Empty Store Shelves

Have not seen any shortages here.

We need to start another fake rumor about DHS. Except this time they have purchased 6 billion rolls of toilet paper.

Stopped by Walmart this morning after I voted to check it out. Although I normally don’t go to Walmart. Bought 2 boxes of Starbucks Keurig then walked around.
I didn’t see any panic buying . Water, egg and toilet papers are well stock.
Store shelves are well stocked in Minnesota.

But a friend called me up from the seattle/olympia area...empty store shelves in seattle and major holes in the shelves in olympia.

I told him this is only the panic buying...we haven't even seen the breaks in the supply chain yet...that should show up in the next 2 weeks or less.
All of italy is now quarantined...I'll bet they wish they had stocked up.

A part of NY is quarantined (I thunk it is new rochelle)...bet they wish they had bought extra supplies.
This is not good. People are fighting to get inline at Costco.

As I expected...it will get alot worse!

While they were fighting for food...I was getting my oil changed & a new air filter. Tomorrow it will be gas, ciggies, and 2 quarts of oil. I like to stay 2 steps ahead of the crowd.

The next thing at the grocery stores will be bread...so stock up on crackers if you haven't already...crackers (all kinds) make a good substitute for bread because they have a shelf life & bread does not.
Reports all over the place of stores being wiped out...empty shelves.

Never doubt your friendly neighborhood Thunk! :)
Now what's happening is they are limiting customers INSIDE the stores...but OUTSIDE is a line of people all scunched together passing the virus from person to person.

When will they ever learn?
We had a few days of panic buying. I thought that would be done by April 1. Sure enough, shelves are full no shortages.

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