Escaping Christianity

I also have thousands of back up plans. A just man falleth seven times but rises up again. I take inspiration from the Bible and plan to use it my entire life.

Christian's do not have a monopoly on the Bible. Atheistic popes in the past have used the Bible to wield power over the people. Who is to say that I can't use the same tool to guarantee my success?

I passionately love the Bible. I am sorry if that offends you. I guess I would be offended too if Cat in the Hat was your favorite book. I guess that makes us even. You are free to hate me for the books I enjoy.
1. Then back to the beginning: you need to resign. Today. If you believe God does not exist and you are teaching CHILDREN the Bible that is fundamentally dishonest. I'm going to begin praying that you either do the right thing or you are found out, soon.

How does not believing in the Sky Pixie and the Cosmic Zombie disqualify him from teaching what is in the Bible? Professors teach works of fiction all day without believing they are true.

Narnia and Oceania aren't real places, either.
1. Then back to the beginning: you need to resign. Today. If you believe God does not exist and you are teaching CHILDREN the Bible that is fundamentally dishonest. I'm going to begin praying that you either do the right thing or you are found out, soon.

How does not believing in the Sky Pixie and the Cosmic Zombie disqualify him from teaching what is in the Bible? Professors teach works of fiction all day without believing they are true.

Narnia and Oceania aren't real places, either.

That is kind of what I was thinking. It is a great book and I know it pretty well.
1. Then back to the beginning: you need to resign. Today. If you believe God does not exist and you are teaching CHILDREN the Bible that is fundamentally dishonest. I'm going to begin praying that you either do the right thing or you are found out, soon.

How does not believing in the Sky Pixie and the Cosmic Zombie disqualify him from teaching what is in the Bible? Professors teach works of fiction all day without believing they are true.

Narnia and Oceania aren't real places, either.

Exactly, we have a Pope now that has essentially turned a blind eye to the mass genocide of abortion, for example, and instead gives sermons on the evils of building walls.

Guess the Pope has never read Nehemiah. It does not surprise me.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.

I call total and complete bullshit on this clown.
Nobody legitimate thinks their commitment and faith has been detrimental to themselves and their family....NOBODY!
I respectfully disagree.

A lot of former pastors have joined the Clergy Project, for example, having regretted the years that they and their families spent in the church.

To turn atheist after years in the church is to shed an identity. Killing the old self must be difficult; it leads to shunning and isolation, maybe even suicide; people need community.

Of course, I don't mean identity as a Christian so much as I mean identity as a church-goer or leader.

People do it.

No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.
I call total and complete bullshit on this clown.
Nobody legitimate thinks their commitment and faith has been detrimental to themselves and their family....NOBODY!
I respectfully disagree.

A lot of former pastors have joined the Clergy Project, for example, having regretted the years that they and their families spent in the church.

To turn atheist after years in the church is to shed an identity. Killing the old self must be difficult; it leads to shunning and isolation, maybe even suicide; people need community.

Of course, I don't mean identity as a Christian so much as I mean identity as a church-goer or leader.

People do it.

No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.

Because you say so huh?
NEGATIVE....your LefTarded buddies, Hollywood, MTV and the Kardashian’s reprogrammed our youth, took the cool out of religion / faith as it works against their faggots, wetbacks and chicks with dicks agenda.
I respectfully disagree.

A lot of former pastors have joined the Clergy Project, for example, having regretted the years that they and their families spent in the church.

To turn atheist after years in the church is to shed an identity. Killing the old self must be difficult; it leads to shunning and isolation, maybe even suicide; people need community.

Of course, I don't mean identity as a Christian so much as I mean identity as a church-goer or leader.

People do it.

No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.

Because you say so huh?
NEGATIVE....your LefTarded buddies, Hollywood, MTV and the Kardashian’s reprogrammed our youth, took the cool out of religion / faith as it works against their faggots, wetbacks and chicks with dicks agenda.

It is just unrealistic and boring after a while. I will learn a lot more by reading at home.
No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.

Because you say so huh?
NEGATIVE....your LefTarded buddies, Hollywood, MTV and the Kardashian’s reprogrammed our youth, took the cool out of religion / faith as it works against their faggots, wetbacks and chicks with dicks agenda.

