Eric Holder Wants Dead Police Officers- Guidance on Racial Profiling


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Look who is coming to the rescue. No, its not your usual parade of leaches such as Sharption and Jackson... No, it's the shamed Eric Holder who now wants to tell local PD's how to run their operations.

Holder just wants dead cops and living thugs. Racial profiling works Mr Holder



U.S. attorney general to issue new guidance on racial profiling

(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Monday he would soon release new guidelines to limit racial profiling by federal law enforcement, a move long awaited by civil rights advocates.

Holder announced his plan at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where 1960s civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached

U.S. attorney general to issue new guidance on racial profiling Reuters
Racial Profiling - It Works
"Eric Holder Wants Dead Police Officers- Guidance on Racial Profiling"

Seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.

There is nothing wrong with racial profiling. There, I said it. Profiling based on race, gender, or any other attribute, is the natural way our minds work. Our brains are able to think quickly by gathering past experiences and condensing them down to create "profiles" of how we expect things to be. We are smart enough to realize that not every experience will fit into these profiles - but many of them do. There is nothing inherently wrong with this - and the ability to draw quick conclusions helps us in many aspects of our lives.

We are not born with the racial profile of black people being more likely to commit crimes. This is a profile that people create in their minds over time due to their experiences, and, simply, the facts. If we look at the number of homicides committed in the United States between 1974 and 2004, 52% of offenders were black and 46% were white. Seems pretty equal, right? The kicker is that blacks made up only 12% of the total population during this time period, while whites made up 80%. This shows that statistically, your average black person was much more likely to commit a homicide than your average white person. This might be uncomfortable to hear, but facts are facts. In addition, it's also more likely that a black man would commit a homicide than a black woman. The facts tell us this, too. Over time, our brains gather this information and form a judgment based on fact - black people are more likely to be murderers. Does this mean that every black man is going to commit homicide? Of course not. But it is a rational judgment, based on facts, that helps us make sense of our world. Ben Jealous, the president of the NAACP, said about the Trayvon Martin story on Meet the Press: "And so it would be a mistake for us to say this is simply about some lone racist or it's just about racists. This is about a culture in which black men are seen as more suspicious..." Yes, Ben, they are. But for good reason.
Again, Holder is going to break something that works.

Racial profiling save lives of LEO and the thug.

Interesting there are exceptions to the policy where we still need the benefits and rewards associated with racial profiling


U.S. Attorney General to expand profiling guidelines for federal agents Reuters

(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will announce on Monday revisions to federal law enforcement guidelines that are designed to limit profiling and set an example for local police, according to a Justice Department official.

The new rules expand upon guidelines issued in 2003 under the Bush administration that prevented profiling based on race or ethnicity to now include gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.

A special carve-out was made, however, for certain agencies under U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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