Eurabia: A Continent in Flight

About ten years ago Ariel Sharon told French Jews that they needed to leave France because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. French Jews were furious.

This is also a push to get Europeans to immigrate to Israel.

Now the French Jews are leaving in their hundreds because of rampant Islamic anti Semitism and religious intolerance. This is why the French are bringing in new laws to combat Islam at a grass roots level, starting with the banning of the burkha. As the Islamic population approaches 5% of the whole population the muslims start to become more violent and demanding, and will vote for neo Marxist and neo liberal candidates who back more rights for muslims.
About ten years ago Ariel Sharon told French Jews that they needed to leave France because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. French Jews were furious.

This is also a push to get Europeans to immigrate to Israel.

Now the French Jews are leaving in their hundreds because of rampant Islamic anti Semitism and religious intolerance. This is why the French are bringing in new laws to combat Islam at a grass roots level, starting with the banning of the burkha. As the Islamic population approaches 5% of the whole population the muslims start to become more violent and demanding, and will vote for neo Marxist and neo liberal candidates who back more rights for muslims.

Banning the burka is not a big deal.. Most Muslim women don't wear the abaya or chador. You find that typically in new converts.

Do you have any data on how many French Jews have left.. or did you just toss that out?
[ame=]Muslim Demographics - YouTube[/ame]

Europe has already been decided and there is no stopping or reversing it now without bloodshed and lots of it.

[ame=]Islam will destroy all civilization - YouTube[/ame]

This video gives a very good executive summary of the matter.

Will WE in America learn from Europe's Political Correctness?
About ten years ago Ariel Sharon told French Jews that they needed to leave France because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. French Jews were furious.

This is also a push to get Europeans to immigrate to Israel.

Now the French Jews are leaving in their hundreds because of rampant Islamic anti Semitism and religious intolerance. This is why the French are bringing in new laws to combat Islam at a grass roots level, starting with the banning of the burkha. As the Islamic population approaches 5% of the whole population the muslims start to become more violent and demanding, and will vote for neo Marxist and neo liberal candidates who back more rights for muslims.

Banning the burka is not a big deal.. Most Muslim women don't wear the abaya or chador. You find that typically in new converts.

Do you have any data on how many French Jews have left.. or did you just toss that out?

I don't suppose exact stats for the number of Jews in France exist; but that many are leaving is not in doubt.

Not many of the relatively few Jews here are leaving Sweden. However the second largest city in Sweden, Malmö, is now Judenrein as the Nazis would have put it driven out by systematic harassment by Muslims which the Social Democrat local government did nothing to stop.

(The official travel advice to US Jews is "Don't visit Malmö". A bit over the top imo).
About ten years ago Ariel Sharon told French Jews that they needed to leave France because of Muslim Anti-Semitism. French Jews were furious.

This is also a push to get Europeans to immigrate to Israel.

Now the French Jews are leaving in their hundreds because of rampant Islamic anti Semitism and religious intolerance. This is why the French are bringing in new laws to combat Islam at a grass roots level, starting with the banning of the burkha. As the Islamic population approaches 5% of the whole population the muslims start to become more violent and demanding, and will vote for neo Marxist and neo liberal candidates who back more rights for muslims.

Banning the burka is not a big deal.. Most Muslim women don't wear the abaya or chador. You find that typically in new converts.

Do you have any data on how many French Jews have left.. or did you just toss that out?

here you go you do the math and see how many have actually left, and the reason for the migration is ISLAMIC ANTI SEMITIC ATTACKS.

History of the Jews in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now the French Jews are leaving in their hundreds because of rampant Islamic anti Semitism and religious intolerance. This is why the French are bringing in new laws to combat Islam at a grass roots level, starting with the banning of the burkha. As the Islamic population approaches 5% of the whole population the muslims start to become more violent and demanding, and will vote for neo Marxist and neo liberal candidates who back more rights for muslims.

Banning the burka is not a big deal.. Most Muslim women don't wear the abaya or chador. You find that typically in new converts.

Do you have any data on how many French Jews have left.. or did you just toss that out?

here you go you do the math and see how many have actually left, and the reason for the migration is ISLAMIC ANTI SEMITIC ATTACKS.

History of the Jews in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any numbers at your link.

Rises in antisemitism in modern France have been linked to the intensifying Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
Based on official estimates, Britain's Muslim population has grown from 1.6 million in 2001 (when the British Census first began to measure religion) to 1,870,000 in 2004, to 2,422,000 in 2008, to 2,869,000 in 2010. That is an overall increase of more than 1.2 million, according to data compiled by the British government's Labour Force Survey (LFS), which were first published by the Times of London newspaper in January 2009, later confirmed by Hansard, the official report of debates in the British Parliament, and then updated by the Pew Research Center in September 2010.

