Every conspiracy theory debunked


May 20, 2009
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Well hello everyone. I know there is a lot of conspiracies going around. Well i can tell you their all false, and ill tell you why. These conspiracy theories are false because our government says so. Why on earth would our government lie to us? they have nothing to hide at all. Yeah so maybe people heard about the Battle for Los Angeles, when a supposed ufo hovered over LA in 1942, and yeah sure the army was shooting artiliary rounds for over hours, and there were pictures everywhere in the paper with thousands of witnesses seeing. People wake up, it was a weather balloon duhh! you see the U.S. Army wanted something to shoot at, at that particular time, and a weather balloon just seemed like a good idea. although with all the artiliary rounds and bullets that filled the sky, that balloon still made it through and continued to float way. I mean do you really think a bunch of rich people enjoy getting together and try to control a country? no way thats hard work people. they are way to happy with what their doing to do something crazy like that. the illuminati, it should be more like "a fake group that was made up". now that all your concerns are met, go back to worrying about how trashed lindsay lohan is and what american idol canidate is going to win. trust us, we're the government.
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Well hello everyone. I know there is a lot of conspiracies going around. Well i can tell you their all false, and ill tell you why. These conspiracy theories are false because our government says so. Why on earth would our government lie to us? they have nothing to hide at all. Yeah so maybe people heard about the Battle for Los Angeles, when a supposed ufo hovered over LA in 1942, and yeah sure the army was shooting artiliary rounds for over hours, and there were pictures everywhere in the paper with thousands of witnesses seeing. People wake up, it was a weather balloon duhh! you see the U.S. Army wanted something to shoot at, at that particular time, and a weather balloon just seemed like a good idea. although with all the artiliary rounds and bullets that filled the sky, that balloon still made it through and continued to float way. I mean do you really think a bunch of rich people enjoy getting together and try to control a country? no way thats hard work people. they are way to happy with what their doing to do something crazy like that. the illuminati, it should be more like "a fake group that was made up". now that all your concerns are met, go back to worrying about how trashed lindsay lohan is and what american idol canidate is going to win. trust us, we're the government.

Lol.great thread.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:yeah its hilarious some of the posters here that post.their so much in denial about government conspiracys that their mindset they have is because the government SAID it happened the way they said it happened like the roswell UFO story you used as an example,they automatically swallow their explanations hook,line and sinker now matter how many times they have been caught lying and changing their storys when the facts prove the offical explanation to be nothing but lies.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
its crazy to think that all these conspiracy theories...well are just that theories. so no one does wrong ever huh?
Well hello everyone. I know there is a lot of conspiracies going around. Well i can tell you their all false, and ill tell you why. These conspiracy theories are false because our government says so. Why on earth would our government lie to us? they have nothing to hide at all. Yeah so maybe people heard about the Battle for Los Angeles, when a supposed ufo hovered over LA in 1942, and yeah sure the army was shooting artiliary rounds for over hours, and there were pictures everywhere in the paper with thousands of witnesses seeing. People wake up, it was a weather balloon duhh! you see the U.S. Army wanted something to shoot at, at that particular time, and a weather balloon just seemed like a good idea. although with all the artiliary rounds and bullets that filled the sky, that balloon still made it through and continued to float way. I mean do you really think a bunch of rich people enjoy getting together and try to control a country? no way thats hard work people. they are way to happy with what their doing to do something crazy like that. the illuminati, it should be more like "a fake group that was made up". now that all your concerns are met, go back to worrying about how trashed lindsay lohan is and what american idol canidate is going to win. trust us, we're the government.

You are a liar. That stuff didnt happen. Of course, you could easily prove me wrong by showing us some of these supposed pictures of the event, and you can also show us all these newspaper articles you speak of. Show your proof, or peddle your lies elswhere.
The following are excerpts from the primary front page story of the LA Times on February 26th. Note that there is not a SINGLE description of the object even though is was clearly locked in the focus of dozens of searchlights for well over half an hour and seen by hundreds of thousands of people:

battle of LA
its crazy to think that all these conspiracy theories...well are just that theories. so no one does wrong ever huh?

