Even CNN Recognizes the Stimulus Didn't Do Much for the Country

Between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs were created or saved through September as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a Congressional Budget Office report
The CBO thinks it has

B'loney. Unemployment is higher than what Obama promised. Who cares what cooked up shit on a budget bill has been served up by the CBO?.

Between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs were created or saved through September as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a Congressional Budget Office report
Name the jobs, which jobs, spell it out.

Since she won't I will...very few jobs were created in the private sector....only government jobs are being created or saved.
The CBOs study is a more reliable indication of the issue than 68 economist talking about their own employer.

Go read the CBO score if you want the details
Between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs were created or saved through September as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a Congressional Budget Office report
Name the jobs, which jobs, spell it out.

Since she won't I will...very few jobs were created in the private sector....only government jobs are being created or saved.

Pretty much the story for the last 10 years.
The private sector jobs that were created were mostly in the retail industry, ie minimum wage types.

The CBO thinks it worked

Between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs were created or saved through September as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a Congressional Budget Office report

The CBO's method was to extrapolate based on what they thought they knew. Had you read the link you would have known that. Their thinking was "gov't spending creates jobs. So if we spend X amount we ought to get Y number of jobs." In real life it didnt work that way.
CBO’s estimates differ substantially from the reports filed by recipients of ARRA funding. Those recipients reported that ARRA funded nearly 600,000 fulltime-equivalent (FTE) jobs during the fourth quarter of 2009. Such reports, however, do not provide a comprehensive estimate of the law’s impact on employment in the United States. That impact may be higher or lower than the reported number for several reasons (in addition to any issues about the quality of the data in the reports):
The CBOs study is a more reliable indication of the issue than 68 economist talking about their own employer.

Go read the CBO score if you want the details

No. If you have pertinent information, have the decency to post it.

The CBO, btw, scores what it is told to score. That's why ObamaCare received a favorable CBO score when the Medicare Actuary said it would actually worsen the deficit.
Oh so now only certain kinds of jobs count?

Yes. The private sector is the productive engine in this country. Government PRODUCES NOTHING. Government jobs are transfers of income from the private sector to the public sector. Some of those transfers are worthwhile (i.e., military personnel) - much however is a complete waste of money.

The private sector is not creating jobs. 15M+ people are unemployed. Tax receipts are below budgeted estimate, thus worsening the deficit.

This is why the Democrat Controlled Congress refuses to draft a budget.
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The CBOs study is a more reliable indication of the issue than 68 economist talking about their own employer.

Go read the CBO score if you want the details

No. If you have pertinent information, have the decency to post it.

The CBO, btw, scores what it is told to score. That's why ObamaCare received a favorable CBO score when the Medicare Actuary said it would actually worsen the deficit.

In the previous post I quoted the CBO's own study that basically said "we guessed on the number based on assumptions about gov't spending."
There was no actual counting, no actual data used to come to the conclusion, which differed from orgs that actually counted numbers.
Or whine out of sour grapes, in your case.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know?

Listen. When even CNN, which has been a notorious cheerleader for TeamObama since the primaries, comes out and reports that his centerpiece legislation has been a failure, then you know it's done. If the best you can do is whine then so be it.

What do you think I am "whining" about? Do you even have a clue? Hint: So far, you are not even close. READ what you are commenting on, before you start shooting your mouth off in order to avoid looking like even more of an idiot.
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