Embarrassing: Obama Receives Standing Ovation From Less Than 25% Of West Point Cadets

If he hooked up with Sandra Fluke he couldn't miss. She is kinda ugly though.

Who in his right mind would fuck that skank?

It's not surprising you find females repulsive. Good job on not calling her a slut though....apparently you've forgotten your talking points.

I certainly find that one repulsive. I dont see the word slut in my post. Maybe you can help?
I am certain you'd stick your tongue in her because you have the standards and smarts of a soap dish.
Who in his right mind would fuck that skank?

It's not surprising you find females repulsive. Good job on not calling her a slut though....apparently you've forgotten your talking points.

I certainly find that one repulsive. I dont see the word slut in my post. Maybe you can help?

I congratulated you on it Shirley. Again...does your homo-ness keep you from reading? I congratulated you on uncharacteristically not calling a female a slut. I know it's contrary to your primal republican urges although you may be called out as not being a "real" American at the next meeting at the spittoon.
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The seals got bin laden on standing orders from Bush. GM being alive is misleading.
And al-Queida was supposed to be on the run according to Obama's slogan...And he just couldn't have what happened in Benghazi ruin it.

Why would killing 4 Americans prove that al qaeda wasn't in fact on the run? The Germans were on the run in 1944, just before the battle of the Bulge.
Did FDR run around on the campaign trail stating the Nazi's were on the run when they weren't JUST to get re-elected?

Son your posts get dumber all the time.:eusa_hand:

Does it do your heart good to LIE for this administration all the time?

Do you know YOU are a supreme LIAR?

And al-Queida was supposed to be on the run according to Obama's slogan...And he just couldn't have what happened in Benghazi ruin it.

Why would killing 4 Americans prove that al qaeda wasn't in fact on the run? The Germans were on the run in 1944, just before the battle of the Bulge.
Did FDR run around on the campaign trail stating the Nazi's were on the run when they weren't JUST to get re-elected?

Son your posts get dumber all the time.:eusa_hand:

Does it do your heart good to LIE for this administration all the time?

Do you know YOU are a supreme LIAR?


You're right. Bin Laden wasn't on the run in 2012.

Why would killing 4 Americans prove that al qaeda wasn't in fact on the run? The Germans were on the run in 1944, just before the battle of the Bulge.
Did FDR run around on the campaign trail stating the Nazi's were on the run when they weren't JUST to get re-elected?

Son your posts get dumber all the time.:eusa_hand:

Does it do your heart good to LIE for this administration all the time?

Do you know YOU are a supreme LIAR?


You're right. Bin Laden wasn't on the run in 2012.

Translation:" Yeah you're right T, Obama had to cover it up because he lied like me..."

Laugh at that, liar.:eusa_hand:
Less than 25% gave him a standing ovation BEFORE he spoke

Why didn't the Washington Times report how many gave him a standing ovation AFTER he spoke?

President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported.

You need a baseline for comparison. The baseline should be President Introduction at West Point. Compare Obama's intro in 2014 to Bush's Intro in 2008:

Obama v. Bush @ West Point: It?s No Contest | Power Line
The majority of military especially educated officers don't like Obama because they know he is a lying sack of shit doesn't like them or the USA.

The dumb ones in the military that support him are the ones from lower classes and mostly minority enlisted personnel that go along with the BET brainwashing.
It has nothing to do with where I stand. It's where the Constitution and federal law stand.
So, if you were a U.S. soldier, and Obama gave you an order to fire on a group of American citizens at a protest, you would obey those orders?

He wouldn't. You lost the argument, try to take it like a man.
You already indicated you would, several times.

You libberhoids should get a standing ovation for trying to portray obama as someone who is capable of leading
Keep sucking assholes
Its not working
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"Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail."
--- President Obama, West Point commencement address.

That's one reason the military holds the ODS crowd in such contempt, because the ODSers demand the military risk their lives just to compensate for the TinyWangerSyndrome of the ODSers.
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