Eurabia: A Continent in Flight

Op-Ed: Europe Deserves Islam

September 03, 2013
Giulio Meotti

The anti-gender radicalism of Europe would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic, says the writer.

On the 7th of June, the elementary school "Yves Codou", in the municipality of La Mole, France, celebrated the "Holiday of the Parents" instead of Mother's Day, so as not to upset the homosexual couples of France, where gay marriage is legal.

Now, when the new school year,begins in Mid-September, on the facade of the 55,000 educational buildings of France will be posted two pages divided into seventeen points and two chapters: "La République est laïque" and "L'école est laïque".

It is the long-awaited paper of secularism desired by the Minister of Education, Vincent Peillon. A sort of manifesto of the "révolution douce" or soft revolution, the French political correctness of extreme secularism and gay culture.

Peillon advanced the struggle "against any kind of determinism", family, ethnic, social, intellectual. He also wants to fight "homophobia" at school (read that, opposition to gay marriage and gender theory).
Peillon's ministry has just sent to all schools in the country a circular to "strongly encourage educating children about gender equality". The text recommended by the Snuipp, the main teachers' union, is titled "Daddy wears the skirt".

Some municipalities have already changed the enrollment form for schoolchildren by eliminating the words "father" and "mother", replacing them with "legal manager 1" and "legal manager 2".


All over Europe, the number of births has dropped in comparison to the number of deaths year after year, but we daily create new types of families. A book used by the French ministry is titled "A New Sexual Order".

If Europe fails to live for faith, decency and family, succumbing to disgraceful political correctness and secular totalitarian bigotry, if the West’s freedom is nothing but promiscuity and license, then European culture deserves to die under Islam.
The caliphate will be stronger than anti-gender naivete.

Europe Deserves Islam - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Islam is doing a soft caliphate and I fear the natives of Europe won't fight back and will fall to it eventually.

PHASE 1: Make sure Muslim countries move towards 100% Islam. You see this across the Middle East and North Africa. Heck Turkey is supposed to be a secular country, but they are 99% Muslim!

PHASE 2: Have constant unrest in many Islamic countries and support immigration to Europe.

PHASE 3: Immigrate to the West, both legally and illegally, in such high numbers that the spineless politicians (esp on the left) need to placate the growing immigrant group's political clout.

PHASE 4: While immigrating, do no assimulate, demand you religion, culture and language receive special treatment, scream discrimination, Islamophobia, racism etc, well out reproduce your Native counter-parts, and utilize the welfare state to exhaustion. Once the welfare state becomes too expensive (has already hit that point), then Native population will have to carry the burden. With this burden leads to the Native's not reproducing. We are seeing this now.

PHASE 5: With the over-use of the welfare state destroying the Native population's numbers, do not stop using the 'free' services, in fact increase using it, increase immigration and increase the number of children you have.

PHASE 6: While the percentage of the population increasingly become Islamic, they move from a placated demographic class to a political class that starts electing politicians who carry more about Islam, their home Islamic countries then they do about their host country in Europe. They will continue to undermine the country.

PHASE 7: Increase the host European countries Islamic population to 51%! At that point they have the Democratic lead. The Islamic scumbags will vote for other Islamic scumbags and some clueless liberals will do the same (because they like unpaid for freebies also). Some Native will fight back, but the Islamic scumbags will claim victimhood.

PHASE 8: Once they hit 61%, the revolution begins. They take over the military, government, use the Middle East style elections and force the natives to become Muslim or act Islamic!

PHASE 9: Once they hit 71%, open harassment, forced coversions, Dhimmia status, sharia courts everywhere.

Phase 10: They hit 85%, end game. Genocide, forced conversion, outlawing Christianity and other religions!

Russia will be the first to fa

The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden

September 6, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Another week, another jaw-dropping development in Sweden. A couple of weeks ago it was the cockamamie “hijab solidarity” campaign, in which non-Muslim women all over the country donned head coverings in tribute to a Muslim woman who claimed a man had yanked hers off. This week, the eyebrow-raising news is that Sweden is offering instant permanent residency to any and all Syrian refugees who apply. These newly minted residents, moreover, will be entitled to bring over their spouses and kids. The reasoning behind this new policy is that the situation in Syria is extremely dangerous right now and not likely to improve anytime soon.

