Emails from Tulsi ...

The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

How dare she be anti-war!
I like the fact that she was against Obama's desire to intervene in Syria. A veteran who knows the cost of war..and the frivolous way politicians throw away American lives..for a soundbite!

She almost sounds like Eisenhower and the Founders of the country.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

Her anti-war stance makes her the best choice of the whole group. Plus I have a great deal of respect for those who actually serve their country.

I am not saying I am going to vote for her, but she is the best of the group.

I truly do not want to see this election coming to down to people choosing between two old white guys.
The only ones who like Damascus Gabby are the right wing.

No chance of that happening. Tulsi is a socialist just like Bernie.
I think one is a socialist like Bernie..LOL!
I got to say..the wholesale labeling of anyone one the right dislikes as 'socialist', is getting a bit stale.It's as dumb as labeling everyone on the Right a racist.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

Her anti-war stance makes her the best choice of the whole group. Plus I have a great deal of respect for those who actually serve their country.

She's not the only anti-war candidate and other than that you basically disagree with her.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

Her anti-war stance makes her the best choice of the whole group. Plus I have a great deal of respect for those who actually serve their country.

She's not the only anti-war candidate and other than that you basically disagree with her.

I am not saying I am going to vote for her, but she is the best of the group.

I truly do not want to see this election coming to down to people choosing between two old white guys.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

That's not Gabbard's goal, far from it.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.
I wouldn't describe Harris as a Centrist' anything! A Progressive racing all the other candidates to the Left as fast as she can run.
I like enforcing anti-discrimination laws..if it is a should be enforced...

As for her appeal..she comes across as just bit more honest...and willing to compromise. I believe that the ability to compromise may be the most important attribute we need right now. I don't really care about the labels.
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The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.
I wouldn't describe Harris as a Centrist' anything! A Progressive racing all the other candidates to the Left as fast as she can run.
I like enforcing anti-discrimination laws..if it is a should be enforced...

As for her appeal..she comes across as just bit more honest...and willing to compromise. I believe that the ability to compromise is may be the most important attribute we need right now. I don't really care about the labels.

Who mentioned Harris?
Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.
Then you should be happy the adults are in charge of White House and Senate now, protecting your wallet from the liberals.

Perhaps you missed your god signing the spending bill yesterday , the bill that 29 Repub Senator voted yes to and was negotiated by Trump's own people.
Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.
Then you should be happy the adults are in charge of White House and Senate now, protecting your wallet from the liberals.
I can only assume you are being ironically funny..given the massive budget bill just passed coupled with the equally massive tax cuts!
I love to watch the Trump folk bend themselves into pretzels...explaining the total lack of any fiscal responsibility practiced by this administration and this congress.
The more the left whines about Tulsi, the more I like her.

She shanked Harris hard, I fucking loved it!

Gabbard shanked Kamala but good in the last debate. That shut up the prissy stuck up bitch. Like Hillary, Kamala's record is one filled with failure. It was great to see another Dem call her out on that.