Entire Staff of Nevada Democratic Party Quits After Socialists Win Every Seat

The younger kids are pushing the socialist party so you had better get used to it, just as the young Repubs are populist and fascist.
fascist are also socialist dear


That must be why Hitler, Mussolini and Franco ALL fought them huh.

People often fight among themselves. D'uh.

Sure. But ideologies don't.

I suspect the quoted poster was rendering a bit of satire. Nobody could be that ignorant.

You named PEOPLE.
The younger kids are pushing the socialist party so you had better get used to it, just as the young Repubs are populist and fascist.
fascist are also socialist dear


That must be why Hitler, Mussolini and Franco ALL fought them huh.

People often fight among themselves. D'uh.

Sure. But ideologies don't.

I suspect the quoted poster was rendering a bit of satire. Nobody could be that ignorant.

You named PEOPLE.

I named specifically three PEOPLE, who were all fascist leaders. And all three battled socialists to get into power. Unless you're about to make the case that for Hitler, Mussolini and Franco it was strictly PERSONAL, we're done here.

Here's an idea.
How 'bout let the poster who posted it make his case, if he has one.
The extremist far left "progressive" wing of the Democratic Party is at war with the more traditional Harry Reid wing and the casualties are beginning.

Not long after Judith Whitmer won her election on Saturday to become chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, she got an email from the party’s executive director, Alana Mounce. The message from Mounce began with a note of congratulations, before getting to her main point.

She was quitting. So was every other employee. And so were all the consultants. And the staff would be taking severance checks with them, thank you very much.

Fuck harry reid. Stupid bastard handed you criminals hundreds of judge appointments. We need to eliminate as many of his type of morons as possible.
The younger kids are pushing the socialist party so you had better get used to it, just as the young Repubs are populist and fascist.
fascist are also socialist dear


That must be why Hitler, Mussolini and Franco ALL fought them huh.

People often fight among themselves. D'uh.

Sure. But ideologies don't.

I suspect the quoted poster was rendering a bit of satire. Nobody could be that ignorant.

You named PEOPLE.

I named specifically three PEOPLE, who were all fascist leaders. And all three battled socialists to get into power. Unless you're about to make the case that for Hitler, Mussolini and Franco it was strictly PERSONAL, we're done here.

Here's an idea.
How 'bout let the poster who posted it make his case, if he has one.

Are you implying that different factions or groups of socialists could not fight among themselves?

And if not, why not?
The younger kids are pushing the socialist party so you had better get used to it, just as the young Repubs are populist and fascist.
fascist are also socialist dear


That must be why Hitler, Mussolini and Franco ALL fought them huh.

People often fight among themselves. D'uh.

Sure. But ideologies don't.

I suspect the quoted poster was rendering a bit of satire. Nobody could be that ignorant.

You named PEOPLE.

I named specifically three PEOPLE, who were all fascist leaders. And all three battled socialists to get into power. Unless you're about to make the case that for Hitler, Mussolini and Franco it was strictly PERSONAL, we're done here.

Here's an idea.
How 'bout let the poster who posted it make his case, if he has one.

Are you implying that different factions or groups of socialists could not fight among themselves?

And if not, why not?

I'm saying, loudly and clearly, that what the poster sharted out back in post 35 was an absurd oxymoron.

His total silence since then would seem to affirm it was satire. Just wasn't very well done.
How come your thread title says "Socialists" but your link says "Democratic Socialists"?
Because they're the same thing. OP should've just used the catchall "marxists".

If they were the same thing the source article would not have used the proper adjective. It wouldn't be necessary to distinguish between the two.

But ---- they did. Repeatedly in the text. And yet the OP culled it.
Now we're asking him why he did that.

We already know why he did that, we're just forcing him to admit it.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.

There are no ns in teh gop.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.
It's been a generation since Reagan so it is time for a small realignment. The conservatives of today(Rep and Dem) were nothing like the conservatives fifty years ago.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.

There are no ns in teh gop.
There the ones who in the GOP who lean toward isolationism. You can't have isolationism with out national socialism
If they were the same thing the source article would not have used the proper adjective. It wouldn't be necessary to distinguish between the two.
Is the source article an infallible god or just another journalist?
"Appeal to authority" is called a debate fallacy for a reason.
Get up to speed or pull off the road.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.
It's been a generation since Reagan so it is time for a small realignment. The conservatives of today(Rep and Dem) were nothing like the conservatives fifty years ago.

We are still patriots and nationalists. Our goals are teh same.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.

There are no ns in teh gop.
There the ones who in the GOP who lean toward isolationism. You can't have isolationism with out national socialism

Sure you can.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.
It's been a generation since Reagan so it is time for a small realignment. The conservatives of today(Rep and Dem) were nothing like the conservatives fifty years ago.

We are still patriots and nationalists. Our goals are teh same.
Sure, it's just that some people like change other's not so much.
Seen it coming along time ago. Me and about 7 others in our county democrat party warned of allowing far left a place in the party. And now they have a inter party civil war on there hands. Those moderate to conservative an traditional Liberals in the party have a fight on there hands .It will get nasty. Same with the GOP. National Socialist right wing verses the Regan and establishment wings.
It's been a generation since Reagan so it is time for a small realignment. The conservatives of today(Rep and Dem) were nothing like the conservatives fifty years ago.

We are still patriots and nationalists. Our goals are teh same.
Sure, it's just that some people like change other's not so much.

No all change is for the good.
Your article says that the Whitmer lady won, walked into the door, and had an email already in her inbox that everybody quit. Yet you mention *checks notes*

a war that the Progressive party is starting. Sorry, what war?

Not long after Judith Whitmer won her election on Saturday to become chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, she got an email from the party’s executive director, Alana Mounce. The message from Mounce began with a note of congratulations, before getting to her main point.

She was quitting. So was every other employee. And so were all the consultants.

Ohhh I get it now. The war was opening the front door to the building and walking in. Gotcha.
It is a yummy war! Yay.
It means that the progressive movement is getting stronger, that more and more people are getting actively engaged

It also shows that Bernie himself is playing a long game in the battle for control of the Democratic Party.

Nevada is a critical state for Democrats, my friends

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