It is just unrealistic and boring after a while. I will learn a lot more by reading at home.
These two guys are closer to the biblical narrative than the average neighborhood preacher is, although they still don't quite see the full picture. When you know what the Bible really says, it could well alarm you.

vasuderatorrent said:
What do you think is the best thing to do?
Could Resign Teaching And Be A Parishioner
Decide What You Believe From There

I Took A Class In Public School
Bible As Literature
We Studied The Bible Like In Any Other Literature Class
I Think I Got A Better Understanding Of Scripture There
Than I Ever Heard In Church

I Don't Know The Teacher's Qualifications
Never Asked Either
You don't need a church or theology or priests or creeds or hierarchies or any of those things in order to have a direct relationship with God. We all have the light inside of us and we can choose to embrace it or deny it. It's natural to have doubts and natural to want to seek the truth. You don't need to abandon God because of the man-made structures around you that have turned you away. God will not abandon you though. His light is still inside of you right now. Of course this is just my opinion and ultimately you will do what you believe is the right thing to do.
Last edited:
I call total and complete bullshit on this clown.
Nobody legitimate thinks their commitment and faith has been detrimental to themselves and their family....NOBODY!
I respectfully disagree.

A lot of former pastors have joined the Clergy Project, for example, having regretted the years that they and their families spent in the church.

To turn atheist after years in the church is to shed an identity. Killing the old self must be difficult; it leads to shunning and isolation, maybe even suicide; people need community.

Of course, I don't mean identity as a Christian so much as I mean identity as a church-goer or leader.

People do it.

No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.
Christ and Apostles preached hell
I call total and complete bullshit on this clown.
Nobody legitimate thinks their commitment and faith has been detrimental to themselves and their family....NOBODY!
I respectfully disagree.

A lot of former pastors have joined the Clergy Project, for example, having regretted the years that they and their families spent in the church.

To turn atheist after years in the church is to shed an identity. Killing the old self must be difficult; it leads to shunning and isolation, maybe even suicide; people need community.

Of course, I don't mean identity as a Christian so much as I mean identity as a church-goer or leader.

People do it.

No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.

If it's not the Gospel, you're in the wrong church
No doubt...people do leave the church to pursue a life of sin without the guilt. This happens all the time. The church compels folks to be and do better...some grow tired of being and doing better and the level of accountability that comes with that. In these times it is not simple to live a life that God is proud of. I get it...but for one to imply that the church has held them back is just plain retarded....The church only helps people be and do better...the church is only effective in such when people are there to be and do better.
Atheists don't pursue a life of sin. Sin matters not one whit to them. They don't believe in it.

True, the church has been a tremendous asset to civilization. And by the church, of course, I mean the body, first transformed by the Holy Spirit so as to transform the world. Christians had in their ranks a new and unbridled power of regeneration. The Holy Spirit is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). He is a liberating influence that God unleashed on the earth through His living vessels sculpted for honorable use to do good works (2 Tm 2:21).

In the words of the Master himself, the Holy Spirit is the power of forgiveness and Spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely-inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and the moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

The church on the street corner, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a weekly Sunday school and the same tired message from the pulpit. Naturally, unbelievers would fall away from that.

I agreed with all you said til you got to the end. If the Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit how can the "church on the street corner" have the "same old tired message" from the pulpit? Now I DO agree that this message might seem tired to unbelievers. To Believers, however, it's all.
The church on the street corner is losing its congregation. People are not showing up to hear the reruns, which, by the way, are not the gospel.

The church on the street corner has created a dualistic message of heaven and hell, contrary to the message of the Bible. It's a farce, and people are no longer believing it.

Because you say so huh?
NEGATIVE....your LefTarded buddies, Hollywood, MTV and the Kardashian’s reprogrammed our youth, took the cool out of religion / faith as it works against their faggots, wetbacks and chicks with dicks agenda.

It is just unrealistic and boring after a while. I will learn a lot more by reading at home.

