End of the embargo about french products

padisha emperor

Senior Member
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Aix-en-Provence, France
End of the embargo on the french products, like the pâté de foie gras.

good news.

but I heard that the US want to vote a law who forbide the gavage of the gooses.
It is really stupid, because the way to do the pâté de foie gras is the gavage of gooses. People use this way since centuries and centuries....
A such law would be stupid. It would be the same thing if the french voted a law who forbide the beefsteaks who are coming from the killing of a cow or beef....
It is the way to do pâté de foie gras.
Peolpe had to gave the gooses. It is sad, but this is the only way.
Like for the steaks : it is sad to kill a cow, but it is the only way.
gavage of the gooses

the feeding of geese via tubes through the stomach?

gavage - feeding through tube: the feeding of an animal or a person through a tube passed into the stomach

[Late 19th century. From French , formed from gaver “to stuff down the throat.”]
Personally, I see no reason to allow french products into our country. Matter of fact, I would like to see a tarriff imposed on french wine that would raise the price to over 200 dollars per bottle. I'd like to see Michelin tires cost $300 each and all other french imports taxed to the point that no one will buy them.

We should continue to do this as long as Jacques Chirac heads the french government and as long as the french continue to stab us in the back at every opportunity.

It appears that the french value money over all else. Perhaps if we hit them in their wallet they will suddenly develop a better set of ethics.
Merlin, you're the perfect demonstration of the person hated by Europe.
France didn't do the dog fir the US, didn't go to a deep shit in Iraq, and now is not in hell. Are you jealous, because we have not this problem ?
Your idea about the french products is stupid, really.

But the worst is that with your new President, God forgive him, with the neo-conservators....it could happen.

Go to a party to celebrate W's succes, drink french champagne and eat french food.....with that, your evening will be nice....
hey Padish---How's that French investigation into the oil for food scandal coming along. Did you make a few euros out of the deal or do you still have some left over francs?
France didn't do the dog fir the US, didn't go to a deep shit in Iraq, and now is not in hell. Are you jealous, because we have not this problem ?

You must be joking! If you really believe this is why many Americans dislike France (or at least the French govt.), then you have no clue about how we think over here. Most American feel that France stabbed us in the back, at a crucial time in our history. Now I am not going to try an debate the Iraq war, it has been done many times here, but what I will say is that if France did not agree with the US, out of friendship they could have just kept their mouth shut. Not try to rally other nations against us, because they had a financial interest in keeping Saddam in power. This is the problem most Americans have.

You say France has a right to do what is feels best, well us Americans have a right to not buy French products if we see fit. Personally I have instructed my company to not purchase any products made in France, our government needed to take no action, it was of my own volition !

Evidenced in your post is the smug attitude that abounds in France toward the US, that you are somehow superior and that America is jealous. Well think what you want my French little friend, but America's world influence continues to grow, while France's shrinks. I know you country is desperately trying to remain of some importance in the new Europe, but don't do it at the expense of friends who have saved you in the past !!!
padisha emperor said:
Merlin, you're the perfect demonstration of the person hated by Europe.

Why thank you, frog-face. That's the nicest compliment you've ever given me.

I love a little recognition!!!! :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
wow...I hope you have no voter card. If some people so untolerantr like you can vote....wow....the country will go right inot a wall.....

For the "french treatry".....hohoho....a typical attitude of a person who can't have his ennemy, so he creates a new ennemy.

Most American feel that France stabbed us in the back, at a crucial time in our history.
And most Americans, I hope, know that France saved USA at the most important time of your history....

And again, compare the fact that France refused to go in Iraq with a treatry......wow.....you have a strange notion of the treatry.....
wow...I hope you have no voter card. If some people so untolerantr like you can vote....wow....the country will go right inot a wall.....

For the "french treatry".....hohoho....a typical attitude of a person who can't have his ennemy, so he creates a new ennemy.

