Equity vs Equality

No he did not. The phrase "Jew invented whining" came from my Jewish business partner, who read Azog's quote. This is the same woman who encouraged me to have my baby at Mt. Sinai Hospital because they have to give maternity care to "Jewish Princesses". Mt. Sinai is referred to as the Mt. Sinai Hilton in Toronto because it's more like a hotel than a hospital. I've even gone to their cafeteria for a good lunch.

Working in the legal trades in Toronto, most of bosses and a large number of the people I worked with and who I am friends with to this day, are Jewish. Including one of my roommates, my business partner and my best friend. None of whom have ever accused me of anti-Semitism, or treated me like the thin-skinned right wing Jew on this board.

I've always found you to be rude, condescending and arrogant. I'm extremely glad you're not a Canadian and don't live anywhere near me.
Ditto…you’re a hypocrite
Lots of them - Norway, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada. All of the best places in the world provide cheap/free education, government funded single payer health care, and cradle to the grave social programs to lift the lives of ALL of their citizens. The USA is the ONLY First World nation where the middle class is in decline. Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world.

Our maximum child tax benefit is $500 per month per child. Unemployment insurance pays 36 weeks here, and if your go for retraining, they'll pay for your retraining AND continue your monthly benefits. Mind you EI is only 55% of your income, to a maximum of $595.00 per week versus a minimum wage of $574 for a 40 hr. wk, so this isn't a huge amount in terms of income.

Yeah, our minimum wage is $14.35 per hour and has been for the past 4 years. Health insurance in included in taxes. Retraining is free and funded. The elderly have a guaranteed income of $19,000 per year.

We don't have a big army, but then nobody's attacked us since 1812. Our rich don't get all of the income, just 40%. And we are consistently rated the best country in the world to live in. Our tax dollars are re-invested in our people and providing a first world quality of life for our citizens.

Now if we can just do right for our native peoples, we'll really have something.
Nope. Incomes are not equal in Norway, New Zealand, Iceland or Canada.
Ditto…you’re a hypocrite

Hardly. I'm very upfront and honest about who I am. You've been lying about yourself since day one, Mr. 40 year old small business consultant, never seems to work at anything, and has no understanding of how business works.

Where does a white, college educated white male at the peak of his earning years with his own small business find the time to make 46,000 posts for free on a public message board, in just over 3 years? How come you don't have the basic business knowledge of a high school graduate?

I've become quite accustomed to egregious personal attacks from members of the 1000 post a month club. You're using classic disinformation attacks, just as any professional poster would in an effort to discredit my posts. You're hardly the first, but you are one of the dumbest.
Hardly. I'm very upfront and honest about who I am. You've been lying about yourself since day one, Mr. 40 year old small business consultant, never seems to work at anything, and has no understanding of how business works.

Where does a white, college educated white male at the peak of his earning years with his own small business find the time to make 46,000 posts for free on a public message board, in just over 3 years? How come you don't have the basic business knowledge of a high school graduate?

I've become quite accustomed to egregious personal attacks from members of the 1000 post a month club. You're using classic disinformation attacks, just as any professional poster would in an effort to discredit my posts. You're hardly the first, but you are one of the dumbest.
Not a small business consultant. I am Posting now as I work. Nothing egregious when I link your actual post. Keep trying.
Nope. Incomes are not equal in Norway, New Zealand, Iceland or Canada.

Hey stupid - no one is trying for equal incomes anywhere. We're trying to give our people the best opportunity to achieve a happy, healthy productive life. That's what real equality and equity looks like.

This isn't everyone making the same amount of money or everyone having the same things. This is about people having the resources available to them to achieve their own versions of their best lives.

Asian and European corporations looking to set up manufacturing in the North American free trade zone are looking to Canada because we have one of the best pubic education systems in the world, producing a well rounded, well trained worker, ready for the jobs of the 21st Century; our infrastructure, roads and transportation systems, as well as communications infrastructure and WIFI are nation wide; our health care system handled the pandemic capably, quickly, with little to no shortages of beds or equipment, and a much lower loss of life than many other first world countries.
Actually I have done both. I live less than 30 miles from the border.