Obviously not, since you get so much of it wrong. For example: thinking Moses was God ???
vasuderatorrent said:
What do you think is the best thing to do?
Could Resign Teaching And Be A Parishioner
Decide What You Believe From There

I Took A Class In Public School
Bible As Literature
We Studied The Bible Like In Any Other Literature Class
I Think I Got A Better Understanding Of Scripture There
Than I Ever Heard In Church

I Don't Know The Teacher's Qualifications
Never Asked Either

I wonder what kind of church you grew up in. At any rate, this very sadly does not surprise me.

It is absolutely critical that you be in a Scriptural church. If the pastor and the parishioners aren't crackin' their Bibles for the preaching--get thee out
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
If you really thought this, you'd quit right now, not in a year when it is most convenient for you.

I call BS.
SweetSue92 said:
I wonder what kind of church you grew up in. At any rate, this very sadly does not surprise me.
United Methodist
One Day I Just Walked Around The Beautiful Building
I Didn't See A Single Bible Anywhere

Sunday School
Was Debating The Youth Pastor
Over George McGovern Politics, Vietnam
(My Dad's A TET Vet, Incidentally)
And At The Time, Extreme Leftist Social Views
You'd Almost Have To Be There To Believe It
Except That's All Mainstream Now

A Few Other Kids In The Class
Took Bible As Lit, Too
When We Started Talking
He Looked Like Deer In The Headlights
Exactly, we have a Pope now that has essentially turned a blind eye to the mass genocide of abortion, for example, and instead gives sermons on the evils of building walls.

Guess the Pope has never read Nehemiah. It does not surprise me.

You mean we have a pope who realizes women will find a way to not be pregnant if they don't want to be pregnant? Heavens!

Not that I'm a fan of Pope Francis (Same Misogynistic, Homophobic Bullshit, Shiny New Package), but he reflects the reality of the Church today. It's not a church of the rich first world, it's a church of the poor in the third world.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
If you really thought this, you'd quit right now, not in a year when it is most convenient for you.

I call BS.

Congratulations. Coming out has been a 7 year process. I don't have the same luxuries you do. Jesus, God, the Bible, Church and all that is everything in my world. It is nothing like walking out on a job that sucks. I am in the process of destroying my entire identi ty, my wife's identity, my kid's identity, my parent's identity and even the identity of my wife's parents. This is a painful and methodical process and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways. Congratulations on knowing everything about leaving religion and how easy it is.

By the way, in my religious world there is no cruelity, abuse, corruption or any negative aspect to it. Leaving is very stupid if you think about it. So there is that to consider too. There is every incentive in the world to lie about who I am just to stay in the amazing club. You have no idea what I am dealing wkth. don't pretend you do. Just be happy for me.
I wonder what kind of church you grew up in. At any rate, this very sadly does not surprise me.

It is absolutely critical that you be in a Scriptural church. If the pastor and the parishioners aren't crackin' their Bibles for the preaching--get thee out

Actually, all the Churches do the same thing.... They are Disney-fying the bible. Keep in the cute stuff, leave out the icky stuff, and hope to God (pun intended) no one questions anything.

That's fine for Disney to give awful stories like "The Little Mermaid" (Original story, she dies) or the Hunchback of Notre Dame (Original story, EVERYONE DIES) more happy endings than a Chinese Massage Parlor. The Churches, however, are peddling truth, not fiction. They are claiming it's all true.

So when you have a God who drowns everyone in the world, or kills every first born child in Egypt, or kills David's baby to show him adultery is wrong, or sends out a couple of bears to maul 42 children who made fun of a bald prophet... the Churches don't like to talk about those stories... They like to make the story cute like this...


And not kind of awful like this...

I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
If you really thought this, you'd quit right now, not in a year when it is most convenient for you.

I call BS.

Congratulations. Coming out has been a 7 year process. I don't have the same luxuries you do. Jesus, God, the Bible, Church and all that is everything in my world. It is nothing like walking out on a job that sucks. I am in the process of destroying my entire identi ty, my wife's identity, my kid's identity, my parent's identity and even the identity of my wife's parents. This is a painful and methodical process and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways. Congratulations on knowing everything about leaving religion and how easy it is.
You're a person who has no convictions. Otherwise, you'd have followed through with them. You also would not be having an open discussion of your private laundry on an internet forum.

The only conclusions that can be reached are you are either

A) Seeking justification and support from others

B) You are trolling to see the responses you can get.

I think you are in the B category.

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