Enjoying that Biden $1400 stimulus?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Enjoying that democrat $1400 stimulus? Well not for long.

This article shows what a mere 0.37 cent increase in gas prices does for the average American to their bottom line.

In 2017, gas on average was $2.42 and in 2018 it was $2.79 per gallon. Per year, this means that if you drove a pick up truck you would be paying about $400 more in gas a year and if a car about $200 more a year.

But since Biden has been elected, the prices are much higher and will only go higher as the Democrat party has declared a jihad on fossil fuels and will at some point demand us all to drive cars with a battery that is about as reliable as the battery in your cell phone.

So if the price of gas goes up a full dollar, which I think is a reasonable assumption with tax happy democrats in charge with spending that will cause inflation to skyrocket to boot, that will probably destroy the entire stimulus given to average Americans in one years time, and will continue to plague them indefinitely.

But with the American education system failing, as many are not even allowed full access as they once were thanks to the lock down happy democrats, it should stand to reason why Americans continue to believe the democrat controlled media who will find way to blame it all on Orange man as they are incapable of any critical thinking skills of their own. Or the press will simply ignore it altogether as most will not be capable of figuring this all out on their own. You might even say that the American people have become the slaves of the democrat controlled press.

Inflation + democrat war on fossil fuels and pipelines = enslavement

Oh, that is if you can actually find any gas!


Welcome to the Biden Utopia.
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Enjoying that democrat $1400 stimulus? Well not for long.

This article shows what a mere 0.37 cent increase in gas prices does for the average American to their bottom line.

In 2017, gas on average was $2.42 and in 2018 it was $2.79 per gallon. Per year, this means that if you drove a pick up truck you would be paying about $400 more in gas a year and if a car about $200 more a year.

But since Biden has been elected, the prices are much higher and will only go higher as the Democrat party has declared a jihad on fossil fuels and will at some point demand us all to drive cars with a battery that is about as reliable as the battery in your cell phone.

So if the price of gas goes up a full dollar, which I think is a reasonable assumption with tax happy democrats in charge with spending that will cause inflation to skyrocket to boot, that will probably destroy the entire stimulus given to average Americans in one years time, and will continue to plague them indefinitely.

But with the American education system failing, as many are not even allowed full access as they once were thanks to the lock down happy democrats, it should stand to reason why Americans continue to believe the democrat controlled media who will find way to blame it all on Orange man as they incapable of any critical thinking skills of their own. Or the press will simply ignore it altogether as most will not be capable of figuring this all out on their own. You might even say that the American people have become the slaves of the democrat controlled press.

Site only lets ya raise the price to $4.10/gal, it'll be out of date by next month.
Got the notice from IRS yesterday. How far does $1,400 go in today's world? Two car payments? What then?
Then you can sign up for one of Joe's "green" jobs, there should be 4-5 of them in about two-three years.
Got the notice from IRS yesterday. How far does $1,400 go in today's world? Two car payments? What then?
Then you can sign up for one of Joe's "green" jobs, there should be 4-5 of them in about two-three years.
The American voter have the brain function of a toddler.

Just dangle the lollypop in front of their noses and they are yours, hook. line, and sinker.

So all democrats want to do is get more toddlers to vote.
To make matters worse.......

90% of that stimulus money went directly to China for Chinese goods.

The Communist regime has directed Biden to do another multi trillion dollar stimulus package....QUICK !

Nothing gives China a boost better than trillions of US dollars flooding their coffers.

People are gliding on past productivity...when this shit comes crashing down (AND IT WILL)......Americans are in for a rude awakening
Hard work brought America's wealth.....diversity, transgender rights and free stuff for all will not sustain your lifestyle or this nation.
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To make matters worse.......

90% of that stimulus money went directly to China for Chinese goods.

The Communist regime has directed Biden to do another multi trillion dollar stimulus package....QUICK !

Nothing gives China a boost better than trillions of US dollars flooding their coffers.

People are gliding on past productivity...when this shit comes crashing down (AND IT WILL)......Americans are in for a rude awakening
Be careful about criticizing the Chinese government. When they take over in full you may regret it.
I didn't enjoy it. I had to put it all on my credit card to try and pay off some debt after salary people had to take a temporary pay cut last year from all the lockdowns. My wife had to take one where she works also and her son started college last year. Financially I took it up the ass and his 1400 dollars wasn't enough lube to help.
I didn't enjoy it. I had to put it all on my credit card to try and pay off some debt after salary people had to take a temporary pay cut last year from all the lockdowns. My wife had to take one where she works also and her son started college last year. Financially I took it up the ass and his 1400 dollars wasn't enough lube to help.
Things will become so expensive due to taxation and inflation, to have anything you will need the help of the DNC to provide you some crumbs to survive on.

