EU cannot jeopardize its security for vague US policy towards Iran


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The new administration in the US took office on 20 January, 2021. US president, Joe Biden, reinstated Paris climate agreement and US participation in the World Health Organization from the first day of his appointment. However, the US policy towards Iran is not as straightforward as it was echoed in the west. Although the new construction of the secretary of state in the US includes most of Obama’s negotiation team for the Iran deal, a clear and determined policy towards Iran has not been declared yet. Of course, Biden is committed to reviving JCPOA, but the time is limited, writes Ali Bagheri.

Contrary to the rising hopes for a multilateral approach towards the Iran deal, Iranian regime reinitiated 20% uranium enrichment in 2021. Iran also started the production of uranium metal as his latest violation from the nuclear deal. Moreover, Iranian minister of foreign affairs, Javad Zarif, emphasized once more that Iran has no motive to stop enrichment unless the US lifts all sanctions. Furthermore, he threatened to expel IAEA inspectors in early March, if the US does not return to JCPOA until the end of February.

Because of the increasing threats from the Iranian regime, EU countries are more worried about recent progress than the US. In his last statement, Emmanuel Macron stated that the EU is looking for a durable agreement including the Iranian regime ballistic missiles program and its regional influence. He also affirmed that EU allies in the region, Saudi Arabia, should be involved in the future negotiations.

Biden is looking more like a dancing monkey.

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