We aren't creating the enemy, the enemy is just being noticed. Also I have nopthing against France's people. Only your government who insists to depose our country everywhere in Europe. We are basicly getting tired of your shit. I can read into history too....I can think of hundreds of thousands of Americans who lost thier lives fighting for your country too. Infact when our soldiers were met on some of those beachs, it was your frenchmen who fired shots at us. I just think you and your countrymen should rethink this whole we hate america thing you all got going on.
We aren't creating the enemy, the enemy is just being noticed. Also I have nopthing against France's people. Only your government who insists to depose our country everywhere in Europe. We are basicly getting tired of your shit. I can read into history too....I can think of hundreds of thousands of Americans who lost thier lives fighting for your country too. Infact when our soldiers were met on some of those beachs, it was your frenchmen who fired shots at us. I just think you and your countrymen should rethink this whole we hate america thing you all got going on.

You say you don't hate the french people, it is great. But I'm not sure of that. Your hate against the french government probably touch also the french people. Nevermind.

You speak again of WWII...understable, I spoke of US Revolution.
But you said that US soldiers were killed by French on the beaches of Normandy : when our soldiers were met on some of those beachs, it was your frenchmen who fired shots at us..
It is wrong.
THe french in the german army were :
- assholes who think nazi's idea was good.
- inhabitants of Alsace enlisted by force by the SS.
- People who hated the Communists (like you)

And they were few, and on the eastern front.

In Normandy, the french who fought were resistants, of Free french forces members.

And know that France honor the momory of the soldiers who died for us.
France know that USA - with others - helped us, saved us, in 1944.

And don't see the opposition of the french government to Bush like a declaration of war to USA, or a non-respect of the memory of the US soldiers of 44.
padisha emperor said:
Your hate against the french government probably touch also the french people. Nevermind.

Ahhhh...... you say "nevermind" cuz you realized you just put your foot in your mouth. How many times have we heard from you and your ilk, "we don't hate Americans, just your government". Now that the shoe is on the other foot, you say, and I paraphrase, "our hate of the French government means we hate the French people because our hate of the government, touches the French people."

So now you realize that if you hate our government (which this time, was OVERWHELMINGLY elected), you hate us.

In America, we say, "Open mouth, insert foot".

You can tell you are a liberal (liberals are the same everywhere) because you hold a double standard.

Now, FUCK OFF!! Please!
You miss the point, freeandnotfun.

I wen to USA, i know some Americans, I intersest since a long time to the US civilization and history, and to the US institutions.
I like the USA. I don't like Bush, but I don't generalize to everybody. I think also that a lot of Bush voters are not all dumbs and brainless. I like the people who are not dumbs, and who don't hate people without real reasons.
I don't like soe americans, but i don't like also some french, or some germans or some........

But when I see the interview of US people, they say that they hate french, France, and that we are bastards and cowrads. They speak of the population, not of the government.

the "nevermind" didn't show my unhability to explain myslef, but I didn't expect that you will react like this...
I hope that I answer to you, and I convince you of my no-hate of the USA.
padisha emperor said:
I hope that I answer to you, and I convince you of my no-hate of the USA.


I have been to France MANY times and I have a lot of Friends/business associates in France. The folks in the countryside are okay, but Parisians suck. Their attitudes suck, they are rude, and frankly, they STINK! (literally).

It is the condesending attitude you and others like you hold that I hate. So if the shoe fits, wear it!
Well I've never been to France but I read countless of stories of Americans gettingg spit on called names and such totally disrespected. I say earn respect by giving respect. I don't hate anyone in general I just don't like Anti-Americanism, cause if your against our government your against something I would lay my life on the line for, and I know I'm not the only one. Being against our president is being against 59,000,000 people here in the US. Just think about it, and let it settle in.
padisha emperor said:
wow...I hope you have no voter card. If some people so untolerantr like you can vote....wow....the country will go right inot a wall.....

Yup - disgusting isn't it. A whole bunch of us "intolerant" types voted in the last election. About 59 million at last count. Think about that. Makes you want to go hide in the wine cellar, doesn't it.

padisha emperor said:
For the "french treatry".....hohoho....a typical attitude of a person who can't have his ennemy, so he creates a new ennemy.

