European Socialism or Capitalism


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
If you want to change our form of government from a Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to the European Socialism Model, then vote for Obama. Right now the European Nations of France, Greece , Italy Spain are on the verge of collapse.
However, Obama still wants to redirect our Nation toward European Socialism and Keynesian Economics and expects a different outcome.

Spain attempted to create a Green Energy driven economy.
Calzada, an economist, studied Spain's green technology program and found that each green job created in Spain cost Spanish taxpayers $770,000. Each Wind Industry job cost $1.3 million to create.*

Spain's green technology dream was costing the nation more than $15 billion a year before the government had to slash it because it had failed and Spain was going broke.
Spain's Green Disaster a Lesson for America - Finance - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
However, Obama wants to create a Green Technology Driven Economy and expects a different result.

What is that phrase: If we do not learn history, we are...............
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Comparing "socialism" to a "constitutional republic" doesn't make much sense, since one is an economic system and the other is a form of government.
Comparing "socialism" to a "constitutional republic" doesn't make much sense, since one is an economic system and the other is a form of government.

Socialism is not a form of Government? This speak volumes about how bad our education system has become.
Comparing "socialism" to a "constitutional republic" doesn't make much sense, since one is an economic system and the other is a form of government.

Socialism is not a form of Government? This speak volumes about how bad our education system has become.

Apparently you need to go back to school. You can have a democratic form of government that is socialistic or very conservative; same holds true for our form of a constitutional republic, it can me either very conservative, socialistic or somewhere in between. And last of all, you can have a dictatorship that is socialistic or one that just takes everything from its citizens without giving anything back.
Comparing "socialism" to a "constitutional republic" doesn't make much sense, since one is an economic system and the other is a form of government.

Socialism is not a form of Government? This speak volumes about how bad our education system has become.

Apparently you need to go back to school. You can have a democratic form of government that is socialistic or very conservative; same holds true for our form of a constitutional republic, it can me either very conservative, socialistic or somewhere in between. And last of all, you can have a dictatorship that is socialistic or one that just takes everything from its citizens without giving anything back.

Now don't confuse they boy, He is already trying to merge two thoughts into one.
Law to the European Socialism Model, then vote for Obama. Right now the European Nations of France, Greece , Italy Spain are on the verge of collapse.

What a hilariously stupid thread!

OP - can you explain who so many of the "socialist" countries have conservative governments?

France had conservative government until earlier this year, pain ha conservative government, so do the UK, Germany and Finland, amongst others.

In the real world, countries like Greece have collapsed because of 30 years of corruption, overspending, reckless borrowing and bad policy - and have done so with a many right wing governments as left wing.

I'd put money on you never having been to any of the countries you claim to be informing us about.
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You've been mislead good sir. The USA does not have anything close to "free market capitalism". Most large sectors are state protected monopolies. You need to study who funds elections and why. Definitely turn off talk radio, because the whole point of talk radio is to convince you that anything done to repeal their monopolies is socialism.
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Ugh. Yet another simplistic, either/or choice.

It's not one or the other, gang. There are elements of America that could be described as "socialism" already, and they've been around for decades. The question is finding equilibrium, the correct balance, that is both acceptable to most and effective.

We won't get there, though, as long as the narcissistic absolutists are so influential.

The Eurotrash system liberals long for here is a Big Daddy state where people are taxed at a higher rate for the promise of a medicore life. If you aren't smart or don't have money, then you are going to live in your small apartment and ride public transportation to/from work for life.

In this country you can work hard and get ahead better than the European in their rigged system. Despite what the wannabe indian of MA says, the USA allows people from outside this country and from within this country to rise to the level of CEO or to be a bum on the street.

Americans want a safety net but not a big one like Europe with higher taxes and less mobility to change one's situation in life. We don't like schools dictating the future of their students. In this country you don't go to high school and have your career laid out for you based on taking some IQ test which puts you on a specific career track.

You can fail high school in this country and still become rich, that is rare in Europe if at all.
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The Eurotrash system liberals long for here is a Big Daddy state where people are taxed at a higher rate for the promise of a medicore life. If you aren't smart or don't have money, then you are going to live in your small apartment and ride public transportation to/from work for life.

Spot the person who has never been to Europe!

I'm thinking there are at leat 6 major factual errors in that statement, but anyone closed minded enough to have written that statement is hardly likely to be interested in facts.

In this country you can work hard and get ahead better than the European in their rigged system

Wonderful, wonderful posting!

And if this was 1958 - you'd even be right!!
You can fail high school in this country and still become rich, that is rare in Europe if at all.

Oh yeah - that is why you have Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears and Europe has Lar von Trier and Bernado Bertolucci.
DUMBFUCK....I lived in Germany 3 different times and traveled to 80% of Europe.

Americans have more stuff than Europeans. We like our backyard, car, etc while many Europeans are content with their little apartment because they have a big welfare state to save them from themselves.

Idiots like you tell Americans that Eurotrash have it so well off compared to us, because you're an idiot or a liar.

The Eurotrash system liberals long for here is a Big Daddy state where people are taxed at a higher rate for the promise of a medicore life. If you aren't smart or don't have money, then you are going to live in your small apartment and ride public transportation to/from work for life.

Spot the person who has never been to Europe!

I'm thinking there are at leat 6 major factual errors in that statement, but anyone closed minded enough to have written that statement is hardly likely to be interested in facts.

In this country you can work hard and get ahead better than the European in their rigged system

Wonderful, wonderful posting!

And if this was 1958 - you'd even be right!!
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Oh look, the idiot rolls out entertainers as examples. :eusa_whistle:

You're just a fucking idiot and i'm not spending my morning arguing with a piece of shit idiot like you.

You can fail high school in this country and still become rich, that is rare in Europe if at all.

Oh yeah - that is why you have Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears and Europe has Lar von Trier and Bernado Bertolucci.
Gone Berserk -

If you had REALLY been to 40-odd European countries, you might have noticed:

- many EU countries rank above the US in education
- many EU countries rank above the US in healthcare outcomes
- many EU countries rank above the US in literacy

- virtually all EU countries rank above the US in economic mobility
- virtually all EU countries rank above the US in infant mortality

FACT: An immigrant is more likely to get rich in Europe than in the US, because economic mobility is higher here.
You can fail high school in this country and still become rich, that is rare in Europe if at all.

Oh yeah - that is why you have Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears and Europe has Lar von Trier and Bernado Bertolucci.

You could turn that around easily enough.

You could - but how funny would that be? :lol:

I just live the idea that GB's indicator of a healthy society is somewhere high school dropouts can get rich.

Maybe it is because I live in a country with the highest rate of Masters Degrees in the world, but I think it is more important that any person can receive a good education than catering to those who don't.

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