To be sure, even before this announcement Sweden’s asylum policy was extremely openhanded. Sweden has taken in about 15,000 Syrian refugees since 2012, more than any other EU member state. About half of the Syrians who have sought asylum in Sweden so far this year have been granted permanent residency; the other half have been allowed to stay for three years, but will now be able to trade up to permanent status. All told, just under 8000 Syrians are now temporary Swedish residents and will be eligible to stay in Sweden for good.


Consequently, it has proposed that nursing-home fees be raised significantly; that free meals in nursing homes be phased out, forcing residents to cover their own food costs; that senior citizens who until now have been receiving free home care be forced to pay for it; that the elderly poor, who now receive discounts on various health-care services based on their income, be compelled to shell out the full price; and that old people who aren’t ambulatory, and thus can’t make it to a clinic, be charged extra for house calls. As for old people who simply don’t have the money to pay for food, shelter, or vital medical treatment, they’ll be forced to “abase themselves before municipal officials by asking to be exempt from the fees.”

Meanwhile, the Swedish government has ordered that illegal immigrants be given free medical and dental care.

Seen from abroad, it’s very clear where all this is leading. Why can’t the Swedes see it themselves?

The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden | FrontPage Magazine


This is very generous but dangerous, what are the Swedes thinking? do they even screen these people?
The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden

September 6, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Another week, another jaw-dropping development in Sweden. A couple of weeks ago it was the cockamamie “hijab solidarity” campaign, in which non-Muslim women all over the country donned head coverings in tribute to a Muslim woman who claimed a man had yanked hers off. This week, the eyebrow-raising news is that Sweden is offering instant permanent residency to any and all Syrian refugees who apply. These newly minted residents, moreover, will be entitled to bring over their spouses and kids. The reasoning behind this new policy is that the situation in Syria is extremely dangerous right now and not likely to improve anytime soon.

To be sure, even before this announcement Sweden’s asylum policy was extremely openhanded. Sweden has taken in about 15,000 Syrian refugees since 2012, more than any other EU member state. About half of the Syrians who have sought asylum in Sweden so far this year have been granted permanent residency; the other half have been allowed to stay for three years, but will now be able to trade up to permanent status. All told, just under 8000 Syrians are now temporary Swedish residents and will be eligible to stay in Sweden for good.


Consequently, it has proposed that nursing-home fees be raised significantly; that free meals in nursing homes be phased out, forcing residents to cover their own food costs; that senior citizens who until now have been receiving free home care be forced to pay for it; that the elderly poor, who now receive discounts on various health-care services based on their income, be compelled to shell out the full price; and that old people who aren’t ambulatory, and thus can’t make it to a clinic, be charged extra for house calls. As for old people who simply don’t have the money to pay for food, shelter, or vital medical treatment, they’ll be forced to “abase themselves before municipal officials by asking to be exempt from the fees.”

Meanwhile, the Swedish government has ordered that illegal immigrants be given free medical and dental care.

Seen from abroad, it’s very clear where all this is leading. Why can’t the Swedes see it themselves?

The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden | FrontPage Magazine


This is very generous but dangerous, what are the Swedes thinking? do they even screen these people?

Maybe they want a young/cheap labor force that will eventually mow them over...

Syrian Refugee Spillover Into Europe Surges

Published: September 13, 2013
Islamerica, Eurabia and Eurasia

October 30, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Obama has claimed that the United States is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” While the actual number of Muslims is in dispute, Islamerica is no match for Eurabia or Eurasia.

Europe has 44 million Muslims. If Turkey crawls into the European Union, that number will climb to 118 million. That’s more than double the number of Latinos in America.

If Obama decided to take in all of Syria and Somalia, just to be extra generous, his Islamerica still wouldn’t have a hope in hell of catching up to Eurabia or to the Eurasian Union.

The new evil empire in the east isn’t the USSR; it’s Eurasia, a replacement for the Warsaw Pact that turns away from the troubled economies of Eastern Europe toward the population-rich and resource-rich Muslim republics providing a growing share of Russia’s military and labor force.


The European and Eurasian Unions confuse large Muslim populations with international influence. Obama made that same mistake when he asserted proudly that the United States was one of the world’s biggest Muslim countries. Having a large Muslim minority is a source of conflict, not power.

Advanced countries with large Muslim minority populations include the United States, France, Thailand and Israel. In all of these countries, the Muslim minority has been an explosive element spurring conflict, terrorism and cycles of violence that are never broken.

China understands that stability is more important than size. The younger world powers trying to compete with it would do well to learn that simple lesson.