In just two decades, the percentage of the British population born abroad has doubled to over 11%, according to the Office for National Statistics. In real terms, that amounts to nearly seven million immigrants, equal to the population of the City of London, or the equivalent of one immigrant every two minutes. This rate of inflow is 25 times higher than any previous period of immigration since the Norman Conquest of England in September 1066.

One wonders why this inflow of immigrants is encouraged?

One wonders if the same PROFIT motive is making this happen in the UK as is happening here?
Banning the burka is not a big deal.. Most Muslim women don't wear the abaya or chador. You find that typically in new converts.

Do you have any data on how many French Jews have left.. or did you just toss that out?

here you go you do the math and see how many have actually left, and the reason for the migration is ISLAMIC ANTI SEMITIC ATTACKS.

History of the Jews in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any numbers at your link.

Rises in antisemitism in modern France have been linked to the intensifying Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Didn't you that's strange because they are all around the part you lifted. And a couple of lines further down a paragraph starts

Between 2000 and 2009, 13,315 French Jews moved to Israel
Based on official estimates, Britain's Muslim population has grown from 1.6 million in 2001 (when the British Census first began to measure religion) to 1,870,000 in 2004, to 2,422,000 in 2008, to 2,869,000 in 2010. That is an overall increase of more than 1.2 million, according to data compiled by the British government's Labour Force Survey (LFS), which were first published by the Times of London newspaper in January 2009, later confirmed by Hansard, the official report of debates in the British Parliament, and then updated by the Pew Research Center in September 2010.

In just two decades, the percentage of the British population born abroad has doubled to over 11%, according to the Office for National Statistics. In real terms, that amounts to nearly seven million immigrants, equal to the population of the City of London, or the equivalent of one immigrant every two minutes. This rate of inflow is 25 times higher than any previous period of immigration since the Norman Conquest of England in September 1066.

One wonders why this inflow of immigrants is encouraged?

One wonders if the same PROFIT motive is making this happen in the UK as is happening here?

All down to votes as the ousted Labour government admitted, the migrants are expected to vote labour for being allowed to come here and claim welfare. They also admit that they got it wrong and they should never have allowed so many unemployed migrants to enter the country.
here you go you do the math and see how many have actually left, and the reason for the migration is ISLAMIC ANTI SEMITIC ATTACKS.

History of the Jews in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any numbers at your link.

Rises in antisemitism in modern France have been linked to the intensifying Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Didn't you that's strange because they are all around the part you lifted. And a couple of lines further down a paragraph starts

Between 2000 and 2009, 13,315 French Jews moved to Israel

I posted that earlier.. along with the link. Then half of them returned to France.

Do you live in Israel?
I don't see any numbers at your link.

Rises in antisemitism in modern France have been linked to the intensifying Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Didn't you that's strange because they are all around the part you lifted. And a couple of lines further down a paragraph starts

Between 2000 and 2009, 13,315 French Jews moved to Israel

I posted that earlier.. along with the link. Then half of them returned to France.

Do you live in Israel?

30% is not half, unless you use Islamic calculus

Do you live in an Islamic sharia shit hole ?
Didn't you that's strange because they are all around the part you lifted. And a couple of lines further down a paragraph starts

Between 2000 and 2009, 13,315 French Jews moved to Israel

I posted that earlier.. along with the link. Then half of them returned to France.

Do you live in Israel?

30% is not half, unless you use Islamic calculus

Do you live in an Islamic sharia shit hole ?

No.. I live in Atlanta... and I spent many happy years in the Arab world.

I understand your hate and animosity.. that often goes with ignorance.
I posted that earlier.. along with the link. Then half of them returned to France.

Do you live in Israel?

30% is not half, unless you use Islamic calculus

Do you live in an Islamic sharia shit hole ?

No.. I live in Atlanta... and I spent many happy years in the Arab world.

I understand your hate and animosity.. that often goes with ignorance.

You forget we in the UK are faced by Islamic violence every day so we know the truth about muslims. So there is no ignorance, the opposite in fact intelligence and reality.

Things like doctors driving a range rover packed with explosives and flammables into a packed Airport concourse at the height of school holidays. What military target were they after. Muslims married men grooming underage girls for sex, racially and sexually abusing them and then MURDERING them before butchering the bodies and making them into kebabs. A muslim gang attacking a schoolboy because they wanted to kill a white person, so they beat him to a bloody pulp then laid him face down on a fire till he was screaming in agony. They cut out his tongue to silence him and then cut of his penis before ramming it as far down his throat as possible, leaving him to die in absolute agony and all alone.

