Europeans under the bus

we should always fight wars as the USA and only accept help if they are willing be be under USA command as , maybe Butlers Elmer !!
republicans throwing friends under the bus ,stabbing them in the back ?? Nothing new Espionage now ? What excuses do you have now? Our top SPY chasers are after your slime
and democrats have never thrown friends under the bus,right eddie?...
Wonderful! I wish to fuck over the Coward Continent in any way we can! European slime of my race have ALWAYS hated Americans and always will, regardless of what we do. While using this country for every convenience/advantage they can while pimping their OWN DAUGHTERS out to Pisslam pedophiles. Europeans are a vile bag of garbage who should NOT be emulated in any way - everything about their treasonous, self-loathing natures should repel any male with a set of balls. This "bloody yank" wants European walking diseases to PAY for their treason against the Western world; they need another bubonic plague. Yes, I really do detest that subhuman continent FAR more than their muslim animals. No two groups of black-hearted, completely amoral, arrogant human excrement deserve each other more than Zeropeans and muslim pond-life, it's a match made in heaven.
Will the mods please send an ambulance We have another repub sick MFer here
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
You sound like TruthDoestMatter. A perfect idol for you to emulate I suppose.
And with all what's going on now 3 trump people forgetting they talked to russian ambassador,, Kushner considering setting up secret line to Kremlin etc etc you vote for keeping your blinders on ? WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
i agree but when are democrats going to do the same?....
we should always fight wars as the USA and only accept help if they are willing be be under USA command as , maybe Butlers Elmer !!
republicans throwing friends under the bus ,stabbing them in the back ?? Nothing new Espionage now ? What excuses do you have now? Our top SPY chasers are after your slime
and democrats have never thrown friends under the bus,right eddie?...
ALL are guilty ..........some more than others,republican,,,,,,,, Politics are a dirty job Thats why republicans are so good at it
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
Only five of the 28 NATO members, US, UK, Estonia, Greece and Poland, are living up to their treaty obligations, so when the 23 deadbeat NATO members start living up to their treaty obligations, we can talk about how they feel about America.
we should always fight wars as the USA and only accept help if they are willing be be under USA command as , maybe Butlers Elmer !!
republicans throwing friends under the bus ,stabbing them in the back ?? Nothing new Espionage now ? What excuses do you have now? Our top SPY chasers are after your slime
and democrats have never thrown friends under the bus,right eddie?...
ALL are guilty ..........some more than others,republican,,,,,,,, Politics are a dirty job Thats why republicans are so good at it
democrats are pretty good at it too....
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
You sound like TruthDoestMatter. A perfect idol for you to emulate I suppose.
And with all what's going on now 3 trump people forgetting they talked to russian ambassador,, Kushner considering setting up secret line to Kremlin etc etc you vote for keeping your blinders on ? WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
i agree but when are democrats going to do the same?....
Seems to me dems try a little harder
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
You sound like TruthDoestMatter. A perfect idol for you to emulate I suppose.
And with all what's going on now 3 trump people forgetting they talked to russian ambassador,, Kushner considering setting up secret line to Kremlin etc etc you vote for keeping your blinders on ? WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
i agree but when are democrats going to do the same?....
Seems to me dems try a little harder
its that way to you because you seem to be one of them.....i cant stand both parties and to me both parties dont show much of anything but trying to make the other party look bad....and this has been going on since bush and it has gotten worse ever since....and its not doing the country any good.....
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
You sound like TruthDoestMatter. A perfect idol for you to emulate I suppose.
And with all what's going on now 3 trump people forgetting they talked to russian ambassador,, Kushner considering setting up secret line to Kremlin etc etc you vote for keeping your blinders on ? WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
WHEN will republicans start thinking of country first instead of party?
i agree but when are democrats going to do the same?....
Seems to me dems try a little harder
its that way to you because you seem to be one of them.....i cant stand both parties and to me both parties dont show much of anything but trying to make the other party look bad....and this has been going on since bush and it has gotten worse ever since....and its not doing the country any good.....
Harry I was a republican all my long life Even voted for GWB in 2000 My last repub vote While I'm pretty well off I detest the party of the rich Trickle down and now this bs??
And Harry what's going on stinks to high heaven How can anyone go along with it
And Harry what's going on stinks to high heaven How can anyone go along with it
i hear ya.....i was a life long democrat until the mid 90's.....i voted clinton twice but during his 2nd term i realized what a dirt bag he was and how the democrats were going to far left for me....never cared for the republicans....and now i think they have both gotten worse....
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
Socialism like the European countries expect everyone else to pay their way… Fact
He didn't repudiate Article 5, and the U.S. is bound by it. We were not obliged to bail Europe out in the two world wars, yet we did. Better if Trump had said it, certainly, but I wouldn't read too much into his omission.
------------------------------------------------------------------- the way i see things is that its better to make the 'euros' wonder and keep them on the edge of their seats DGS !!
----------------------------------------- so you like interpreters and euros eh Rod ??
we should always fight wars as the USA and only accept help if they are willing be be under USA command as , maybe Butlers Edward !!
I rather think at this point the sentence could be shortened to:

we should always be fighting wars.
------------------------------------ YES , when needed to keep the USA on top Fenton !!
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
Actually they did not all support the US in Iraq. Germany for one refused to. They 'supported' us by taking over some positions in bases in Germany to free up more US soldiers to go to Iraq.

That is rather irrelevant anyway because Trump did not back away from article 5 - he does not need to re-state that we will follow commitments that we have already made. That is an asinine expectation.
Not all supported us in Iraq because they wouldn't buy the bush republican bullshit WOMD??
Irrelevant. You claim they supported us. They did not.

Now you are upset because Trump did not repeat a forgone commitment that we are already a part of.
They were very concerned that the T said nothing about continuing to support the NATO article 5, the one for all and all for one agreement. The article that every European country followed after 9/11 and supported the US in the was against Al Qaeda, and the reason they all sent soldiers to Afghanistan, in support their ally, who was attacked, the USA. They were all unhappy that Trump had not stated his continued support for every European country, if they might be attacked by ISIS - or Russia -, as they all had support the US. They want to be able to trust the US, as we trusted them!

Course the T seems willing to throw his best friends under the bus, if that would make him richer, and the Europeans seem to have noticed! tic tic tic it's almost over republicans ,,,,soon you'll be a shitstain on history
Actually they did not all support the US in Iraq. Germany for one refused to. They 'supported' us by taking over some positions in bases in Germany to free up more US soldiers to go to Iraq.

That is rather irrelevant anyway because Trump did not back away from article 5 - he does not need to re-state that we will follow commitments that we have already made. That is an asinine expectation.
Not all supported us in Iraq because they wouldn't buy the bush republican bullshit WOMD??
Irrelevant. You claim they supported us. They did not.

Now you are upset because Trump did not repeat a forgone commitment that we are already a part of.
---------------------------------- as i already said , best to keep the the euros wondering .

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