Eurabia, Eurasia and Islamerica aren’t the future. They’re multicultural roadmaps to national suicide.

Islamerica, Eurabia and Eurasia | FrontPage Magazine
EU Unveils Crackdown on Free Speech

October 30, 2013 By Bruce Bawer



If you want an idea of where the ECTR is coming from, check out a recent article, “Divided We Fall: Intolerance in Europe Puts Rights at Risk,” by Benjamin Ward of Human Rights Watch. Here’s how Ward starts out:

An Afghan migrant is stabbed in the heart on the streets of Athens. Black-shirted paramilitaries linked to Hungary’s third-largest political party march through a Roma neighbourhood shouting, “You will die here.” A neo-Nazi gang commits a string of murders of Turkish immigrants in Germany. An ideologue driven by hatred of “multiculturalism” kills 67 mostly young people on a Norwegian Island….It may be comforting to see these incidents as isolated, disconnected or driven by local events. But the truth is more discomforting: hatred and intolerance are moving into the mainstream in Europe.

Never mind intolerance by Muslims. Even to speak of that intolerance is to be, well, intolerant. Ward slams Silvio Berlusconi for suggesting in 2010 that reducing immigration into Italy would lower crime rates, and vilifies Angela Merkel for saying that Germans “feel tied to Christian values” and that immigrants “who don’t accept them don’t have a place here.” Ward’s picture of a continent where the principal threats to life and liberty are nativist bigots who torment innocent gypsies and slaughter peaceable Muslims is a fantasy. But Ward’s not alone in promulgating it. On the contrary, this funhouse-mirror picture underlies every current attempt by the EU and its affiliates to shut down free speech, including, as Soeren Kern reports, “the EU’s ongoing work towards a new ‘Equal Treatment Directive,’” which is the malignant framework within which the ECTR’s report was presented.

“There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant.” The sentence is immediately succeeded, in the ECTR’s “Model Statute,” by the following statement: “This is especially important as far as freedom of expression is concerned: that freedom must not be abused to defame other groups.” The report goes on to prescribe comprehensive guidelines for the surveillance, monitoring, prosecution, and punishment of such “abuses” of “freedom of expression.” As European Dignity Watch, a Brussels-based NGO, puts it in a blistering commentary, the ECTR’s “understanding of tolerance” is “highly problematic,” with the term itself being defined “vaguely” (as “respect for and acceptance of the expression, preservation and development of the distinct identity of a group”) and employed in a way that is riddled with “double standards.” Nor could the ECTR’s recommended edicts be much more sweeping: it proposes that speech be subjected to controls of a sort unheard of in the modern West, that groups be placed above individuals, that European law recognize the concept of “group libel” and punish it as a crime, that the burden of proof be reversed in cases of allegedly “intolerant” speech about groups, that certain “vulnerable and disadvantaged groups” be given “special protection” (“some animals,” wrote Orwell, “are more equal than others”), that juveniles found guilty of speech crimes against groups “be required to undergo a rehabilitation program designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance” (re-education camps, anyone?), that schools and the media be pressured to indoctrinate “tolerance” (as defined, needless to say, by the ECTR), and that an elaborate enforcement and judiciary apparatus in the form of National Tolerance Monitoring Commissions and “special administrative unit” subordinate to European nations’ respective Ministries of Justice.


EU Unveils Crackdown on Free Speech | FrontPage Magazine
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The comments about the UK are most illuminating .
I suggest you come here and find out first hand why we boast the most successful centre for multiculturism in the developed world . And by a long way , when you compare with the larger economies.
Some of the previous posts are unwittingly very racist as Britain has never been the repository of or for a Fatherland , let alone one for white males . I lose count of the number of races who have visited these islands and become part of our genetic make up .
Like in America , the old fashioned white supremacist is soon to be something of the past .
Basically because their fertility rate has declined so significantly .

Interesting how you boast about your high degree of multiculturalism as if it were a good thing. Very sad to see a society like Britain that for so long has developed one of the finest cultures in the world, being ruined and ravaged by uncivilized, barbaric savages.