I have both family and friends living in the USA, visited often before the pandemic. My family has been in Canada for nearly 300 years so I have a LOT of relatives. I liked North Carolina but too hot and humid. Aspen is beautiful, but my favourite city is Boston - such a nice mix of old and new, and they respect to the old buildings. Logan Airport scares me though. I always think I'm going to end up in the water.

Although I doubt my time spent in Aspen skiing has given me much insight into life in the USA, my friends in Nebraska, New Mexico, California, and New York, give me a pretty good cross section. We have about a half dozen snowbirds in the family. My niece lives just outside Las Vegas, my best friend works in Los Angeles, my uncle is dating a woman in New England - they go back and forth. Another friends has parents living in Cleveland. She got stuck there at Thanksgiving for 3 months.

The USA is dirty, run down, and your roads are in terrible shape. As soon as you cross the border at Buffalo, you see the difference. Niagara Falls may be touristy, and tacky as hell, but it's clean, well kept, and friendly. Buffalo is grimy, dirty, and unwelcoming, in comparison. And grey.

What I find astonishing is the ignorance of most Americans about life in other countries. Especially Canada. You clowns actually believe the lies Shocked Canadian posts.
dragonlady is a piece of shit----she claimed that an accurate quotation of her shitty post is illegal
well this thread didn't disappoint!! I haven't seen a beating like this since somebody put a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose!!!!

Dragon lady getting SPANKED is priceless.
Any attempt to enforce equity will underline some uncomfortable realities.
Why do you believe that?

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Why do you believe that?

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
It's common sense, but for illustration, take a look at NYC. "NEW YORK -- New York City will phase out its program for gifted and talented students that critics say favors whites and Asian American students, while enrolling disproportionately few Black and Latino children, in the nation's largest school system." - New York public schools to end gifted and talented program

No surprise that commie DeBlasio is out front with enforcing equity, which in this case means taking advanced classes away from the kids who should have them to make everything "equitable".

Here are the stats - "A plurality of students in the gifted and talented program, 43 percent, are Asian, while 36 percent are white, according to Chalkbeat. Just 14 percent of students in the program are black or Hispanic, compared with 60 percent of the entire student body at New York City public schools." - De Blasio Ends NYC’s Gifted Students Program over Equity Concerns | National Review

So there is an uncomfortable reality, and it should force some uncomfortable discussions. Are Asians generally more intelligent than whites who are generally more intelligent that "black or Hispanics"? Are the parents the cause? Are the cultures the cause? Is there some massive bias in the testing? I grew up in a suburban upper middle class white area and we all knew that Asians were generally better at math than everyone else. No big deal, just reality.

Here Thomas Sowell talks about how the opposite approach to enforcing equity causes even more damage. This approach to the NYC situation would be to put more black and Hispanic kids in the TAG program until you felt good about the ratios, even if they don't qualify -
It's common sense, but for illustration, take a look at NYC. "NEW YORK -- New York City will phase out its program for gifted and talented students that critics say favors whites and Asian American students, while enrolling disproportionately few Black and Latino children, in the nation's largest school system." - New York public schools to end gifted and talented program
We should ask private charity to pick up that slack. And, in my opinion, we try to take as much advantage of technology to help educate the electorate as we can. The public sector should be responsible for fixing Standards for infrastructure.
"Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances."


Most of us have probably seen the above image that basically depicts the difference between the two concepts. The question is, who decides who gets the adjustments and to what extent and how long, and who pays for them? What is the criteria used and how exactly are those adjustments made, and BTW should we even do that in the 1st place? Is that the role of the federal gov't? Or state gov't? Or should it be left to the individual, family, and community to take care of our own? Should we distinguish between those who cannot make their own adjustments and those who could but won't? How do we manage that? Once you start handing out adjustments, where does it end and what does it lead to? IOW, what are the long term consequences of providing adjustments to some but not others?

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