Do we have to beat this dead horse again? It is YOUR government who attempted to run interference for Saddam. That pig Chirac did that so that he and his disgusting cronies could profit from the oil-for-food-program. Your government is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq and they did that simply to line their pockets. And here you are trying to justify that. WE are not looking for any new enemies. We have simply come to recognize that France is not our friend and in this time when our nation is under attack, if you are not our friend, you are our enemy. A simple concept. Perhaps that's too unsophisticated and lacking in nuances for you to understand. So laugh it up, payback will be long and painful.

padisha emperor said:
And most Americans, I hope, know that France saved USA at the most important time of your history....
There are tens of thousands of little white crosses near the beaches of Normandy. I think we paid you assholes back with interest for any debt we may have once owed you. The slate is clean. We don't owe you a damn thing. Get used to it. Besides, France aided the US simply because she wanted to rein in the British empire. Your country and your government had no real interest in the Americans except as a hammer with which to beat the Brits.

padisha emperor said:
And again, compare the fact that France refused to go in Iraq with a treatry......wow.....you have a strange notion of the treatry.....
Apparently you think that repeating this tired old line will make us believe it. It still stinks. It is still a lie. And Chirac and the French were caught with their hand in the cookie jar and now you want to put on an innocent face and say "who me?"

I'm surprised you would have the gall to trot out your tired old line about the USA owing France for assistance during the American Revolution when we've already explored this in depth.

We both know how much help you gave us during that war, and what your motives were. France didn't do any fighting for us on U.S. soil, save a couple of French 'advisors' perhaps. You don't want to revisit this topic, do you?

As far as the embargo goes, I do not intend to support ANY French companies in the near future, if ever. Your country's treachery will not be rewarded by even one red cent of mine. Most Americans that I have discussed this subject with feel the same way as I do.

I'm surprised you would have the gall to trot out your tired old line about the USA owing France for assistance during the American Revolution when we've already explored this in depth.

We both know how much help you gave us during that war, and what your motives were. France didn't do any fighting for us on U.S. soil, save a couple of French 'advisors' perhaps. You don't want to revisit this topic, do you?

As far as the embargo goes, I do not intend to support ANY French companies in the near future, if ever. Your country's treachery will not be rewarded by even one red cent of mine. Most Americans that I have discussed this subject with feel the same way as I do.


for the red sentence : first, historical data : the Marquis de la Fayette took part to the war on the US side before the real coming of the french troops.
France sent, like you said, military advisors.
And in 1780, Rochambeau landed with an expeditionnary force of 7,000 french soldiers.
And the Amiral de Grasse came with the french fleet.
And then, in Yorktown, the french and the US defeated Cornwallis. The french fleet stopped any attempts from english to flew by sea, and bombered the city.


The white flags with golden Lys Flowers are the french.

French soldiers, commemorations.

On the left side, there are french, aren't they ?


Oh, on the left of Washingotn, there are french uniform, don't they ?

Only to show you by the evidence that french fought on your soil, guy. Are you a negationnist ?
and don't come to tell me that US soldiers fought on our soil, I know it, I don't deny, me.
Pretty interesting stuff, Padisha, I researched Lafayette and Rochambeau... I really enjoy history.

Lafayette appears to have only commanded American forces in the field, not French. Lafayette appears to be a favorite of Washington throughout the campaign, he rolled the dice mightily by leaving France to help American forces - he went against the King's will and things could have gone very badly for him upon his return. It worked out, though.

Consequently he applied to Congress in Philadelphia for a furlough to return home. On October 21, Congress granted him permission to return to his native land and stated: "that he shall return at such time as shall be most convenient to him." When Lafayette arrived in France he went at once to the palace at Versailles to see his wife and family. Since Lafayette had left France against the king's will, he knew he was under a cloud and could not come to the court until he was forgiven by the king.

Rochambeau did indeed come and fight with an expeditionary force. You are correct about Rochambeau, thanks for setting me straight. The number of troops range between 5,000 and 5,500.

It seems that the French engaged in exactly one land campaign alongside Washington against the British.