One wonders how long it might take for misguided multiculturalists to get with reality. How many people will be fired from their jobs for bringing a pork product sandwich to work for lunch ? How many kids will drop out of colleges because of increasing tuitions, while the schools spend millions on footwashing basins ? How many blind people with guide dogs will be stranded on streets, while Muslim cab drivers refuse to take them ? Or people carrying liquor bottles at Christmastime ? For that matter, how long before there is no more Christmastime, with the name Christmas banned from public view, as well as any reminders of the holy day (nativity scenes, Christmas trees, etc). How many airplane flights will be delayed while imams have to be kicked off of planes for interfering with the flight by blocking aisles while praying or whatever other loon thing they do ? And how many streets will be clogged and traffic brought to standstill, while Muslim asslifters pray outside a mosque too crowded for all of them to go inside ?

Maybe it takes a swell of population of the Muslim degenerates to the point where things like the murder of Lee Rigby (with a deranged Muslim jihadist fool bragging about it with 2 bloody knives in his hands) becomes an everyday thing, for the multiculturalists to come to their senses. Or, on the other hand, as their naive heads are being sawed off, will their last pitiful words be "we boast the most successful centre for multiculturism in the developed world."

Pheeeeeeeeeeww!!! (high-pitched whistle : eyes rolling around in head)
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So basically, America will be a Hispanic country, and Europe will become mostly Arab?

Some of those europeeons might want to come over here and even things out...:eusa_angel:

They would be quite welcome, especially if they bring capital with which to open businesses, and create jobs FOR AMERICANS (not illegal alien invaders). And especially if they quickly learn English, and adapt to American culture (as European immigrants have typically done).
Victimized by Muslims? You Deserve It

November 6, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Late one night two years ago, only days before Christmas, two burglars wearing ski masks climbed through an open window into the Oslo home of Arild Opheim and Elin Ruhlin Gjuvsland. The noise they made woke Elin first. She saw a shadow through the bedroom door. Next thing she knew, the two intruders were on top of her and Arild, holding them down on the mattress and saying, in English, “Don’t look. Sleep. If look, we kill.”

The thugs tied up the couple – both of whom have worked for years as journalists and program hosts for NRK, the state TV and radio broadcasting system – and gathered up various items, including computers and telephones. Arild and Elin also handed over their bank cards and pin codes. The men were “very aggressive” – one of them struck Elin in the head with a blunt metal object. But they also attempted, as the couple explained last Friday on the TV talk show Skavlan and in a Dagbladet op-ed, to “win sympathy by telling their story.”

In a mixture of Spanish, Arabic, and broken English, they maintained that they “weren’t evil people” but were “in a desperate situation. They wanted to be able to reside and work and lead a normal life in Norway. But their asylum application had been rejected. Now they had no other choice than to rob us and to get money to return home.” In order to get back home “see their families,” they “needed 20,000 kroner” – about $4000. “They’d had a tough life, while Norwegians had it good.” Arild and Elin, said one of the crooks, deserved what they were getting.

(In fact, no rejected asylum seeker in Norway needs to rob anybody to get home. The Norwegian government pays all the expenses for such repatriation. And then some.)


But Arild and Elin’s story ends in victory. To be sure, Elin admits that she’s more scared now than before about her children’s everyday security. But, she affirms triumphantly, “we haven’t become racists.” Au contraire! Thanks to those men who climbed in their window, physically abused them, and threatened their lives, she and Arild have become first-class dhimmis. As they wrote in their op-ed, they now agree with what one of their uninvited guests told them:

Yes, we are getting what we deserve….We’re getting what we deserve because of Norway’s, and Europe’s, immigration policies. Because they’re too strict.

Yep, you read that right: Europe’s immigration policies, which have transformed the continent in the blink of an eye, are “too strict.” Arild and Elin defend their thesis as follows:


If they’re thugs, then, it’s our fault. They may rob or rape or kill us – but even as they’re doing so, we’re still the bad guys, and they’re still the real victims.

Such is the argument advanced by these two NRK journalists. It’s clear enough what happened here: Arild and Elin, in their urgent quest to avoid thinking of themselves as “racists,” grasped onto their intruder’s claim that he and his buddy would never have committed such an offense if their asylum applications hadn’t been rejected. This allows Arild and Elin to suggest that if only all asylum seekers were allowed in, such transgressions would be a thing of the past.


In recent years, violent felonies by asylum seekers have become an outrageously disproportionate part of Norwegian life. One morning in 2004, on the same tram that my partner took to work every day at almost exactly that hour, a Somali man stabbed five people, killing one, 23-year-old Terje Mjåland (who, being deaf, may not have heard his fellow passengers’ screams). Did he deserve it? Two years later, an asylum seeker from Algeria walked into the Oslo office of a remarkably kind, gentle doctor I knew, Stein Sjaastad, and stabbed him to death. Did he deserve it?