I just re read your article and i noticed you were talking about a UFO sighting over LA in 1942,not the famous roswell new mexico ufo crash where trained military personel said it was nothing like any military aircraft they had ever seen anywhere around the world,that it was way too advanced for anything mankind could come up with,the government still today tries to cover it up saying those military people who said they saw small aliens in the ship mistaked them for first as being dummies,THEN changing their story that it was japenese people in a weather ballon-they wont get off that weather ballon story still to this day.unreal.there are some people around here I have noticed where they can accept it that the CIA killed kennedy,but when you talk about them being behind 9/11 as well,that hits too close to home to them and they live in denial about that even though the evidence is even more overwhelming that it was also an inside job.of course theres posters here who afraid of the truth on ANY government conspiracy like the kennedy assassination like that frady cat poster Godboy here as you can see.
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Well see you gotta understand, americans are just now trying to justify the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan, so learning that there was no enemy rattles their whole belief system and we as humans dont want to believe something for so long then be told something else that trumps what they believed earlier. To me, i think it was a 50/50 thing. I think the CIA went to Saudi Arabia, who by the way love the bush family, and asked to borrow some of criminals in saudi arabia, and sent them on a mission to just to take over a few planes. and since the higher ups in he CIA are mostly skull and bone members (both bush sr. and jr. were members of, been documented) they had the connections and power to allow these men to board the planes and take off. normally these men would never be allowed to fly in our planes. these men didnt realize it was a suicide mission, but the CIA could not let them live to risk telling their story. and well he rest is history and cover up. well thats what i believe, i could be very wrong.
well its definetely a lot closer to the truth than the fairy tale version of the governments no doubt.also meant to say earlier,your thread is kinda similiar to Pale Riders where he says the truth about how FACTS around here are considered conspiracy theorys.LOL. check your pm box.I got something to show you on 9/11.
Hi Its:

Well hello everyone. I know there is a lot of conspiracies going around. Well i can tell you their all false, and ill tell you why . . .

Your Opening Post comments prove beyond all doubt that a fool is born every minute. The Top Ten Reasons The USA Will Be Destroyed are listed here if you want to start ‘debunking’ anything. One example that ItsMe is dead wrong can be easily demonstrated by the presence of this empty hole . . .


. . . where Senor Bushie and Obama say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed on 9/11 (my Topic). If all the conspiracy theories are false (yeah right), then go right ahead and start explaining why . . .


. . . we are looking at an EMPTY HOLE with unburned grass growing on all the slopes. Click on the little video clip (here) and tell us ‘your’ explanation for the EMPTY HOLE.

These conspiracy theories are false because our government says so. Why on earth would our government lie to us? they have nothing to hide at all.

Only a moron would come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum and pretend that the Govt has nothing to hide, when all of the pictures . . .



. . . contain the same EMPTY HOLE in the same empty field. Here is a challenge for this ItsMe cartoon character who thinks that ‘all’ conspiracy theories are false: Click on the April 20, 1994 Geological Survey Picture (here) showing the EMPTY HOLE and tell everyone here why you think the Govt is telling ‘the’ 911Truth that a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here on 9/11.

Yeah so maybe people heard about the Battle for Los Angeles, when a supposed ufo hovered over LA in 1942, and yeah sure the army was shooting artiliary rounds for over hours, and there were pictures everywhere in the paper with thousands of witnesses seeing.

So maybe you have heard of the 9/11 attacks and maybe you are trying to develop some 9/11 LIES to support Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their band of Inside-job Bad Guys who carried out the 9/11 attacks and murdered thousands of innocent Americans; while stealing between 3 and 5 Trillion dollars.


BTW, Senor Bushie (and you) say a band of Bearded Jihadist Radicals planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks, which means Senor Bushie (and you) are Conspiracy Theorists just like everyone with an explanation of what really happened.


This is a picture of where Senor Bushie (and you) say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour.


So, ItsMe can go right ahead and give us ‘his’ explanation for what really happened, because obviously NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed here (not even close = my Topic).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]Jamie McIntyre Was There On 9/11[/ame]

We have many expert witnesses saying that no 100-Ton Jetliner Crashed at the Pentagon . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]Expert Pentagon Witness Testimony[/ame]

. . . so, we must believe Senor Bushie’s Testimony . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]. . . Bush Has Been Lying From Day One . . .[/ame]

. . . or we believe those Experts who all agree that NO 100-Ton Jetliner Crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 or any other day.

People wake up, it was a weather balloon duhh!

No. The Bushie Administration is LYING about everything pertaining to the 9/11 Inside Job Attacks (my blog) and ItsMe cannot prove otherwise in a kabillion years! Those among you standing with liars and murderers of innocent Americans can burn with them in the lake of fire to the ages of the ages with your father the devil (Rev. 20:10-15, 21:8) . . .


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terral i think you missed the point of my post. i was being sarcastic.
Hi Itsme:

terral i think you missed the point of my post. i was being sarcastic.

Thousands of innocent Americans are crying out that "I was murdered on 9/11" and a rogue element working inside our Federal, State and Local Govt's are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgfzqulvhlQ"]You Are Making A Real American Very Angry[/ame]

. . . 'and' are running a Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign (explained) through the Department of Defense, the FBI, CIA, NSA and subordinate agencies.

Jesus Christ describes my situation perfectly, saying, "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Matthew 12:30. That means you are either part of the solution and leading our brothers and sisters into the "Light," OR you are part of the cotton-picking problem. Everyone running diversion for the Inside-Job Bad Guys shall suffer their eternal fiery fate . . .


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Just as it's crazy to believe in most conspiracy theories?

