Euthanasia and/or assisted suicide

I'm against assisted suicide. When we stop considering life precious, the more life will be considered disposable. Assisted suicide does not just effect the individual but it also coarsens the society it happens in. One of many reasons I'm against abortion. Generally speaking, we cannot kill people without degrading ourselves. In other words, when life is seen as something other than precious, the more our neighbors will be eyeing our valuables with hammers and knives in hand.

This is a slippery slope fallacy.

And allowing the individual to decide end of life matters absent interference by the state is also an acknowledgement of how precious life is, as one’s death is just as important a part of one’s life.

Oh yes, the slippery slope fallacy debunked by 1930's/1940's Germany.
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I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.
I am for it. But it will never be allowed so I am fully prepared to not be a pussy and do it myself when the time comes.

So are you going to blow your brains out all over the wall for your family to clean up? That would obviously be a better way to go than having a few drugs injected into you so that you just fall to sleep and don't wake up. Much less stress on the family and all.

Death is a funny thing. When a person gets to the end of their life and they realize their time is up, most accept it without fear. It's the family of the dying individual who refuses to let go.
"Thanks, but I'm not hungry. Please just make me comfortable."

Frankly, this is why nothing every gets done. too many people whip out the cases that are so extreme and unlikely as to be nearly comical and hang their argument on that example.

Euthanasia is pretty much reserved for extreme cases. Apparently you missed that point.
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

What if the person is paralysed from an accident, for example, and cannot take their own life, but someone agrees to assist them?

I know sometimes I'm so harsh on you, but I do believe you have a good heart.

I think we should all even at a young age make a living will. My mum stated after all she'd seen with my dad she signed a "do not resucitate"

You have no idea though what it is like to stand aside. Watch that beautiful soul go into that good night permanently.

Because you don't want to let them go.

If my father had asked, I do believe I would have helped him pass. But he didn't.

We were both close to this. A man reduced to 65 pounds. But he chose life. And as absolutely painful and unrelenting as the pain of death can be, I loved every minute of being in bed with him talking to him, my dad stroking my hair all the last moments we had together.

Who chooses what minute the end comes? This is the question we face.

The ones who fight the right to die are those who fear losing someone they love. We have such a hard time letting go, even when we know that the fight is over. Death ain't all that bad if the option is life in constant pain along with the knowledge that death is near but just isn't getting there fast enough.

Not everyone ends up in such a predicament that they might want to consider ending their life. Many can be comforted with drugs to alleviate the pain so that the though of euthanasia is not necessary. Euthanasia is for the exceptional cases where the person is in unbearable pain.
I have pretty strong views about euthanasia. To sum them up, it sucks. There should never be a government sanctioned option that allows people to kill others simply because it makes us uncomfortable to imagine ourselves living that way. I could go on and make a case using my own words, but I think someone else said it better, even if it was before I was born.

His name was Dylan Thomas, his father was dying, and he raged against the dying of the light.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


for someone so dead set against government controls in our life.... why are you against the ultimate decision of ones own life? Why should government prevent anyone from taking their own life?

in my opinion, doctors who are willing to prescribe a lethal dose...should be allowed to do that without government interference or fear of prosecution.

Slippery slope allow the Government that control and it will grow with each passing year till they are deciding when people are useful and when to "end" their uselessness.

Oregon allows it and they have had no such problems. I think the bigger concern would be children who want their parents gone so they can collect their inheritance sooner or before the money runs out.
I have pretty strong views about euthanasia. To sum them up, it sucks. There should never be a government sanctioned option that allows people to kill others simply because it makes us uncomfortable to imagine ourselves living that way. I could go on and make a case using my own words, but I think someone else said it better, even if it was before I was born.

His name was Dylan Thomas, his father was dying, and he raged against the dying of the light.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

and for all of that lovely poetry...what is it really saying?

It is the plight and prayer of the selfish individual wanting to keep something for himself. He does not want his father to die, he wants him to hang on and fight.....for HIM.

What about what the father wants? doesn't his feeling and wants figure into this? What if the father is ready to go....

It is all about what one person wants someone else to do.....

He is not raging against death... he is raging that his father is dying and he does not want him to die... selfish to the very end.

What about the selfish individual that wants to kill someone simply because they don't like taking care of them?

That is why it cannot be assisted suicide. The person must make the final call themselves and administer the drugs themselves. But I agree that there would need to be plenty of safeguards against this. I believe this is the valid problem versus the idea that government will start killing people.
It starts out with helping people die who are terminal and in pain and have decided to die. Then it's people who can't communicate whether they want to die or not. Then the merely depressed. Then those who should want to die but won't make that decision themselves. Then it 's any one inconvenient, undesirable, or isn't happy. The end result is the same. A government of Billy Mumy wishing people away to the cornfield.

There is no proof or evidence of this happening in any country that currently permits assisted suicide. This is just paranoia working it's way through those of you who believe anything to do with government is a big conspiracy.
Christina Symanski, 24, starved herself to death after she was paralysed so boyfriend could move on | Mail Online

Life; Paralyzed

Take a few minutes to read this woman's words that led to her taking her own life.

I believe we do and should own our own bodies. It is a very basic right and one that can never be taken away.