Arild and Elin have a proposal: “Why not open the borders and let them regulate themselves?” After all, they ask, what are international boundaries other than lines on a map that have been “constantly shifting all through history”? That being the case, how can we think we have the right “to refuse to let people cross the lines we have drawn around us?” Yes, they’re aware of Oslo’s current wave of robberies and burglaries (the overwhelming majority of which have been committed by “non-Western immigrants”), and they claim to understand the need to fight crime. But the most effective approach, they say, is to “fight the need to commit crime” by “helping the dreamers – illegal immigrants – who are standing helpless on the streets of Europe.” In other words, the solution to bloodthirsty lawlessness by non-Western immigrants is to bring in more of them. If Norwegians don’t do so, “we will only continue to get what we deserve.”


The murder victims were the bus driver, a Swedish passenger in his fifties, and a 19-year-old girl who was identified as Margaret Molland Sanden, a chemistry and biotechnology student at the College of Oslo and Akershus whose Facebook page shows that she was a fan of Bob Dylan and of 24. Three unfortunate deaths, undoubtedly. But, after all, they got what they deserved. Right?

Victimized by Muslims? You Deserve It | FrontPage Magazine
Here's the thing: you see these little pockets of controversy. Up to 1 1/2 years ago I was living in Europe. I lived there for 4 years. I continue to visit it often and spent all of last summer there. What you see in these news bites is not the reality of everyday life. Europe isn't being over run or over taken by militant Islamists or by anti-Semites.


Muslims decide the French election

Muslim Voters Change Europe :: Gatestone Institute

Muslim Voters Change Europe

Muslims cast the deciding voted that thrust Hollande into the Elysée Palace. He also pledged to change French electoral laws so that Muslim residents without French citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal elections as of 2014, enabling the Socialist Party to tighten its grip on political power.


'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West

PARIS - Friday in Paris. A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force.

This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene.

It shows that even though some in the French government want to get tough with Muslims and ban the burqa, other parts of the French government continue to give Islam a privileged status.


Won't be long now!
Muslims decide the French election | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Muslims decide the French election

Muslims cast the deciding voted that thrust Hollande into the Elysée Palace. He also pledged to change French electoral laws so that Muslim residents without French citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal elections as of 2014, enabling the Socialist Party to tighten its grip on political power.

etc [/i]

In Denmark and Sweden muslims vote for left-wing parties in a 9 to 1 proportion. The danish conservative government lost the election by 9,000 votes, with 89% of muslims voting for the socialist coalition.

According to our american left-wing friends, they only have to move to the political centre to get those votes. Well, in Scandinavia it’s hard to imagine how conservatives can move further to the centre :cool:
Whitewashing Amsterdam’s Islamization

November 13, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


I love Amsterdam. I’ve loved it ever since I first visited it in 1997, and when I moved there from New York a year later, after three more visits, I was still bewitched. Not until I’d lived there for several months did I grasp that this beautiful city, which had played such a pivotal role in the development of the modern concept of individual liberty, faced a serious threat from a certain pre-modern, liberty-hating religion to which I realized I’d been paying insufficient attention. I haven’t lived in Amsterdam for fourteen years, but I’ve returned to it many times, and I’ve witnessed the dire consequences of its steady, and increasingly manifest, Islamization. I still love it, but I tread more carefully now on those cobbled streets; and precisely because I do love it, I worry about what’s happening to it.

Russell Shorto also professes to love Amsterdam. A longtime New York Times Magazine contributor, he’s lived there since 2008, serving (until recently) as director of the city’s John Adams Institute, which, according to its website, seeks to reinforce Dutch-American cultural ties by hosting talks by “interesting American thinkers and writers…such as Al Gore, Toni Morrison, Jesse Jackson, Jonathan Franzen, Madeleine Albright, Spike Lee, Paul Auster and Francis Fukuyama.” (Don’t worry: as its website is careful to underscore, it’s not the kind of “’patriotic’ organization” that “waves a little American flag and tries to promote America.”)


