EPA official whitewashed glyphosate links to non Hodgkin lymphoma in order to protect Monnsanto prof


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
EPA official whitewashed glyphosate links to non-Hodgkin lymphoma in order to protect Monsanto profits
When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a designation of “safe and effective” with regards to Monsanto’s infamously controversial Roundup (glyphosate-based) herbicide, in direct contradiction to opposing findings by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that identified glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen,” the pro-chemical lobby quickly declared itself the victor in this heated and ongoing debate. But what the public was never told is that the EPA relied largely on industry-funded pseudoscience in giving its stamp of approval for glyphosate, while IARC carefully considered legitimate, peer-reviewed scientific studies before ultimately concluding and declaring that Roundup more than likely causes cancer.

THere is so much cover up going on with the stuff it is amazing how many sheeple have no idea wtf they eat, where it comes from or how the hell it even makes it to the store........

Years later the dumbass is laying in a hospital bed told via the Doctor their cancer is " oh genetics" . lol
More lawsuits coming down the pike for this stuff....the cat is out of the bag. Will be a fun watch.

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