Doctors and friends have assisted in suicides and they always will. As noted earlier, I once read that Freud was killed by his doctor, "Max". When the agony of his cancer became unbearable, Max killed him.

A long time ago, a dear friend who was the head of the local humane society said that it takes enormous compassion to "euthanize" healthy dogs and cats, puppies and kittens.

Why do we not show that same compassion to human beings we say we love?

Euthanize them when they are healthy before they get sick and start costing money. We euthanize healthy animals that are unwanted.
Think of rounding up the homeless off the streets and humanely euthanizing them. How much money could be saved if we euthanized all those unwanted kids in foster care?

Yet, the liberals hate the death penalty. They must have a lot of compassion for killers because they kill putting liberals and murderers on the same side.

Yea, that's the topic we are discussing. :cuckoo:

and for all of that lovely poetry...what is it really saying?

It is the plight and prayer of the selfish individual wanting to keep something for himself. He does not want his father to die, he wants him to hang on and fight.....for HIM.

What about what the father wants? doesn't his feeling and wants figure into this? What if the father is ready to go....

It is all about what one person wants someone else to do.....

He is not raging against death... he is raging that his father is dying and he does not want him to die... selfish to the very end.

What about the selfish individual that wants to kill someone simply because they don't like taking care of them?

That is why it cannot be assisted suicide. The person must make the final call themselves and administer the drugs themselves. But I agree that there would need to be plenty of safeguards against this. I believe this is the valid problem versus the idea that government will start killing people.

What about people like Tony Nicklinson who suffered 'locked in syndrome', paralysed by a massive stroke from the neck down. He used to be a sports-loving active man who was unable to administer anything himself.
Courts refused permission for assisted suicide.
It unbelievable that a person would be prosecuted (in this country at least) for keeping an animal in such a condition as Mr.Nicklinson experienced yet we are supposed to go all out to keep a human alive.
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

My dog can't make the decision for itself, can't carry out the actions, and most importantly, can't say "I've changed my mind."

I got no problem with someone deciding to end it all. Too much pain, too much loneliness, burnt the toast, whatever the reason; if someone wants to check out, then feel free. Just don't make it the doctor's responsibility to do the act by pushing a plunger for you or by giving you the means to do it. Suck start a shotgun, noose from an extension cord, Drain-O cocktail, cut your wrists, head in the oven, face in the bathtub, there are many fine ways to do yourself without getting doctors involved.
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

My dog can't make the decision for itself, can't carry out the actions, and most importantly, can't say "I've changed my mind."

I got no problem with someone deciding to end it all. Too much pain, too much loneliness, burnt the toast, whatever the reason; if someone wants to check out, then feel free. Just don't make it the doctor's responsibility to do the act by pushing a plunger for you or by giving you the means to do it. Suck start a shotgun, noose from an extension cord, Drain-O cocktail, cut your wrists, head in the oven, face in the bathtub, there are many fine ways to do yourself without getting doctors involved.
Doctors won't/shouldn't be forced to help, but some doctors are ok with helping people die. Ever heard of Dr. Kervorkian?
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

That's the issue isn't it. Animal owners have the literal power of life and death over their pets. When we are reduced to the level of animal, who will be our owner? The government is moving into the position of being the ultimate owner of their human pets and that's what's wrong with so-called "assisted suicide".
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

That's the issue isn't it. Animal owners have the literal power of life and death over their pets. When we are reduced to the level of animal, who will be our owner? The government is moving into the position of being the ultimate owner of their human pets and that's what's wrong with so-called "assisted suicide".

Wives/relatives have power of life and death over people in a vegetative state already.
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

That's the issue isn't it. Animal owners have the literal power of life and death over their pets. When we are reduced to the level of animal, who will be our owner? The government is moving into the position of being the ultimate owner of their human pets and that's what's wrong with so-called "assisted suicide".

Actually, that's what's wrong about giving the state ownership of women's reproduction.
That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

That's the issue isn't it. Animal owners have the literal power of life and death over their pets. When we are reduced to the level of animal, who will be our owner? The government is moving into the position of being the ultimate owner of their human pets and that's what's wrong with so-called "assisted suicide".

Actually, that's what's wrong about giving the state ownership of women's reproduction.

The developing child is the woman's "pet"?
I'm against medically assisted suicide. First Do No Harm and all of that. If you want to kill yourself, kill yourself. Don't be a pussy about it and ask for your doctor to do it for you.

That's the dumbest shit I've heard. We treat our dying animals with more compassion than those we love when they are at the end of their journey and in unbearable pain.

Unless you are arguing that humans who are sick are incapable of understanding the prospects of a life of pain, and making that decision for themselves, you aren't making any sense at all.
That's the issue isn't it. Animal owners have the literal power of life and death over their pets. When we are reduced to the level of animal, who will be our owner? The government is moving into the position of being the ultimate owner of their human pets and that's what's wrong with so-called "assisted suicide".

Actually, that's what's wrong about giving the state ownership of women's reproduction.

The developing child is the woman's "pet"?

As usual you miss the point.

Whatever the situation – contemplating the death of a loved one or termination of a pregnancy – that’s a decision best left to the individual and/or family to make, not the state.

As conservatives have preached for decades: government lacks the competence to make such decisions, there needs to be less government involvement in our personal lives.

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