Contrasting sharply with his mendacious smearing of Wilders and Hirsi Ali is his depiction of the aforementioned Job Cohen, whom he portrays as a veritable wonder-worker, a “conciliator.” But “conciliator” isn’t the mot juste. Try “appeaser.” Or, if you like, “dhimmi.” Alas, Shorto does such a slick job here that if you didn’t already know the real history, you could easily end up convinced that Wilders and Hirsi Ali are bums and that Cohen’s a hero. Shorto is exceedingly skilled at juggling the facts to make his heroes – and his case – look good. It’s a shame, because this book, with a few small but significant changes, could have amounted to a stirring defense of the Dutch legacy of freedom and an indictment of the political and media establishment that has sold it down the river. Instead, Shorto has chosen to toe the establishment line. No big surprise there, I guess. Not only is he a Times stalwart who knows what’s fit to print and what isn’t; by book’s end it’s clear that he’s won a prime spot on the lap of the Dutch elite that he’s not about to risk losing. His acknowledgments pages are a glittering catalogue of that elite, up to and including “their Royal Highnesses Willem-Alexander and Máxima,” whom he thanks “for the courtesies they have extended me at various points over the past eight years.” Ugh. Willem-Alexander, of course, is the recently crowned king of the Netherlands – the man who, back in 2007, publicly (and quite improperly) chided Geert Wilders, an elected Member of Parliament, by saying: “Speech is silver, silence is golden.” Jerk.

Oh, well. There are two basic choices for a writer in Shorto’s position: you can be a truth-teller, or you can be a courtier. He’s made his choice – and, it appears, is reaping the rewards.

Whitewashing Amsterdam?s Islamization | FrontPage Magazine
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Danish Muslim Apostate Faces Hate Speech Charges

January 2, 2014 by Andrew Harrod


“Muslims love to take advantage of” free speech, Danish-Palestinian poet Yahya Hassan says, “and as soon as there is someone else saying something critical against them, they want to restrict it.” In an action previously indicated by this writer, Hassan is now personally facing this double standard in Danish “hate speech” charges for his anti-Islam comments.

Following Danish-Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan’s conviction under Danish Penal Code Section 266b (in Danish here) for condemning Islam as misogynist, a local Muslim Aarhus politician demanded a similar prosecution of Hassan. His poetry “says that everybody in the ghettos like Vollsmose and Gellerup steal, don’t pay taxes and cheat themselves to pensions,” the Somali-Dane Mohamed Suleban stated after reporting Hassan to the police on November 27. “Those are highly generalizing statements and they offend me and many other people.” Authorities are currently considering Section 266b charges for, according to one English translation, any public “communication by which a group of persons are threatened, insulted or denigrated due to their race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation.”


Hassan’s case presents speech codes functioning not just as a de facto blasphemy, but also as a de facto apostasy law protecting Islam. How, after all, can an atheist like Hassan, who says that there is “something wrong with Islam,” decide upon his religious views without rigorous testing of all faiths? For that matter, how could anyone answer Hassan’s call for a “reformation” in an Islam that “refuses to renew itself” without similar scrutiny? Such questions aside, Hassan remains committed to his criticisms, stating that he does not “care about getting convicted of racism.” Muslims threatening violence can likewise “all come and get me if they want. I don’t give a s**t about these morons.” “I know these people,” Hassan adds, “They can’t handle criticism…they’re not interested in dialogue.”

Danish Muslim Apostate Faces Hate Speech Charges | FrontPage Magazine
English-Language Media Ignores Breivik’s Coming-Out As A Nazi

January 15, 2014 by Robert Spencer


Last Friday, I published a translation of a Swedish report about a letter mass murderer Anders Breivik had sent to the media, in which he revealed that he was a Nazi, and that he had published his “counter-jihad manifesto” intending to destroy the counter-jihad movement. The Swedish news source Expo Idag (Expo Today) reported:

Anders Behring Breivik has sent out a letter to the international media that Expo Today has reviewed. He describes the letter as a sort of first step in a “peace negotiation” with his political opponents. In the letter, Anders Behring Breivik to some extent changes the rhetoric from that which he used in his so-called manifesto. He says that he used “counter-jihadist” rhetoric in the manifesto to protect “ethno-nationalists” and instead provoke a media campaign against the anti-nationalist counter-jihad supporters. He calls this a strategy of “dual psychology.”

Now Daniel Greenfield has picked up the story, but he is the only one: the English-language media has completely ignored this story, not even bothering to publish stories designed to shore up their earlier demonization of the counter-jihad movement, and claiming that Breivik is cravenly trying to obscure his counter-jihadist tracks, or simply delusional and crazy, as Greenfield does below. Instead, no one mentioned it at all. Nothing. The Wall Street Journal published a piece about his claims that he was tortured, but that was as close as any mainstream media outlet came to covering this story at all.