So dont say that I am ignorant of islam and the muslims because I have seen what they are capable of, and if push comes to shove I will be on the front line dishing out the punishments they richly deserve. They are unspeakably despicable and evil and have no self control or humanity of any sort.

Now you can put me back on ignore for all I care as scum like you should be segregated from humanity and not allowed to mix with decent human beings.
War Over Wilders

March 31, 2014 by Bruce Bawer


On March 19, addressing supporters in The Hague after a local election, Geert Wilders, head of the Freedom Party (PVV), asked if they wanted more or less of the European Union. “Less!” they shouted. Did they want more or less of the Labor Party? “Less!” they repeated. Then he asked, “Do you want, in this city and in the Netherlands, more or fewer Moroccans?”


In a speech on March 22, Wilders explained in detail what he had meant by the “fewer Moroccans” line. His party platform calls for “a three-stage approach” to the Islamic immigration issue: “limiting immigration from Islamic countries, including Morocco”; “promoting re-emigration” to Muslim countries; and “deporting criminal Moroccans by revoking their Dutch passports, if they have dual nationality – and most have – and sending them back to the country of their other nationality.” In answer to the question “why did I refer to Moroccans in particular?”, Wilders said he’d done so “because Moroccans are at the top of the list of over-representation in crime and welfare dependence. Moroccan youths younger than 23, more than 60% of them are known to the police and the judicial system. Moroccans are 22 times more frequently guilty of violent crime such as mugging and robbery. They are seven times more likely to be on welfare. These are facts that I haven’t made up, but these are facts that I have to make known or I might just as well not have gone into politics. I went into politics to state things like this, and to propose solutions.”

And that’s the bottom line. Your typical high-level European politician – say, oh, Jens Stoltenberg, the recently dethroned prime minister of Norway who was just named head of NATO (an organization for whose founding values he has never shown particular enthusiasm) – plainly went into politics not to face up to hard truths or put his life on the line for freedom, but so that he could eventually end up as, well, head of NATO, or as a jet-setting big shot at the UN or EU or World Bank. Yes, Wilders stumbled with his line about “fewer Moroccans,” but on a European landscape crowded with empty-suit politicians who don’t really stand for anything except for their own careers, whose approach to Islam and immigration is to recite facile multicultural mantras, and whose only real qualification for anything is that they never, ever offend (precisely because they strenuously skirt the topics that matter the most), Wilders is the real thing: a brave, selfless man determined to steer the ship of state through turbulent waters safely into port. The Dutch would be fools to throw him overboard.

War Over Wilders | FrontPage Magazine
Direct Experience: The One Benefit of Accepting Muslim Migrants
If the West cannot learn about Islam from doctrine, history, and current events, then let it learn from up close and personal contact.
October 26, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


A silver lining exists in the dust cloud being beat up by the marching feet of millions of Muslim men migrating into the West: those many Europeans and Americans, who could never understand Islam in theory, will now have the opportunity to understand it through direct and personal experience.

Perhaps then they will awaken to reality?

The fact is, most Western people have had very little personal interaction with Muslims. Moreover, because Muslims in the West are still a tiny minority—in the U.S., they are reportedly less than one percent of the population—those few Muslims that Westerners do interact with are often on their best behavior, being surrounded as they are by a sea of infidels (according to the doctrine of taqiyya).


I speak not of the true refugees—women and children—but of the hordes of young and able bodied Muslim men; the ones shouting “Allahu Akbar!” as they barge into Europe.

When discussing Western and Muslim interactions in the modern era, it’s my custom to provide historical precedents to show that Muslim hostilities—whether hate for Christians and their churches and crosses, or whether violent lust for “white” women—are not aberrations but continuations.

In this case, however, I have none to give. For never before in history have the peoples of one civilization been so divorced from reality as to welcome millions of people from an alien civilization—one that terrorized their ancestors for centuries—to come and dwell among them.

The only “history” one can cite is the modern day experiences of those European regions that already have significant Muslim populations, and are taking more in.

In Germany and the United Kingdom, crime and rape have soared in direct proportion to the number of Muslim “refugees” accepted. Sweden alone—where rape has increased by 1,472% since that country embraced “multiculturalism”—is reportedly on the verge of collapse.

The price of the Islamic influx into Western lands is violence and chaos, in accordance with Islam’s Rule of Numbers: women and children will be exploited and raped; the elderly will be mugged; churches and other institutions will be attacked; terror will set in. Look to the plight of non-Muslims living alongside Muslims to get an idea of what is coming.