The operation was given the code name of Expédition Particulière and consisted of only 5,500 men when it sailed from Brest on 1 May 1780. It anchored off Newport, Rhode Island, 11 July 1780.

It appears that there were tensions between Lafayette and Rochambeau:

Initial complications arose with impetuous zeal of Lafayette as liaison officer with Washington. However, Rochambeau corrected this problem with his famous, admonishing ‘father-to-son’ letter to the young marquis. Rochambeau counseled Lafayette that it would be tempting to make a military show of force with the French forces he had, but that it was more important not to waste any of these limited resources on anything other than an important operation.

Early in 1781, the Americans pressed for the French to deploy on some excursions in the south, where up to this time British were meeting with little resistance. Although Rochambeau was leery of engaging in hastily conceived plans which would not decisively strike at the British, he did finally agree to send his small French fleet in a January raid into Virginia waters. However, at a Newport meeting with Rochambeau Washington pressed for a large force to deploy against Arnold in Virginia. A French force deployed on 9 March but was turned back by the British fleet.

This was not a very promising start and Washington expressed his irritation with the French in a letter to his cousin, Lund Washington. Unfortunately, the British intercepted and published Washington's letter in a New York Tory newspaper. Rochambeau was obligated to confront Washington about the letter and accepted Washington's honest reply and apology.

In late March 1781, Rochambeau received news from Paris. There would be no more French troops sent to join his expedition, but Admiral de Grasse with a fleet of about 30 ships would be in the West Indies and might be made available for a brief time in North America.

Rochambeau discussed this with Washington at their 21 May 1781, Wethersfield Conference. Washington became more appreciative of the reason for Rochambeau's caution. It was imperative that this French force be used for decisive operations since it would be all that the French intended to provide.

The Allies' overland march from New York began 25 August with deceptive northward moves which successfully confused the British forces at New York for days. En route south, some of the forces loaded on boats at Head of Elk, Maryland. Except for the wagon train, field artillery and escort cavalry, the rest of the armies embarked on ships from Annapolis, Maryland. The strategic movement was made in remarkable time. By 9 September, Rochambeau and Washington (traveling entierly overland and separately from their main forces) were at Mount Vernon, Virginia. There they received news that de Grasse was at sea engaging British naval forces. On 14 September, Washington and Rochambeau arrived at Williamsburg, Virginia, to join up with a small contingent of American forces under Lafayette and French regiments that came with de Grasse's fleet. Also, it was learned that de Grasse had succeeded in driving the British fleet under Graves back out to sea, leaving the now highly outnumbered British forces of Cornwallis' isolated at Yorktown. Swiftly, Washington and Rochambeau conducted a perfect textbook eighteenth-century siege. Trenches were dug largely under the supervision of French engineers. The presence of French siege guns, which Rochambeau had brought with his expedition, were a devastating surprise to the British.

The British surrender (19 October) at Yorktown was the decisive military engagement Rochambeau had sought. Of course, many were not certain at the time exactly how decisive it was. Washington and Rochambeau immediately had to think about the next campaign. Washington hurried back north, while Rochambeau' forces remained in Virginia, Headquartered at Williamsburg.

However, within the year, the peace negotiations advanced enough that the French called Rochambeau home. He met Washington in Philadelphia (July 1782). Later, they celebrated the anniversary of the Yorktown Victory at Washington's Hudson River camp. Rochambeau bid his final farewell with Washington at Newburgh, New York, and sailed from Anne Arundel, Maryland, 8 January 1783, arriving in France 10 February.

So, I was wrong in this matter. You French did indeed fight on the ground.

I still am appalled with you French during the last 100 years, though, and absolutely disgusted with your behavior in the last 5 years. Particularly in the Saddam matter and your interference & betrayal in the UN.

I think the continuing French boycott by ordinary US citizens like myself will continue unabated until we see an about-face in attitude from your country... and I don't see any evidence of that even being considered.

Do you? Do you see any media stories criticizing your government in their reprehensible behavior? The only stories I've seen are 'Attaboys' in your press with your typical anti-american rhetoric.
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