And you will learn to become grateful for those crumbs.

Enjoying that democrat $1400 stimulus? Well not for long.

This article shows what a mere 0.37 cent increase in gas prices does for the average American to their bottom line.

In 2017, gas on average was $2.42 and in 2018 it was $2.79 per gallon. Per year, this means that if you drove a pick up truck you would be paying about $400 more in gas a year and if a car about $200 more a year.

But since Biden has been elected, the prices are much higher and will only go higher as the Democrat party has declared a jihad on fossil fuels and will at some point demand us all to drive cars with a battery that is about as reliable as the battery in your cell phone.

So if the price of gas goes up a full dollar, which I think is a reasonable assumption with tax happy democrats in charge with spending that will cause inflation to skyrocket to boot, that will probably destroy the entire stimulus given to average Americans in one years time, and will continue to plague them indefinitely.

But with the American education system failing, as many are not even allowed full access as they once were thanks to the lock down happy democrats, it should stand to reason why Americans continue to believe the democrat controlled media who will find way to blame it all on Orange man as they are incapable of any critical thinking skills of their own. Or the press will simply ignore it altogether as most will not be capable of figuring this all out on their own. You might even say that the American people have become the slaves of the democrat controlled press.

Inflation + democrat war on fossil fuels and pipelines = enslavement

Oh, that is if you can actually find any gas!


Welcome to the Biden Utopia.
The price of gas is higher because Trump is not holding the economy down with his pandemic..

Enjoying that democrat $1400 stimulus? Well not for long.

This article shows what a mere 0.37 cent increase in gas prices does for the average American to their bottom line.

In 2017, gas on average was $2.42 and in 2018 it was $2.79 per gallon. Per year, this means that if you drove a pick up truck you would be paying about $400 more in gas a year and if a car about $200 more a year.

But since Biden has been elected, the prices are much higher and will only go higher as the Democrat party has declared a jihad on fossil fuels and will at some point demand us all to drive cars with a battery that is about as reliable as the battery in your cell phone.

So if the price of gas goes up a full dollar, which I think is a reasonable assumption with tax happy democrats in charge with spending that will cause inflation to skyrocket to boot, that will probably destroy the entire stimulus given to average Americans in one years time, and will continue to plague them indefinitely.

But with the American education system failing, as many are not even allowed full access as they once were thanks to the lock down happy democrats, it should stand to reason why Americans continue to believe the democrat controlled media who will find way to blame it all on Orange man as they are incapable of any critical thinking skills of their own. Or the press will simply ignore it altogether as most will not be capable of figuring this all out on their own. You might even say that the American people have become the slaves of the democrat controlled press.

Inflation + democrat war on fossil fuels and pipelines = enslavement

Oh, that is if you can actually find any gas!


Welcome to the Biden Utopia.

You are very wrong. Gas prices started rising on Trump's watch. Gas bottomed out at $1.87 on 4/27/2020. Trump brokered a deal with OPEC to cut production of oil which drove prices up. There is no evidence it will continue to climb after the ransomware attack.
Your argeument is not reasonable. It is driven by hatred and nothing else.

The gullible people are Trump supporters. You people accept anything Trump tells you even if it is not true. Look at what happe4ned with the supposedly missing database in Maricopa County. Senators set up a hearing to berate Maricopa for the missing database even though a Maricopa County official commented he was looking at the supposedly missing database. Then the clowns admitted sheepishly they found it.
Got the notice from IRS yesterday. How far does $1,400 go in today's world? Two car payments? What then?
Then you can sign up for one of Joe's "green" jobs, there should be 4-5 of them in about two-three years.
The American voter have the brain function of a toddler.

Just dangle the lollypop in front of their noses and they are yours, hook. line, and sinker.

So all democrats want to do is get more toddlers to vote.

Trump supporters are the biggest crybabies.
I want another $1400 ! And then moar and moar after that!
Fuck America's children and their children's children. I'm dead in 15 years anyways!
Moar money, moar money, moar money!!

A lower standard of living is a small price to pay to have a Democrat in the White House!
Got the notice from IRS yesterday. How far does $1,400 go in today's world? Two car payments? What then?
Then you can sign up for one of Joe's "green" jobs, there should be 4-5 of them in about two-three years.
The American voter have the brain function of a toddler.

Just dangle the lollypop in front of their noses and they are yours, hook. line, and sinker.

So all democrats want to do is get more toddlers to vote.

Trump supporters are the biggest crybabies.

Do I look like I'm crying?

I'm White and Biden is making me financially Supreme when it comes to disposable income!
Please keep running the fairytale of systemic racism. Us retired white dudes are just lovin' it, like Mickey D's!!!
I drove about 20 miles last week. Tànk still on full. As far as those who are stuck in the god awful terrible american rat race I can't speak.

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