Contrast that to the huge media barrage when Breivik’s “manifesto” was first discovered: I was on NBC for the first time in ten years, I was on the front page of the New York Times, I was on the BBC, and in a hundred other places — everywhere being blamed for the murders. But now, when Breivik says he was a Nazi and was not only not influenced by the counter-jihad movement, but was trying to destroy it?


But from the media, there was absolute silence on all of this at the time of the murders and ever after, just as there is silence now about Breivik’s Nazi claims. And that, in a nutshell, manifests the sinister agenda of the mainstream media: the objective was never to uncover the facts surrounding Breivik’s heinous murders. It was just to discredit the counter-jihad movement. And for that, Anders Behring Breivik has already served his purpose. At this point, he is no longer useful.

English-Language Media Ignores Breivik?s Coming-Out As A Nazi | FrontPage Magazine
"Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain."

NO, Swagger: only *some* Muslims do that - because they're ignorant and intolerant, just like some of any group. Only when that group is over 1 billion people, even a small percentage seems like a huge number.

But chin up, ol' chap! All the nasty folks who are Muslim and behaving poorly do agree with you about abusing people just because they're Jews. So they aren't all that different from you after all : ))

Its actually quite a large number that are doing it now because of the uncontrolled immigration allowed under our last Government. No checks were done on the migrants so many extremists and fundamentalists came here. Over 80% of the mosques in Britain preach extremist islam and are dens of subversion and hatred. Gangs of muslim youths will terrorise a neighbourhood till the residents start moving out and then the areas will be taken over as yet another Islamic ghetto. Some parts of the UK are now no go areas for whites due to the muslim "police" enforcing sharia law.
American_Jihad Imagine said:
It's difficult to know whether your posts are satirical or just the delusional ramblings of a young Hilly Billy American youngster .
Given that America is the most Terrorist religion that History has yet witnessed , your burblings do come across as extremely funny .

And which mosque do you frequent to hide away from reality. No doubt you are one of the great unwashed gang that goes around terrorising children and pensioners in the name of neo Marxism. Look at the true picture and you see the indigenous Briton is sick of being pushed around by the immigrants flooding to the UK. Sick of seeing London mansions get handed out like sweets to terrorists that were shooting British soldiers 3 months before arriving in the UK. Sick of seeing Chowdary and his ilk talking down the UK and making demands that would see them thrown in jail as racists. One day the muslims will go just too far and the true Brit will turn round and fight back, then the truth will come out and the muslims will be running for home.
"Muslims do the complete opposite.

They ghettoise the districts they settle in, bring Third World diseases like TB with them, don't learn English, don't pay a penny in tax, loot the benefit/welfare system and build social barriers between themselves and everyone else. And the situation's ten times worse in France than it is in Britain."

NO, Swagger: only *some* Muslims do that - because they're ignorant and intolerant, just like some of any group. Only when that group is over 1 billion people, even a small percentage seems like a huge number.

But chin up, ol' chap! All the nasty folks who are Muslim and behaving poorly do agree with you about abusing people just because they're Jews. So they aren't all that different from you after all : ))

Its actually quite a large number that are doing it now because of the uncontrolled immigration allowed under our last Government. No checks were done on the migrants so many extremists and fundamentalists came here. Over 80% of the mosques in Britain preach extremist islam and are dens of subversion and hatred. Gangs of muslim youths will terrorise a neighbourhood till the residents start moving out and then the areas will be taken over as yet another Islamic ghetto. Some parts of the UK are now no go areas for whites due to the muslim "police" enforcing sharia law.

As a Brit I would say that this is broadly correct. Americans really have no idea what is happening in Europe.

Here in Sweden immigrant ghettos are sometimes townsize. For example Södertälje, just south of Stockholm, which has over 50,000 asylum seekers from 'Iraq'. More than all of the US and Canada combined. Arab gangs are much more powerful than the police there.

(The inverted commas around Iraq are there because no real attempt is made to check where people come from. The government has now announced that anyone from Syria will be given asylum. In effect this means any Arab who chooses to pretend he is Syrian can settle in Swden).
About ten years ago Ariel Sharon told French Jews that they needed to leave France because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. French Jews were furious.

This is also a push to get Europeans to immigrate to Israel.

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