European socialism… No freedom of speech


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
European socialism… No freedom of speech why is that? They do not have the right to freedom of speech...

Socialism cannot tolerate anything that disagrees with it
Can you give an example or two of what you are talking about?
European socialism… No freedom of speech why is that? They do not have the right to freedom of speech...

Socialism cannot tolerate anything that disagrees with it

I'm going to tell you, as I've said often, if Americans knew what Europe, Canada and others have done to pervert capitalism and harm the U.S, libertarians would win elections for the next 100 years.

As I see it, Libertarianism is almost solely the purview of the United States. The ideology and it's practitioners simply don't exist anywhere else in any significant number, even as they are a minority in America, including many military members from my interactions.

I believe Trump is the most libertarian president in my lifetime, that probably includes Reagan. Ironic, as he is forced (and wisely) uses tariffs to confront foreign abusers of the U.S economy and it's workers.
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European socialism… No freedom of speech why is that? They do not have the right to freedom of speech...

Socialism cannot tolerate anything that disagrees with it

We need not even visit outside our borders to find limitations of free speech. While the US government is not actively limiting our speech, the cult of political correctness has become a de facto socio-pop culture of limited, coerced and forced speech. Don't believe it? If you want to keep your job or maintain the ability to be hirable in today's America, you damn well better edit your opinion on any kind of social media or in public. You never know who will cell camera record you while having a political conversation in a bar, restaurant or even the park. On campus, well, you'd better just bite your tongue.
Socialism or not, the reason why Europe has no freedom of speech is because as a continent, they are the most cowardly human beings in recorded history, and are TERRIFIED of anyone having the wrong opinion of their muslim whoremasters to whom they are pimping out their small children. This is why I say Europe is the ultimate disgrace to my race. Because unlike Zerope, white American men are born with these two ellipses between their legs I believe are called testicles.
European socialism… No freedom of speech why is that? They do not have the right to freedom of speech...

Socialism cannot tolerate anything that disagrees with it
Absolutely. Just ask anyone who lives under Putin about free speech under socialism, like Pussy Riot. Russia has long been the worst European socialist country. Especially when it comes to free speech.

Just ask all those assassinated reporters.

It makes one wonder why Trump was so anxious to make Putin his best friend!

Socialism or not, the reason why Europe has no freedom of speech is because as a continent, they are the most cowardly human beings in recorded history, and are TERRIFIED of anyone having the wrong opinion of their muslim whoremasters to whom they are pimping out their small children. This is why I say Europe is the ultimate disgrace to my race. Because unlike Zerope, white American men are born with these two ellipses between their legs I believe are called testicles.

This was beautifully said.

And of course, we elected a president who has those two ellipses too. In Europe they elected mother Merkel, her children should be shipped back to home with her on the same ship.
European socialism in action: Pussy Riot got what they deserved: Putin

President Vladimir Putin flatly rejected on Thursday Western criticism of the imprisonment of the Pussy Riot punk protest band, saying its three female members deserved their fate because they threatened the moral foundations of Russia.

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