But alas, at this late hour, such appears to be the price that must be paid for decades of willful ignorance. If the West cannot learn the truth about Islam from theory, from doctrine, from history, and now even from ongoing current events, then let it learn from up close and personal contact.

And if after such firsthand experiences, any Western nation is still too politically correct to act in the name of self-preservation, then let it die. For it will be evident that there is little left worth saving.

Direct Experience: The One Benefit of Accepting Muslim Migrants

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight


Notice the signs are all in English. Odd for a targetted message meant for Europeans. Almost makes it look like it's staged for US eyes. :)

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

Notice the signs are all in English. Odd for a targetted message meant for Europeans. Almost makes it look like it's staged for US eyes. :)

They are pictures from an old single small scale protest in the UK. Personally I find it ironic that posters such as him insist that these kinds of demonstrations are common, but can't seem to find the material to update their pictorial examples with something that isn't half a decade old.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

Notice the signs are all in English. Odd for a targetted message meant for Europeans. Almost makes it look like it's staged for US eyes. :)

They are pictures from an old single small scale protest in the UK. Personally I find it ironic that posters such as him insist that these kinds of demonstrations are common, but can't seem to find the material to update their pictorial examples with something that isn't half a decade old.

Any pictures before the article and after the articles url are the ones I put in there to incite people like you and the jackass above you.
Read Em N Weep...

Europe: A Continent in Flight

February 26, 2013
By Bruce Bawer

Different parts of Europe, same story.

Let’s start with France, where a new report by a Jewish community group, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), says that anti-Semitism in that country has gotten so much worse in the wake of last year’s Toulouse school massacre that the number of Jews who are “crossing the Channel to find safe haven in the U.K.” is skyrocketing. One sign of the trend: “St John’s Wood Synagogue in London has set up a separate French minyan, attended regularly by 120 people on Shabbat,” with new faces showing up every week. A February 21 piece in the Jewish Chronicle about the SPCJ report noted that while anti-Semitic “incidents” in Britain and France are roughly comparable in number, those in France “are far more likely to involve violence.” It also quoted Britain’s Chief Rabbi as warning that “the position of Jews in Europe today is very difficult….Jews in Europe have begun to ask, is there a place for us here?” Perhaps the most telling detail in the Jewish Chronicle article was this: while the SPCJ report “originally stated that in over three-quarters of the antisemitic incidents the perpetrators were reported as being of North African origin,” this fact was later deleted from the text.


All this fleeing, of course, is nothing new in Europe. Norwegians have been saying ta-ta to certain east Oslo neighborhoods for years. A couple of years ago the Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article headlined “Christians and Jews are fleeing from Danish ghettos,” noting that in Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, Jews and Christians were clearing out because they were being threatened with beatings, while in Muslim-heavy areas of Copenhagen, Jewish kids were being advised to apply to schools in other parts of town. The only surprise was the article’s appearance in the ordinarily PC Politiken – that, and the willingness of a political scientist at Aarhus University to finger Islam as “a major part of the problem.” Jews, he worried, might well start emigrating from Denmark. A young Jewish man told Politiken that on several occasions Muslim neighbors in Vollsmose had offered him the explicit choice: leave town or get beaten up. He left.

The situation in Denmark has only gotten more and more rotten. Yesterday, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten ran an article headlined “Why you can’t be a Jew in Copenhagen,” in which Martin Henriksen, immigration and integration spokesman for the Danish People’s Party, bluntly noted that owing to Muslim anti-Semitism, schools in Copenhagen “encourage Jewish parents to find other pastures” for their children. “We haven’t witnessed anything like this since the Occupation,” he wrote.


Whatever the specific details of the story, the narrative’s main point is clear – as is its larger import. The story of that boy and his dog, simply put, is the story of today’s Europe in miniature – the story of a continent whose natives are increasingly being tormented by Koran-wielding tyrants, and increasingly in flight.

Europe: A Continent in Flight

Notice the signs are all in English. Odd for a targetted message meant for Europeans. Almost makes it look like it's staged for US eyes. :)

They are pictures from an old single small scale protest in the UK. Personally I find it ironic that posters such as him insist that these kinds of demonstrations are common, but can't seem to find the material to update their pictorial examples with something that isn't half a decade old.

Any pictures before the article and after the articles url are the ones I put in there to incite people like you and the jackass above you.
Read Em N Weep...

:laugh: "read these incredibly old and outdated photos and weep."

Try harder.

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