Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

"What difference does it make?"

Well, we're up to our 158th "smoking gun" and 1 millionth "she's finished" boast.

Of course she will never be held accountable and neither will anyone from State.

If anyone expected a Govt. investigation to reveal a Govt. failure then I feel sorry for them. It was never going to happen.

If you had any common sense, which I doubt, you would see the gross negligence she and her State Department used at Benghazi.

If State had done what the Brits and the Red Cross did after receiving all those warning there would have been no Benghazi.

Of course I don't expect you will ever see anything wrong with the way HC and her State Department got four good men killed.

Your content to live with the lie. Ta Ta.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

There is nothing you or sockgirl can teach me about politics.
i get it, your brain is full. that's fine.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

It won't matter.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

There is nothing you or sockgirl can teach me about politics.

Now that is a fact.

Too bad you miss the irony of your statement.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

It won't matter.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

She comes here thinking she is all knowing, gets shellacked and then resorts to "I'm much smarter than you". Typical dumb ass leftist
Republicans cutting security at Benghazi: Had horrendous consequences.

Yeah, they should have more hearings. They have been so effective so far.

I think there is a bet going on...can they vote to repeal the ACA more or have more Benghazi hearings...

The ACA repeal is winning by a mile (54 Votes), but the Benghazi hearings are putting up a good fight...

Gawd Almighty, you guys are so stupid, honest to goodness, you are programmed to believe bull crap.....programmed to be easily brainwashed, I am beginning to think it's in your genes to be fooled.

It was 2:30am, the morning of September 12th BENGHAZI TIME when this communication was sent.... 7:30pm on September 11th eastern standard time, is 2:30AM September 12th Benghazi time....they are 7 hours ahead of us in their time.

the incident and the deaths occurred HOURS AND HOURS before this message was sent.

" The attack began at approximately 9:40 pm Libya time, which was 3:40 p.m. EDT in Washington, DC. The second attack on a related CIA annex 1.2 miles away began three hours later, at about 12 am local time the following morning or 6 p.m. EST"
In a liberal world. Trump exaggerates about how many Muslims celebrated on 911. He must go. Hillary lies about the murder of 4 innocent Americans in a terrorist attack and she is presidential material. Wow!

They are just showing their compassion for those who have suffered brain injuries.
OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

It won't matter.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

She comes here thinking she is all knowing, gets shellacked and then resorts to "I'm much smarter than you". Typical dumb ass leftist

. "The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views.

But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
"Principle is nothing to we far right reactionaries. Winning is everything."
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

When have conservatives ever chosen principles over winning?

Well, according the to the left they chose principle over winning on almost every issue. Abortion, gun control etc and the left keeps telling us how those are losing issues.

Republicans think those are winning issues.

Conservatives really want an abolishment of the welfare state. Period.

How many Republicans run on that platform? How many conservatives vote for them anyway?
The Attack began at around 3:40 EST. By 4:00 EST or so, and the rescue team from the secret CIA annex had already left for the Consulate building to drive off the attackers and search for survivors. By 7:19 EST the response team from Tripoli was already at the Benghazi Airport waiting for an escort to the annex to evacuate the survivors. Stevens was still missing and they were afraid he was a hostage.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

It won't matter.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

No but it sure is nice
The Attack began at around 3:40 EST. By 4:00 EST or so the rescue team from the secret CIA annex had already left for the Consulate building to drive off the attackers and search for survivors. By 7:19 EST the response team from Tripoli was already at the Benghazi Airport waiting for an escort to the annex to evacuate the survivors. Stevens was still missing and they were afraid he was a hostage.

US Forces were ready to roll. this is devastating to Clinton. A copy and paste won't change it
OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

It won't matter.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

No but it sure is nice

Mindless trolling ^^^^
Regardless of who/what was to blame that day, this whole event is just further proof of why we need to return to an Isolationist policy in this country.
. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

And....more proof this very day.

1. The tale was that Hillary and Obama hatched the fib that some video caused the attack on Benghazi, and it wasn't any planned attack by the forces that the Obama administration had claimed to have tamed. they lied. We've all come to expect that....after all... . "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

2. But the far darker story was that the Democrats refused to save the lives of Americans in Benghazi because doing so might have revealed yet another failure by Obama...and might have lost him a few votes.

And, after all.....

3. Now, the smoking gun: just now revealed documents prove that the military was set to rescue the Americans at Benghazi.....

...but were stopped by this Liberal/Progressive/Democrat administration....because... "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

"Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately –

“They are spinning up as we speak.” U.S. Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 7:19 PM

(Washington, DC)– Judicial Watch today released a new Benghaziemailfrom then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to State Department leadership immediately offering “forces that could move to Benghazi” during the terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun, Bash says, “we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.” The Obama administration redacted the details of the military forces available, oddly citing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that allows the withholding of “deliberative process” information." Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document

certainly you are intelligent enough to understand TIME ZONES??

7:30 pm Sept 11th, when the message was sent, was 2:30 AM Sept 12th Benghazi time.

hours AFTER the Ambassador and others were attacked and killed.

THREAD FAIL, 3rd one on this site by right wingers on this propaganda and none who made threads about it even bothered to check the Benghazi time....

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