Every Day We Find More Proof....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...of the huge mistake you Democrats made, and that you Democrats are.

At this point in time, the Afghanistan farrago.

Trump had an air-tight plan to save our civilians, allies, equipment and classified documents.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away” Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript
Did he write up that plan himself using his extensive military knowledge and experience?
Did he write up that plan himself using his extensive military knowledge and experience?

Did you read it?

Do you feel it necessary to put on Chapstick before you lubricate Democrat Party's boots with your lips?
I am far more effectively critical of Democrats than you are. That's because I live in reality.

Watch me ram that lie back down your throat:

Which plan is better, Trump's or the mess that Democrats made?

What are the mistakes in Trump's detailed plan?

When will you be changing your avi to 'Pinocchio'????
Which plan is better, Trump's or the mess that Democrats made?
Trump's "plan" sounds good, but can only be speculated on because he's not the president. That it would have gone seamlessly under Trump is just your assumption and his. If Trump was the president it would be camp Biden criticizing every failure and declaring how they would have done it all better. In that sense you partisans and your handlers are actually very similar.

It's my opinion that this was going to be some level of mess no matter what, and that ultimately the Taliban would have taken control regardless. I happen to credit Trump a lot for the fact that the removal of our troops happened at all. His rhetoric involving bringing troops home was indeed important.
Trump's "plan" sounds good, but can only be speculated on because he's not the president. That it would have gone seamlessly under Trump is just your assumption and his. If Trump was the president it would be camp Biden criticizing every failure and declaring how they would have done it all better. In that sense you partisans and your handlers are actually very similar.

It's my opinion that this was going to be some level of mess no matter what, and that ultimately the Taliban would have taken control regardless. I happen to credit Trump a lot for the fact that it happened at all. His rhetoric involving bringing troops home was indeed important.

You tried to suggest it was not a well-thought out plan, now it "sounds good.'

You don't.

But I must admit...This is the first time I've seen a pustule postulate.
You tried to suggest it was not a well-thought out plan
No I didn't. I tried to suggest he didn't write up a plan himself. He listened to specific advisors just like every president does. Trump is not a military strategist. You're trying to credit Trump for a plan he didn't actually create, and also a plan that was never actually tested.
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...of the huge mistake you Democrats made, and that you Democrats are.

At this point in time, the Afghanistan farrago.

Again, the mistake in Afghanistan is when Bush went in and didn't kill Bin Laden or finish the job.

Everything else was just postponing the day when the Taliban would come back because most Afghans AGREE WITH THE TALIBAN!!!
Again, the mistake in Afghanistan is when Bush went in and didn't kill Bin Laden
And you are the other side of the idiocy by suggesting it is a failure of Bush directly that Osama was not killed while he was in office. Was Obama over there in the Middle East searching the correct rabbit holes? You really credit him personally with that? You are all stupid as fuck, seriously.
No I didn't. I tried to suggest he didn't write up a plan himself. He listened to specific advisors just like every president does. Trump is not a military strategist. You're trying to credit Trump for a plan he didn't actually create.

You wrote this, lying scum:

"Did he write up that plan himself using his extensive military knowledge and experience?"

Let's review.

The OP brought you in as truth is a rare find in your usual worldview.

You became irked at how different the material is from your usual indoctrinee pap.

You became enraged when you realized you couldn't dispute any or it!!!!

But you felt the need to try to post opposition so you wouldn't incur the wrath of your masters.

Even though your vapid and mindless posts revealed that you less than nothing, you plodded on!

And I caught you in an obvious lie.

Pretty much the case, huh?
...of the huge mistake you Democrats made, and that you Democrats are.

At this point in time, the Afghanistan farrago.

Trump had an air-tight plan to save our civilians, allies, equipment and classified documents.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away” Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript

Trump's hindsight is truly 20-20. I don't recall any Afghan equipment being removed under Trump.
And you are the other side of the idiocy by suggesting it is a failure of Bush directly that Osama was not killed while he was in office. Was Obama over there in the Middle East searching the correct rabbit holes? You really credit him personally with that? You are all stupid as fuck, seriously.

Uh, yeah, it was a failure of Bush directly. Because in 2002, when he had the Taliban on the ropes, he pulled the troops out of Afghanistan to get ready to invade Iraq.

That gave the Taliban a chance to regroup, for Pakistan to rethink it's position of helping us to subtly aiding the Taliban and hiding Bin Laden, and for average Afghans to really wonder if they were willing to fight for a government that had been imposed on them.

I also give Obama a lot of the blame. Obama decided he wanted to look Hawkish, so he supported escalating in Afghanistan, while he was drawing down in Iraq. He called Afghanistan the "War of Necessity" (it wasn't) while Iraq was the "War of Choice". Even after Karzai stole the 2009 election and made it abundantly clear that Afghan Democracy was a farce, he doubled down on aiding them.

Then we get to Trump. Trump who thinks that everything can be solved with a "Deal". So he made a "Deal" with the Taliban. We'll pull out if you don't shoot us while we are leaving, and then we'll pretty much cut off the Afghan government. To sweeten the pot, we'll release 5000 Taliban hard cases. All you have to do is pinky-swear that you will negotiate with the Afghan Government.

so Biden did the sensible thing... not to waste any more resources on a lost cause.
Trump's hindsight is truly 20-20. I don't recall any Afghan equipment being removed under Trump.

There are so very many things you don't recall.

It must be due to that auto accident where they were only able to recover one cerebral hemisphere.

Jot this down: Trump was not President during the withdrawal, due to the stolen election.....you dunce.
He didn't steal stuff after his presidency....unlike the Clintons.

The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

BTW.....do you happen to recall whether you voted for the thieves....er, Clintons?
Warning: you REALLY don't want to compare educational CVs.
Yeah, mostly because this is the internet and that would be somewhat cringe-worthy. What am I supposed to think when you arrogantly tell me my message means something other than what it does? You're the one with a failing reading comprehension.
so Biden did the sensible thing... not to waste any more resources on a lost cause.
This whole thing is kind of funny to me, because my position has always been that we need to just leave. Biden gets points with me for this, and God knows he needed some.
Yeah, mostly because this is the internet and that would be somewhat cringe-worthy. What am I supposed to think when you arrogantly tell me my message means something other than what it does? You're the one with a failing reading comprehension.

Actually, PC Isn't a person. She's a response spamming program someone pasted a picture of an Asian chick on.

You can tell in that she almost never directly addresses people's arguments.

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