Ever wonder how many of Biden's twitter followers are fakes, bots and liars?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
A lot. Now if they regularly do this on social media, just think what kind of shit they try to pull during elections.

"81 million votes", my ass.

twitter bots.jpg
Twitter will Die a Fast Death under Musk.
You RWI's better support this twit, or it will DIE.
Its so wonderful observing you evil baby killers rage, how many jabs you up to, four??? Stone cold fucking dead by no later than 2025, perhaps this winter, you have a glop of worm like blockage growing in your body, most likely in an artery near kidneys or heart, mask up and happy fucking trails! :fu:
lol. The abject hate for an acquisition simply because Musk said he supports free speech.

This is how the modern left views speech, as something to be feared and destroyed.

^^ ReeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee
Run! It‘s free speech on Twitter!

I'm just saying Free Speech has consequences.
Twitter has lately been infiltrated with So-Called Patriots using inappropriate language.

Are you ok with Twitter constantly using NI$$er ?
And other HATE speech?

Well done.
I'm just saying Free Speech has consequences.
Twitter has lately been infiltrated with So-Called Patriots using inappropriate language.

Are you ok with Twitter constantly using NI$$er ?
And other HATE speech?

Well done.
Hate speech? There are 0 "hatespeech" laws in the us, brah.

Here's proof:

If libtards hate what you say then it's hate speech to them.
Spoken like a TRUE....

1) trumptard
2) KKKult Member
3) Believer in Boebart, Greene, Gaetz, Believer in the (R) way.

You fucktards have DESTROYED our Nation.

Please start a Civil War so you can Kill Each other.
I'm just saying Free Speech has consequences.
Twitter has lately been infiltrated with So-Called Patriots using inappropriate language.

Are you ok with Twitter constantly using NI$$er ?
And other HATE speech?

Well done.
No, you are not and backpedaling is not going to work.

The abject hatred of free speech is blatantly apparent on the left in the current political climate.
A lot. Now if they regularly do this on social media, just think what kind of shit they try to pull during elections.

"81 million votes", my ass.

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Well we know they cheat Polls, and Hillary and others cheated debates, soooo unless someone can explain how an uncreased unfolded mail in ballot came out of mail in ballot envelopes in Pennsylvania, we'll just have to assume it as a given. The Voter Fraud network Biden accidentally blurted out about, is done through state secretaries who are elected, and who control the voting and rules (accepting late votes illegal ballots etc)
*note: every single state that had a democrat secretary of state (that set rules and how ballots are handled, EMPLOY SELECT TRAIN POLL WORKERS, & used their position to tweek and break state voting laws) magically went Biden's way-go figure!
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