Perez ‘Undeniably Underestimated’ Difficulty Of Fixing Democratic Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Underestimated' or 'Turned a blind eye to what was going on'?

Perez ‘Undeniably Underestimated’ Difficulty Of Fixing Democratic Party

“I knew it was a turnaround job when I ran, but I undeniably underestimated the depth of the turnaround job,” Perez
told Politico. “We had to rebuild almost every facet of the organization, and equally importantly, we had to rebuild trust. Not just people who had invested in the DNC, but others, they just felt the party had let them down.”

The DNC has struggled to regain trust after reports former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton manipulated the structure to win the nomination over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Former President Barack Obama depleted the party’s funding to pay his own polling and consultants during his second term, and former chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida is seen as a weak leader."

One of the best ways for anyone to regain trust is to start by telling the truth. The Democrats continue to refuse to do so. For instance:

Hillary 'bought' the DNC after Obama left it $24 million in debt. Shen then went on to break the law - violating campaign finance laws by using money intended for other candidates' on her failed campaign.
- Donors could not run away from the DNC fast enough when this was exposed, deciding instead to give money to individual Democrat candidates instead of the 'Bank of Hillary' that the DNC had become.

Wasserman-Schultz was not just a 'weak leader' - she was a TRAITOR who ran a Pakistani spy ring, jeopardized national security by giving them illegal access to House Files - which included US Intelligence files - even after they had been kicked out of / banned from the House with an espionage investigation opened against them, and gave them full access to all DNC personal e-mails by giving them usernames and passwords.

Brazille's book and talking in public blew the lid off the scandal that had become the DNC and what happened during the Presidential election. As long as the DNC allows Hillary to keep floating the idea that she may run for President again in 2020 the perception / thought that she may STILL 'own' the DNC and that the DNC might still give her whatever she wants ...again... will remain. The single most important step to regaining trust might just be for them to come out publicly now and declare there is no way in hell Hillary Clinton will ever be a DNC candidate again.
Well no wonder. Perez is a Regressive and part of the problem.
I'll bet you can't explain what you mean by that.
Of course I can.

And I have no doubt that, buried deep under layers of dense hardcore partisan ideology, you could too.

Alas, your opinion just doesn't matter to me. So you'll have to figure it out for yourself.


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