Even MORE Criminal Anti-Trumpers Going To Jail


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr
Pleads Guilty to CONSPIRACY in Court for Leaking Classified Info
to Liberal Hack Reporters To Hurt Donald Trump

"The woman arrested for criminally leaking confidential bank information on Trump associates isn’t the only leaker. The DOJ complaint notes that HER BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator. There are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).

Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissmann at the DOJ – He also worked RICO w/ Weissman (of SSCI) at DOJ"

Weissman, of course, was the Hillary-associated Special Counsel 'Puppet Master' who actually ran the Trump Witch Hunt while Mueller was used as the 'Front Man' / the 'face' of the investigation.

It is not a coincidence that everywhere you look in the witch hunt / debunked Russian Collusion Delusion you see Weissman's and Ohr's names connected to exposed / indicted / convicted criminals involved in trying to take down the President.

"It’s suspected that the AP article was sourced with information from Weissman and the only way Weissman could have supplied the information to the AP was through the FinCEN. This information is classified and if Weissmann provided it, it may have been leaked to him by the individuals indicted yesterday. (Remember Weissman and Mr. Ott are connected.)

8. AP publish the article below the day AFTER the meeting with Weissmann, April 12.

'Er…where did Weissmann get this information? It could only be FinCEN sourced, as it related to Manafort suspicious activity as far back as 2007:

The more time goes by the more light is shed on the cockroaches involved in the attempted coup of President Trump.....and the more anti-Trump leakers / conspirators keep going to jail.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters

She is probably not going to jail based upon her plea agreement.
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr
Pleads Guilty to CONSPIRACY in Court for Leaking Classified Info
to Liberal Hack Reporters To Hurt Donald Trump

"The woman arrested for criminally leaking confidential bank information on Trump associates isn’t the only leaker. The DOJ complaint notes that HER BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator. There are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).

Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissmann at the DOJ – He also worked RICO w/ Weissman (of SSCI) at DOJ"

Weissman, of course, was the Hillary-associated Special Counsel 'Puppet Master' who actually ran the Trump Witch Hunt while Mueller was used as the 'Front Man' / the 'face' of the investigation.

It is not a coincidence that everywhere you look in the witch hunt / debunked Russian Collusion Delusion you see Weissman's and Ohr's names connected to exposed / indicted / convicted criminals involved in trying to take down the President.

"It’s suspected that the AP article was sourced with information from Weissman and the only way Weissman could have supplied the information to the AP was through the FinCEN. This information is classified and if Weissmann provided it, it may have been leaked to him by the individuals indicted yesterday. (Remember Weissman and Mr. Ott are connected.)

8. AP publish the article below the day AFTER the meeting with Weissmann, April 12.

'Er…where did Weissmann get this information? It could only be FinCEN sourced, as it related to Manafort suspicious activity as far back as 2007:https://t.co/sXYyOIU7Ht"

The more time goes by the more light is shed on the cockroaches involved in the attempted coup of President Trump.....and the more anti-Trump leakers / conspirators keep going to jail.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters


Another case of Democrats weaponizing the Government to “punish their enemies”.
The plea agreements and deals that keep being made are what perpetuates the never-ending cycle of repeated crimes.

Case in point:
Former CIA Director John Brennan was caught committing Felony Perjury under oath and illegally spying on a host of different people / groups, to include US Senators. This SOB should have gone to USP Florence ADMAX, if not Gitmo, years ago; however, the Democrats and GOP cut an 'illegal' deal to protect his ass and prevent him from being indicted / jailed.

Instead, Brennan had to appear before Congress and admit he had lied under oath, had to admit he illegally spied on Congress, and had to promise not to do it again...


Gee, guess what? The criminal M*er F*er was caught illegally spying on Trump / his team. (Clapper said he did not understand why they were being investigated - they just did what Barry ordered them to do.)

If these criminals / traitors are not punished they will continue to repeat their crimes without fear of consequences...as Brennan has done.

These assholes have shown if they are allowed to police themselves no one will be punished / go to jail. The corrupt, self-serving FISA Court attempted to ensure its continued criminal existence by ordering the FBI - the agency that has been exposed fro committing over 2 dozen FISA Court abuses under 2 FBI directors in the last 12 years - to come up with a plan to police itself and make sure it does not do this again, which is just ludicrous....

....and just when you thought it could not become any more obviously a sham the FISA Court appoints an anti-Trump former Obama lawyer and Leftist extreme blogger - who argued (continues to argue on his Blog that is still up) that the FBI never committed FISA Court abuses - to oversee the FBI's new plan and FISA Court operations, HOPING this will appease the stupid sheep and allow them to keep operating their easily-duped criminal secret court.

These criminals need to be made an example of. They need to face the max sentence possible. Congress needs to step in and shut down the FISA Court, at least until a REAL, objective, outside individual can be appointed to oversee the FBI and provide strong, serious oversight of the FBI, FISA Court, and the process....and this individual needs to have the powers / ability to indict.


Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr
Pleads Guilty to CONSPIRACY in Court for Leaking Classified Info
to Liberal Hack Reporters To Hurt Donald Trump

"The woman arrested for criminally leaking confidential bank information on Trump associates isn’t the only leaker. The DOJ complaint notes that HER BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator. There are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).

Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissmann at the DOJ – He also worked RICO w/ Weissman (of SSCI) at DOJ"

Weissman, of course, was the Hillary-associated Special Counsel 'Puppet Master' who actually ran the Trump Witch Hunt while Mueller was used as the 'Front Man' / the 'face' of the investigation.

It is not a coincidence that everywhere you look in the witch hunt / debunked Russian Collusion Delusion you see Weissman's and Ohr's names connected to exposed / indicted / convicted criminals involved in trying to take down the President.

"It’s suspected that the AP article was sourced with information from Weissman and the only way Weissman could have supplied the information to the AP was through the FinCEN. This information is classified and if Weissmann provided it, it may have been leaked to him by the individuals indicted yesterday. (Remember Weissman and Mr. Ott are connected.)

8. AP publish the article below the day AFTER the meeting with Weissmann, April 12.

'Er…where did Weissmann get this information? It could only be FinCEN sourced, as it related to Manafort suspicious activity as far back as 2007:https://t.co/sXYyOIU7Ht"

The more time goes by the more light is shed on the cockroaches involved in the attempted coup of President Trump.....and the more anti-Trump leakers / conspirators keep going to jail.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters


Another case of Democrats weaponizing the Government to “punish their enemies”.
Who did she punish?
Interesting how these arrests involving criminal acts against TRUMP never are covered by the MSM as breaking news in comparison to how 2nd and 3rd hand anonymous stories making claims of criminal actions involving people associate with TRUMP are covered.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr
Pleads Guilty to CONSPIRACY in Court for Leaking Classified Info
to Liberal Hack Reporters To Hurt Donald Trump

"The woman arrested for criminally leaking confidential bank information on Trump associates isn’t the only leaker. The DOJ complaint notes that HER BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator. There are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).

Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissmann at the DOJ – He also worked RICO w/ Weissman (of SSCI) at DOJ"

Weissman, of course, was the Hillary-associated Special Counsel 'Puppet Master' who actually ran the Trump Witch Hunt while Mueller was used as the 'Front Man' / the 'face' of the investigation.

It is not a coincidence that everywhere you look in the witch hunt / debunked Russian Collusion Delusion you see Weissman's and Ohr's names connected to exposed / indicted / convicted criminals involved in trying to take down the President.

"It’s suspected that the AP article was sourced with information from Weissman and the only way Weissman could have supplied the information to the AP was through the FinCEN. This information is classified and if Weissmann provided it, it may have been leaked to him by the individuals indicted yesterday. (Remember Weissman and Mr. Ott are connected.)

8. AP publish the article below the day AFTER the meeting with Weissmann, April 12.

'Er…where did Weissmann get this information? It could only be FinCEN sourced, as it related to Manafort suspicious activity as far back as 2007:https://t.co/sXYyOIU7Ht"

The more time goes by the more light is shed on the cockroaches involved in the attempted coup of President Trump.....and the more anti-Trump leakers / conspirators keep going to jail.

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters

That's right, under tRump, you go to jail for telling the truth.
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.
You're such a lying POS.

Despite Hillary-associate Andrew Weissman taking over the Special Counsel witch hunt and loading it with Clinton donors and lawyers, after 3+ years they could not even sufficiently MANUFACTURE evidence of Trump / Trump team collusion...


Barry knew about Russian interference and ops inside the US beginning in 2014 and did nothing to stop it....while he gave Russian uranium and Crimea.

Mueller hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium one, crimes that included intimidation, extortion, and BRIBERY.

Hillary took millions from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, while Bill was paid a fortune for giving a speech or two in Russia. While there he sought an audience with Russian nuclear energy officials, and when he could not get one he met directly with Putin.

Hillary paid a known, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy on the FBI's payroll for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Obama and his criminal agency directors used to commit FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Trump / his team.

The Democrats - Schiff and Nadler - proved they still have NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, & NO WITNESSES ...while more than enough evidence has been provide proving all of this mentioned about Barry's, Hillary's, and the Democrats' collusion with Russia and other foreign entities / nations.
That's right, under tRump, you go to jail for telling the truth.
Thank you for demonstrating how Democrats and snowflakes have zero regard for the Constitution / Law when they stand in the way of destroying an adversary in an attempt to steal power they can not win.
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.
You're such a lying POS.

Despite Hillary-associate Andrew Weissman taking over the Special Counsel witch hunt and loading it with Clinton donors and lawyers, after 3+ years they could not even sufficiently MANUFACTURE evidence of Trump / Trump team collusion...


Barry knew about Russian interference and ops inside the US beginning in 2014 and did nothing to stop it....while he gave Russian uranium and Crimea.

Mueller hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium one, crimes that included intimidation, extortion, and BRIBERY.

Hillary took millions from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, while Bill was paid a fortune for giving a speech or two in Russia. While there he sought an audience with Russian nuclear energy officials, and when he could not get one he met directly with Putin.

