Hi Its:
Well hello everyone. I know there is a lot of conspiracies going around. Well i can tell you their all false, and ill tell you why . . .
Your Opening Post comments prove beyond all doubt that a fool is born every minute. The
Top Ten Reasons The USA Will Be Destroyed are listed
here if you want to start ‘debunking’ anything. One example that ItsMe is dead wrong can be easily demonstrated by the presence of this empty hole . . .
. . . where Senor Bushie and Obama say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed on 9/11 (
my Topic). If all the conspiracy theories are false (yeah right), then go right ahead and start explaining why . . .
. . . we are looking at an EMPTY HOLE with unburned grass growing on all the slopes. Click on the
little video clip (
here) and tell us
‘your’ explanation for the EMPTY HOLE.
These conspiracy theories are false because our government says so. Why on earth would our government lie to us? they have nothing to hide at all.
Only a moron would come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum and pretend that the Govt has nothing to hide, when all of the pictures . . .
. . . contain the same EMPTY HOLE in the same empty field. Here is a challenge for this ItsMe cartoon character who thinks that ‘all’ conspiracy theories are false: Click on the
April 20, 1994 Geological Survey Picture (
here) showing
the EMPTY HOLE and tell everyone here why you think the Govt is telling ‘the’ 911Truth that a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here on 9/11.
Yeah so maybe people heard about the Battle for Los Angeles, when a supposed ufo hovered over LA in 1942, and yeah sure the army was shooting artiliary rounds for over hours, and there were pictures everywhere in the paper with thousands of witnesses seeing.
So maybe you have heard of the 9/11 attacks and maybe you are trying to develop some 9/11 LIES to support Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their band of Inside-job Bad Guys who carried out the 9/11 attacks and murdered thousands of innocent Americans; while stealing between 3 and 5 Trillion dollars.
BTW, Senor Bushie (and you) say a band of
Bearded Jihadist Radicals planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks, which means Senor Bushie (and you) are Conspiracy Theorists just like everyone with an explanation of what really happened.
This is a picture of where Senor Bushie (and you) say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour.
So, ItsMe can go right ahead and give us ‘his’ explanation for what really happened, because obviously NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here (not even close =
my Topic).
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]Jamie McIntyre Was There On 9/11[/ame]
We have many expert witnesses saying that no 100-Ton Jetliner Crashed at the Pentagon . . .
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Expert Pentagon Witness Testimony[/ame]
. . . so, we must believe Senor Bushie’s Testimony . . .
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]. . . Bush Has Been Lying From Day One . . .[/ame]
. . . or we believe those Experts who all agree that
NO 100-Ton Jetliner Crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 or any other day.
People wake up, it was a weather balloon duhh!
No. The Bushie Administration is LYING about everything pertaining to the
9/11 Inside Job Attacks (
my blog) and ItsMe cannot prove otherwise in a kabillion years! Those among you standing with liars and murderers of innocent Americans can burn with them in the
lake of fire to the ages of the ages with
your father the devil (
Rev. 20:10-15, 21:8) . . .