter was hired by the company looks bad, then it just dismisses it by saying this is just “routine business” in Washington.

In the midst of these troubles, Hunter Biden accepted a Burisma board seat, and was paid for his trouble, sometimes as much as $50,000 per month. It is unclear what he did for the company. Burisma said at the time that Biden — a lawyer — would be “in charge of” a legal unit. Biden told the New York Times in May 2019 that this was incorrect: “At no time was I in charge of the company’s legal affairs.”

Though none of this looks great for the Bidens, it is, unfortunately, routine business in Washington to hire the family members of powerful officials in hopes of gaining influence over public policy. For example, President Jimmy Carter’s brother, Billy; President George W. Bush’s brother, Neil; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham were all involved in business interests that once drew concern
So........your point is H. Biden was honest about what he did for Burisma? Remind me not to have you on my debate team.
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

Sorry, but that’s not how the constitution works. Before you investigate you need some credible reason. “Looks fishy” doesn’t justify invading someone’s privacy.

He had credible reason. Biden on national TV said no aid until the prosecutor is fired and he was looking into a company where his son sat on the BOD, was getting paid a lot of $$ and didn't have the experience to garner such a role.
The matter of taking his quote out of context is addressed.

"So in March 2016, Biden says he told the Ukrainian government that their loan guarantees would be cut off unless they removed Shokin. He told the story at a session at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours,” Biden told his audience. “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’”

The former vice president said after the threat, “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

But though Biden may have taken credit for it, this was hardly his unique idea. “Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked,” Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told the Wall Street Journal. “The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD, everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”

The people of Ukraine wanted Shokin gone as well, and demonstrated for his removal around the time of Biden’s threat. Shortly after that demonstration, Shokin was dismissed."

Anything else?
They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts

The point of an investigation is to uncover facts. If someone robbed a bank in your neighborhood and you just happened to upgrade your Geo Storm with a Lamborghini the next day, you may be investigated, even though no facts exist proving your guilt. Same thing happened with Biden. It looks fishy and should be investigated.

Sorry, but that’s not how the constitution works. Before you investigate you need some credible reason. “Looks fishy” doesn’t justify invading someone’s privacy.

He had credible reason. Biden on national TV said no aid until the prosecutor is fired and he was looking into a company where his son sat on the BOD, was getting paid a lot of $$ and didn't have the experience to garner such a role.

Couple of problems. First and most obvious is that Shokin was not looking into Burisma.

There goes your credible reason.

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