Evergreen State College liberals are outraged that their racism was posted online for world to see.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Students Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College

Activists are not pleased that the embarrassing video can now be seen by the world on the internet, and they they are demanding that the “stolen” document be “taken down” by this Friday.

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

The students then outline just how they expect the university to proceed to find the guilty culprits. Claiming to have been in touch with “the Attorney General’s office,” the students suggest that the university “commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation” to discover just who “stole” the video, and, if a suspect is found, to ask that criminal charges be brought against the suspect “in consultation with the Attorney General.”

The video contains many memorable moments of the students’ interacting with their school administrators. They shout “fuck you, and fuck the police” repeatedly while maintaining that “whiteness is the most violent fuckin’ system to ever breathe!” Attempting a philosophical bridge, the students say they are “tired of white people talking about what black and brown people need” before getting to their real point: “Fuck you George [Bridges]; we don’t wanna listen to a goddamn thing you have to say! No, you shut the fuck up.”..

...Professor Bret Weinstein, who had already experienced the students’ antics in his classroom, recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the latest student uprising was “far crazier” than what had come before.

Why do these snowflakes even go to college? They obviously feel that they know everything (even though they apparently didn't know that a loud, obnoxious protest like this would get filmed and uploaded to YouTube) and have zero interest in learning anything from professors.

Also, if you don't like being exposed as a violent, hateful, racist online, maybe you should go to class and study instead of screaming at your professors for being white and/or for having a penis or whatever.

Students Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College

Activists are not pleased that the embarrassing video can now be seen by the world on the internet, and they they are demanding that the “stolen” document be “taken down” by this Friday.

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

The students then outline just how they expect the university to proceed to find the guilty culprits. Claiming to have been in touch with “the Attorney General’s office,” the students suggest that the university “commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation” to discover just who “stole” the video, and, if a suspect is found, to ask that criminal charges be brought against the suspect “in consultation with the Attorney General.”

The video contains many memorable moments of the students’ interacting with their school administrators. They shout “fuck you, and fuck the police” repeatedly while maintaining that “whiteness is the most violent fuckin’ system to ever breathe!” Attempting a philosophical bridge, the students say they are “tired of white people talking about what black and brown people need” before getting to their real point: “Fuck you George [Bridges]; we don’t wanna listen to a goddamn thing you have to say! No, you shut the fuck up.”..

...Professor Bret Weinstein, who had already experienced the students’ antics in his classroom, recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the latest student uprising was “far crazier” than what had come before.

Why do these snowflakes even go to college? They obviously feel that they know everything (even though they apparently didn't know that a loud, obnoxious protest like this would get filmed and uploaded to YouTube) and have zero interest in learning anything from professors.

Also, if you don't like being exposed as a violent, hateful, racist online, maybe you should go to class and study instead of screaming at your professors for being white and/or for having a penis or whatever.

This will be a learning experience for them.
College students, libs or cons. Will they be able to learn life's little lessons?

Students Furious Over Release Of Video Depicting Them Going Berserk At College

Activists are not pleased that the embarrassing video can now be seen by the world on the internet, and they they are demanding that the “stolen” document be “taken down” by this Friday.

“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday.”

The students then outline just how they expect the university to proceed to find the guilty culprits. Claiming to have been in touch with “the Attorney General’s office,” the students suggest that the university “commit to launching an extensive forensic investigation” to discover just who “stole” the video, and, if a suspect is found, to ask that criminal charges be brought against the suspect “in consultation with the Attorney General.”

The video contains many memorable moments of the students’ interacting with their school administrators. They shout “fuck you, and fuck the police” repeatedly while maintaining that “whiteness is the most violent fuckin’ system to ever breathe!” Attempting a philosophical bridge, the students say they are “tired of white people talking about what black and brown people need” before getting to their real point: “Fuck you George [Bridges]; we don’t wanna listen to a goddamn thing you have to say! No, you shut the fuck up.”..

...Professor Bret Weinstein, who had already experienced the students’ antics in his classroom, recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the latest student uprising was “far crazier” than what had come before.

Why do these snowflakes even go to college? They obviously feel that they know everything (even though they apparently didn't know that a loud, obnoxious protest like this would get filmed and uploaded to YouTube) and have zero interest in learning anything from professors.

Also, if you don't like being exposed as a violent, hateful, racist online, maybe you should go to class and study instead of screaming at your professors for being white and/or for having a penis or whatever.

Leave it to the 'Greeners' as they are not so affectionately called.

But here is more news about it.....

Protests erupt over racism at Evergreen State College

and the president expresses gratitude for them taking over campus (wtf??)

Evergreen State College president expresses ‘gratitude’ for students who took over campus

Police urge professor to stay away for his own safety......
Police have urged a college professor to stay off campus for his safety as students demand his firing

and this is from the college website directly.....

Tolerance and Respect Show the Way Forward

Safety for All in Teaching and Learning
Lmfao I see burger King flipping in their future..when a potential employer see Evergreen on their resume

Liberals hate having to own their hypocricy.

Is it so wrong to treat people with respect?
Respect is earned.
Why the personal attacks, bear?

Both libs and cons blame everybody else but themselves. That's what they do. Nothing new here.

What personal attacks? Look at the OP, go ahead and put evergreen college class of 2017 on your resume ..see where that will get you now.
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A proud Evergreen alum ...

Liberals hate having to own their hypocricy.

Is it so wrong to treat people with respect?

Respect is earned


Rights are constitutional and backed up by the laws of our country.

Can someone like me earn your respect?

No because you are a racist, your old posts on here don't go away. You can play all the games you want and ignore me when I call you out, it won't change the fact that you are a slime ball racist.

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