Hillary paid a known, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy on the FBI's payroll for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Obama and his criminal agency directors used to commit FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Trump / his team.

The Democrats - Schiff and Nadler - proved they still have NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, & NO WITNESSES ...while more than enough evidence has been provide proving all of this mentioned about Barry's, Hillary's, and the Democrats' collusion with Russia and other foreign entities / nations.
Still going on about Uranium One? It’s been years of investigating and you still can’t admit that this entire pseudo-scandal was a lie from start to finish.
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.
You're such a lying POS.

Barry knew about Russian interference ......... he gave Russian uranium and Crimea.

Speaking of pretend facts, that you keep repeating overandoverandover..... despite never addressing the fact that the USA was actually buying Russian stockpiles of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned nuclear warheads. The Megatons to Megawatt program ran for 20 years and we purchase over 500 tons worth of that highly enriched uranium from Russia.

That makes you a Serial Lying POS!
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.
Yeah the polling booths where I voted for Trump were full of Russians voting for Trump. Hell, they were even passing around a bottle of Russian vodka.
What an idiot.
Trumpublicans will forever be regulated to defending Trumpybears' partnership with the Russians, without which the Orange Bear never could have been elected.
Yeah the polling booths where I voted for Trump were full of Russians voting for Trump. Hell, they were even passing around a bottle of Russian vodka.
What an idiot.

Sound like you went looking for a guy named "Charlie", in Vietnam.

You gotta know Putinbear was pissed at Hillary. Hell, he had to sell highly enriched uranium to us, while all he got were some dusty old low producing dirt mines.
You're such a lying POS.

Barry knew about Russian interference ......... he gave Russian uranium and Crimea.

Speaking of pretend facts, that you keep repeating overandoverandover..... despite never addressing the fact that the USA was actually buying Russian stockpiles of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned nuclear warheads. The Megatons to Megawatt program ran for 20 years and we purchase over 500 tons worth of that highly enriched uranium from Russia.

That makes you a Serial Lying POS!
Actually your unsubstantiated claims and personal attacks don't prove anything more than you are Triggered and a desperate Obama/Hillary/criminal Dem apologist....No matter how many times links, facts, testimony...even Democrat CONFESSIONS / ADMISSIONS are posted / presented to you hate-driven snowflakes you refuse to accept any of it and never will Your TDS is 'terminal';.

You're such a lying POS.

Barry knew about Russian interference ......... he gave Russian uranium and Crimea.

Speaking of pretend facts, that you keep repeating overandoverandover..... despite never addressing the fact that the USA was actually buying Russian stockpiles of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned nuclear warheads. The Megatons to Megawatt program ran for 20 years and we purchase over 500 tons worth of that highly enriched uranium from Russia.

That makes you a Serial Lying POS!
Actually your unsubstantiated claims and personal attacks don't prove anything more than you are Triggered and a desperate Obama/Hillary/criminal Dem apologist....No matter how many times links, facts, testimony...even Democrat CONFESSIONS / ADMISSIONS are posted / presented to you hate-driven snowflakes you refuse to accept any of it and never will Your TDS is 'terminal';.


You are a known habitual liar whose every post seems to seek to divide the Republic.

The Megatons to Megawatts™ Program was a unique, commercially financed government-industry partnership in which bomb-grade uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads was recycled into low enriched uranium used to produce fuel for American nuclear power plants.

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp

The Megatons to Megawatts program significantly enhanced world security by steadily reducing stockpiles of nuclear bomb-grade materials, while creating a clean, valuable resource—uranium for use in nuclear fuel.

Virtually the entire U.S. nuclear reactor fleet participated in this program by using fuel fabricated with low enriched uranium from the Megatons to Megawatts program.

For two decades, up to 10 percent of the electricity produced in the United States was generated by fuel fabricated using low enriched uranium from the Megatons to Megawatts program.

But hey, Putinbear got to crush some rock for U ore. No wonder he hated Hillary.
You are a known habitual liar whose every post seems to seek to divide the Republic.
No, sorry, lying little Triggered snowflake, Every time I post links, articles, testimony, breaking news, and anything that sheds light on the criminal Democrats and their attempt to affect their continuous coup snowflakes like you personally attack me and spew the same old lies, accusing me of what you have done and continue to do. You can easily recognize these attacks because almost every single one of them is an insulting, personally-attacking, butt-hurt Opinionated rant with nothing to back anything they claim....sorta like what YOU just did...again. :p

And after 4 years of Democrat non-stop, fake news-backed, butt-hurt, Trump-hating bogus witch hunting, false accusations, undermining of the President, non-stop attempts to remove the President from office, and EXPOSED DEMOCRAT CRIMES, which have resulted in NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, NO WITNESSES, the fastest rush to Impeach in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history, don't attempt to laughably accuse ME of attempting to divide the country. The DEMOCRATS have successfully divided the country more than the Russians ever hoped to do.

I am sorry you are so offended by and find the TRUTH so divisive. The truth is only divisive, like the results of the 2016 election, because hate-driven, butt-hurt, easily-manipulated snowflakes you refuse to accept it.

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