It's crazy to automatically dismiss every conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies happen, folks.

The problem is discovering which are merely theories, and which actually exist.

In fact that's really the beauty of the BIG LIE, isn't it?

It is so audacious that people kneejerkingly dismiss the idea that anyone would lie so boldly.
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Hi Editec:

Just as it's crazy to believe in most conspiracy theories?

It's crazy to automatically dismiss every conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies happen, folks.

The problem is discovering which are merely theories, and which actually exist.

In fact that's really the beauty of the BIG LIE, isn't it?

It is so audacious that people kneejerkingly dismiss the idea that anyone would lie so boldly.

We The Sheeple have already been primed for utter destruction (Top 10 Reasons) and that is exactly what they deserve for being so naive (:confused::tongue::confused:) and stupid (:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::cuckoo:)! The angel of the Lord no longer intercedes for this godless nation (since 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 PM) and all that remains ('freight train' = Bio-Weapon Virus = second warning post = 4/30/2009) is the perishing . . .


Hi Editec:

Just as it's crazy to believe in most conspiracy theories?

It's crazy to automatically dismiss every conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies happen, folks.

The problem is discovering which are merely theories, and which actually exist.

In fact that's really the beauty of the BIG LIE, isn't it?

It is so audacious that people kneejerkingly dismiss the idea that anyone would lie so boldly.

We The Sheeple have already been primed for utter destruction (Top 10 Reasons) and that is exactly what they deserve for being so naive (:confused::tongue::confused:) and stupid (:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::cuckoo:)! The angel of the Lord no longer intercedes for this godless nation (since 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 PM) and all that remains ('freight train' = Bio-Weapon Virus = second warning post = 4/30/2009) is the perishing . . .



Must be nice to be so sure of such things.

When does the world come to an end again?
Hi Editec:

Must be nice to be so sure of such things.

When does the world come to an end again?

The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (in blue) is just now about to begin. The 1000 Years (pic) pass and the Messiah (Adam = "Man of the Earth") is cut off (Dan. 9:26) about 56 years from the End of the Age (diagram). The 'two witnesses' (Zech. 4:11-14, Rev. 11) appear very near the End of the Age to begin their testimony, but all of that takes place in about 1000 years (far right).

This current creation then passes away (Rev. 20:11) making room for the New Creation (New Heaven and New Earth pic), but that reconstitution process takes place over and over again throughout all the ages to come (mentioned in Eph. 2:7 and Ecc. 1:9-11). The Creation is remade 490 times for each of 'seven days' (490 x 7 = 3430 times) until God is eventually "all in all" (1Cor. 15:28 = diagram).

Therefore, we are a VERY LONG way from seeing the END of creation . . .


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Hi Editec:

Must be nice to be so sure of such things.

When does the world come to an end again?

The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (in blue) is just now about to begin. The 1000 Years (pic) pass and the Messiah (Adam = "Man of the Earth") is cut off (Dan. 9:26) about 56 years from the End of the Age (diagram). The 'two witnesses' (Zech. 4:11-14, Rev. 11) appear very near the End of the Age to begin their testimony, but all of that takes place in about 1000 years (far right).

This current creation then passes away (Rev. 20:11) making room for the New Creation (New Heaven and New Earth pic), but that reconstitution process takes place over and over again throughout all the ages to come (mentioned in Eph. 2:7 and Ecc. 1:9-11). The Creation is remade 490 times for each of 'seven days' (490 x 7 = 3430 times) until God is eventually "all in all" (1Cor. 15:28 = diagram).

Therefore, we are a VERY LONG way from seeing the END of creation . . .



That's encouraging to read.

I'm rather fond of this earth of ours despite all its shortcomings.
its nothing like the world ending or anything. its just a group of rich men wanting more power. okay lets say only 10% of what is said here is true, thats still very alarming, or better yet, what we are saying is a lie that was made up, well every lie has a grain of truth. its ignorant to think that these powerful groups dont exist, and that they dont do things like this. to say that stuff like these theories dont happen is to say that there are no evil people at all. yes its hard to find which conspiracy theory is true or just theory, but when you have overwhelming evidence, its kinda hard to ignore it.
its nothing like the world ending or anything. its just a group of rich men wanting more power. okay lets say only 10% of what is said here is true, thats still very alarming, or better yet, what we are saying is a lie that was made up, well every lie has a grain of truth. its ignorant to think that these powerful groups dont exist, and that they dont do things like this. to say that stuff like these theories dont happen is to say that there are no evil people at all. yes its hard to find which conspiracy theory is true or just theory, but when you have overwhelming evidence, its kinda hard to ignore it.

A "conspiracy" doesn't have to be a sinister plot or a scheme to rule the world. A conspiracy is simply two or more people than agree to bringing about a given result; unlawful at worst and deceitful at best.
thanks i know what a conspiracy is, but what i am talking about is the conspiracies we are reffering to.

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