Epidemic Reveals America's Weakness


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
Written by the same man that wrote this-
Literary Nonfiction. African & African American Studies. History & Politics. BARACK OBAMA: INVISIBLE MAN is a provocative examination of President Barack Obama and his legacy. Masciotra contends that most Americans, frightened over the loss of white authority, were unable to deal with the historical, racial, and political implications of electing the first black president. The right distorted Obama into a monster, while many on the left set him up to fail with unrealistic expectations. The man who emerges from the ashes of caricature is not only an accomplished—if flawed—president, but a cultural figure of profound importance who challenged America's increasingly anti-intellectual anxiety with a stirring and subversive message of hope.

I have to laugh.
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
I remember studying US history and how it was an isolationist nation and didnt want to meddle in other countries wars. Back then we did everything ourselves and relied on no one to take care of US, by making our own Autos, medicine, food, you get the drift. Then after WWII and the UN(worthless organization) our elected liberal establishment leaders started selling us short on everything. No longer did we make our stuff in the US of A, but contracted out to Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries, because those countries were kicking back money to keep those fucking political hacks in power. Today, with the shortages of necessary equipment having to come from CHINA, the place that the virus came from, this is a good lesson to US and our needs to close the borders, become self sufficient and what ever we make over our needs, sell it as profits to other countries, thus having no trade imbalance.
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
Yup, this place sucks....I'd pack up my shit up and move to China, if I were you....They're way more enlightened and concerned with the "public good".
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
Yup, this place sucks....I'd pack up my shit up and move to China, if I were you....They're way more enlightened and concerned with the "public good".
And their Diversity training is the best.....
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
I remember studying US history and how it was an isolationist nation and didnt want to meddle in other countries wars. Back then we did everything ourselves and relied on no one to take care of US, by making our own Autos, medicine, food, you get the drift. Then after WWII and the UN(worthless organization) our elected liberal establishment leaders started selling us short on everything. No longer did we make our stuff in the US of A, but contracted out to Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries, because those countries were kicking back money to keep those fucking political hacks in power. Today, with the shortages of necessary equipment having to come from CHINA, the place that the virus came from, this is a good lesson to US and our needs to close the borders, become self sufficient and what ever we make over our needs, sell it as profits to other countries, thus having no trade imbalance.
How can you fools blame globalism on liberals when republicans invented Neo-Cons? Does being a republican somehow impair one's memory?
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

That asshole you worship is going to puss out on any sort of responsibility for what happens now. He wanted to be king and now he has more power than any president ever had. What he does with that power will damn conservatism for a generation.
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

That asshole you worship is going to puss out on any sort of responsibility for what happens now. He wanted to be king and now he has more power than any president ever had. What he does with that power will damn conservatism for a generation.

You libtardos have been trying to take down Trump with every conceived lie you can come up with. The media has been exposed and now are a national joke. Like a London supermarket rag. The clowns failed at making this country in to a Socialist wasteland. American exceptionalism will smash the batshit flu. And you'll still be crying long after Trump is re-elected.

Now go wash the Kool-Aid out of your hair and start being part of the solution instead of championing the problem.
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

It's a lot more complicated than that, Ricky. I don't think this has ended globalization or sealed our borders for good. That is your dream, but it hasn't happened and it isn't going to happen. Hopefully we have learned some lessons from this, but unless YOU want to turn this into a government controlled economy like the communists, you won't be controlling big business, or big banking, and we need to take advantage of globalization, not try to hide from it. It's not going to go away.
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.


All great civilizations start off Stoic and are led by illegal invasion and the decay of morality and general pussification of the rotting cities, to Epicureanism.

Now is the time to see how much the average people in in New York and California love globalism, multiculturalism, and politicians and corporations bought by China.

The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.

In other news PROG-heads, the USA currently has one of the fewest number of cases per million despite an immigration and tourism second to none, and our mortality rate is currently a respectable 1.17%.

Fuck these PROG-Communists & GOD BLESS THE USA
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

It's a lot more complicated than that, Ricky. I don't think this has ended globalization or sealed our borders for good. That is your dream, but it hasn't happened and it isn't going to happen. Hopefully we have learned some lessons from this, but unless YOU want to turn this into a government controlled economy like the communists, you won't be controlling big business, or big banking, and we need to take advantage of globalization, not try to hide from it. It's not going to go away.

Don't underestimate this wake up call. Letting China manufacture 90% of our medicine and medical supplies has ended now. Even an idiot knows he can't fight a war against the entity that sells you your bullets. Americans will no longer let that happen. This is a sea change. We will get back to manufacturing again. The Socialist/Communist countries economies won't be able to compete like we let them for decades. You've been dumbed down over the years. You don't want to die because you cut your ass falling down and not get the antibiotics because China won't sell them to you.
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.
Thank Dios you're not Italian.
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.


All great civilizations start off Stoic and are led by illegal invasion and the decay of morality and general pussification of the rotting cities, to Epicureanism.

Now is the time to see how much the average people in in New York and California love globalism, multiculturalism, and politicians and corporations bought by China.


They will either give up Socialism or be shamed in to it. The interesting thing I thought would never happen is Conservatives fighting back on social media. And we're starting to win.
America's weakness was listening to Globalist idiots (Socialists/Communists)

That shit has ended. Too bad it took some batshit soup to slam the door on globalization.

It's done now. The borders are finally sealed. The dependence on our medicines and medical supplies on Socialist/Communists countries has been exposed. The media can't defend the realities that's been exposed.

Trump warned you about shithole countries. Libtardos can't make America in to one now.

That asshole you worship is going to puss out on any sort of responsibility for what happens now. He wanted to be king and now he has more power than any president ever had. What he does with that power will damn conservatism for a generation.

You libtardos have been trying to take down Trump with every conceived lie you can come up with. The media has been exposed and now are a national joke. Like a London supermarket rag. The clowns failed at making this country in to a Socialist wasteland. American exceptionalism will smash the batshit flu. And you'll still be crying long after Trump is re-elected.

Now go wash the Kool-Aid out of your hair and start being part of the solution instead of championing the problem.
Go out in public and touch stuff. The virus would never dare infect an exceptional American like you.
The United States of America is a weak country. All the flag-waving, patriotic speeches and obtuse declarations of superiority have long seemed overly conspicuous — and history has no sympathy for the delusional. It continually exposes the vulnerability, fragility and inanity of a nation that has the wealth, resources and human intelligence to cultivate a magnificent civilization, but repeatedly sacrifices the common interest and public good on the altar of avarice.

Home of the brave? Coronavirus epidemic reveals America's weakness

You can't fix stupid, but a virus can certainly get rid of a lot of it.

LMAO, go live in Communist China then. Oh wait, the pandemic started in China oh God the irony of your post. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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