EMBARRASSING: Biden Keeps Head Down...Speaks Like A Puppet Reading From Prepared Notecards, While Uncomfortable Israeli President Watches [VIDEO]


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This is the [p]Resident [Patient] of the United States.

Today, instead of offering sincere support for Israel to President Reuben Rivlin who was visiting the White House, Joe Biden instead, kept his eyes fixed on notecards he held on his lap with prepared remarks.

After Joe pointed out how glad he was that President Rivlin brought his daughter with him on his trip to the U.S. (watch HERE), he attempted to prove his support for Israel by saying, “As the American press here can tell you,” suddenly, Biden appeared to catch himself in the middle of making yet another nonsensical statement, and backtracked, “Well, they can’t tell you anything—they’re not supposed to,” he said laughing.

Note to Joe: The press doesn’t typically inform leaders of other nations about how the President of the United States feels about them.

The bumbling old lifetime politician continued, as he crossed his legs and propped his notecards with comments someone else likely prepared for him, on his thigh.

Joe rambled on about not allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon and read from his notecards about his “unwavering commitment” to defending Israel.

At one point, Joe attempted to act tough but blew it with the last line, “What I can say to you? Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch!” adding, “As they say.”

Who is ‘they,” Joe?

The short clip of the interview is difficult to watch, as Israeli President Rivlin is forced to sit by and watch Joe, in the most insincere way possible, attempt to reassure him of America’s steadfast commitment to Israel, all while not even making eye contact with him.​


Someone should do a switcheroo on old Joe's cards...


This is the [p]Resident [Patient] of the United States.

Today, instead of offering sincere support for Israel to President Reuben Rivlin who was visiting the White House, Joe Biden instead, kept his eyes fixed on notecards he held on his lap with prepared remarks.

After Joe pointed out how glad he was that President Rivlin brought his daughter with him on his trip to the U.S. (watch HERE), he attempted to prove his support for Israel by saying, “As the American press here can tell you,” suddenly, Biden appeared to catch himself in the middle of making yet another nonsensical statement, and backtracked, “Well, they can’t tell you anything—they’re not supposed to,” he said laughing.

Note to Joe: The press doesn’t typically inform leaders of other nations about how the President of the United States feels about them.

The bumbling old lifetime politician continued, as he crossed his legs and propped his notecards with comments someone else likely prepared for him, on his thigh.

Joe rambled on about not allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon and read from his notecards about his “unwavering commitment” to defending Israel.

At one point, Joe attempted to act tough but blew it with the last line, “What I can say to you? Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch!” adding, “As they say.”

Who is ‘they,” Joe?

The short clip of the interview is difficult to watch, as Israeli President Rivlin is forced to sit by and watch Joe, in the most insincere way possible, attempt to reassure him of America’s steadfast commitment to Israel, all while not even making eye contact with him.​

They dont call him Creepy Joe for no reason

But I never did manage to fall for the correct clickbait that contained the video of biden reading from his cur cards

I saw a lot of advertisements I wasnt interested in but not the reason I was at their crappy website to begin with
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This is the [p]Resident [Patient] of the United States.

Today, instead of offering sincere support for Israel to President Reuben Rivlin who was visiting the White House, Joe Biden instead, kept his eyes fixed on notecards he held on his lap with prepared remarks.​
After Joe pointed out how glad he was that President Rivlin brought his daughter with him on his trip to the U.S. (watch HERE), he attempted to prove his support for Israel by saying, “As the American press here can tell you,” suddenly, Biden appeared to catch himself in the middle of making yet another nonsensical statement, and backtracked, “Well, they can’t tell you anything—they’re not supposed to,” he said laughing.​
Note to Joe: The press doesn’t typically inform leaders of other nations about how the President of the United States feels about them.
The bumbling old lifetime politician continued, as he crossed his legs and propped his notecards with comments someone else likely prepared for him, on his thigh.​
Joe rambled on about not allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon and read from his notecards about his “unwavering commitment” to defending Israel.​
At one point, Joe attempted to act tough but blew it with the last line, “What I can say to you? Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch!” adding, “As they say.”​
Who is ‘they,” Joe?​
The short clip of the interview is difficult to watch, as Israeli President Rivlin is forced to sit by and watch Joe, in the most insincere way possible, attempt to reassure him of America’s steadfast commitment to Israel, all while not even making eye contact with him.​

They dont call him Creepy Joe for no reason

But I never did manage to fall for the correct clickbait that contained the video of biden reading from his cur cards

I daw a lot of advertisements I wasnt interested in but not the reason I was at their crappy website to begin with

The comments are awesome if you watch this in Youtube.

This will soon be all too common with Joe:

"White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters, adding that an auxiliary power unit had been rendered inoperable after the commander-in-chief crawled into a turbine looking for a snack he dropped. “Unfortunately, the president got pretty well wedged in there, so rescue crews have spent a few hours already trying to get him out. He got pretty startled, naturally, and crawled further in."

"Fortunately we’ve coaxed him closer to leaving the engine, and once we repair the wires he chewed, the diplomatic trip should hopefully continue without incident.” At press time, the flight had been delayed again on the runway after the president had somehow gotten back into the engine



Biden Literally KNEELS Before Israeli President In Bizarre And Humiliating Display

Pledges Unconditional Support To Israel

President Joe Biden dropped to his knees during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, in an exceedingly bizarre and embarrassing show of desperation.
President Rivlin and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz could be seen laughing at Biden during the humiliating display.
“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God,” Yossi Elituv of Michpacha tweeted (as translated by Google). “President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper Kipa.co claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”

I’m am consistently at a loss for words with this administration, especially the fraudulent pretender president Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Joey Xi just outdid Barack Hussein Obama with his bowing and scraping. You have to wonder how he will act when he meets Xi - prostrate himself?
Hmm...., we have yet to hear from White House press secretary Jen Psaki clarify why Biden is kneeling? Perhaps Biden got confused and thought he was in front of BLM representatives? :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden Literally KNEELS Before Israeli President In Bizarre And Humiliating Display

Pledges Unconditional Support To Israel

President Joe Biden dropped to his knees during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, in an exceedingly bizarre and embarrassing show of desperation.
President Rivlin and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz could be seen laughing at Biden during the humiliating display.
“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God,” Yossi Elituv of Michpacha tweeted (as translated by Google). “President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper Kipa.co claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”

I’m am consistently at a loss for words with this administration, especially the fraudulent pretender president Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Joey Xi just outdid Barack Hussein Obama with his bowing and scraping. You have to wonder how he will act when he meets Xi - prostrate himself?
Hmm...., we have yet to hear from White House press secretary Jen Psaki clarify why Biden is kneeling? Perhaps Biden got confused and thought he was in front of BLM representatives? :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden Literally KNEELS Before Israeli President In Bizarre And Humiliating Display

Pledges Unconditional Support To Israel

President Joe Biden dropped to his knees during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, in an exceedingly bizarre and embarrassing show of desperation.
President Rivlin and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz could be seen laughing at Biden during the humiliating display.
“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God,” Yossi Elituv of Michpacha tweeted (as translated by Google). “President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper Kipa.co claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”

I’m am consistently at a loss for words with this administration, especially the fraudulent pretender president Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Joey Xi just outdid Barack Hussein Obama with his bowing and scraping. You have to wonder how he will act when he meets Xi - prostrate himself?
Hmm...., we have yet to hear from White House press secretary Jen Psaki clarify why Biden is kneeling? Perhaps Biden got confused and thought he was in front of BLM representatives? :abgg2q.jpg:
Embarrassing is the need to distort what actually happened and attack any connection the US has with Israel:

US President Joe Biden kneeled down before Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s chief of staff at the White House on Monday after discovering that the latter is a mother-of-12.

A photograph taken at the time shows Biden on his knee in front of Israel’s outgoing president and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz, during Rivlin’s farewell visit to the US. The story made the front page of Yediot Ahronot on Friday.

It was a respectful, humorous gesture.

Israel/US haters need to see the worse and make others believe it, too. It must be that the US is in the pocket of Israel, after all.....Israel dominates the world, right?

Shame !
Also in the past the pope hid his cross and bowed to her,
after learning about her story, as she said she wouldn't shake his hand...


Biden Literally KNEELS Before Israeli President In Bizarre And Humiliating Display

Pledges Unconditional Support To Israel

President Joe Biden dropped to his knees during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, in an exceedingly bizarre and embarrassing show of desperation.
President Rivlin and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz could be seen laughing at Biden during the humiliating display.
“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God,” Yossi Elituv of Michpacha tweeted (as translated by Google). “President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper Kipa.co claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”

I’m am consistently at a loss for words with this administration, especially the fraudulent pretender president Joey Xi Bai Dung.
Joey Xi just outdid Barack Hussein Obama with his bowing and scraping. You have to wonder how he will act when he meets Xi - prostrate himself?
Hmm...., we have yet to hear from White House press secretary Jen Psaki clarify why Biden is kneeling? Perhaps Biden got confused and thought he was in front of BLM representatives? :abgg2q.jpg:

“President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper Kipa.co claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”
Doc7505 He was kneeling to the guy that beat out Benjamin netanyahu right? This new guy is supposed to be more sympathetic to Palestinians if I'm not mistaken. Although he is not going to be giving into Iran. So maybe he likes the Muslim people that are in his militia. Maybe he kneel down as a joke. Who knows.

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