Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

admin explained that he should have had better parents.

Well of the cuff remark is not the administrations explanation.

Maybe not but it certainly rises to the level of insensitivity.

BTW, why didn't you bother giving the administration's explanation?

Why did you lie about it again?

Do you people have buttons that you push that prints out replies? Certainly seems that way. What else would explain such a BS non sequitur response? You might as well have said that I am a GW denier, that would have made about as much sense.

So the person who made the remark was White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. WHO SPEAKS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, OR DID.

So I lied about nothing, but you did of course.
admin explained that he should have had better parents.

Well of the cuff remark is not the administrations explanation.

Maybe not but it certainly rises to the level of insensitivity.

BTW, why didn't you bother giving the administration's explanation?

Why did you lie about it again?

Do you people have buttons that you push that prints out replies? Certainly seems that way. What else would explain such a BS non sequitur response? You might as well have said that I am a GW denier, that would have made about as much sense.

So the person who made the remark was White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. WHO SPEAKS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, OR DID.

So I lied about nothing, but you did of course.

You said it was murder. It was not. He was collateral damage in a successful targeted strike against another al Qaeda member. What was the 16 year old doing hanging around al Qaeda again?

Don't want to get killed in a targeted strike? Don't hang out with al Qaeda in Yemen.
The ironic part of the entire Benghazi debacle was wen Obama and Hillary both argued in a debate how they thought they themselves were the best person to handle a '2am emergency phone call' in the WH. When that call came NO ONE still knows where they were, neither of them led, and neither of them acted to save American lies.

They instead modified the CIA report that was sent to them within an hour of the attack beginning - the report that clearly declared this was a terrorist attack 13 times, stripping every reference to 'terrorism' out of the report. they plotted to come up with a LIE about a video, plotted to condemn a citizen for exercising his Constitutional Right of freedom of speech through a video, plotted to jail him (which they did), and plotted to lie to the American people. Hillary's own e-mails show she told a foreign diplomat, "We KNOW the video had nothing to do with Benghazi. This was a TERRORIST attack." She told her own daughter, "We lost several Americans in a TERRORIST attack tonight." And several hours later she lied to the American people by claiming the attack was the result of the false video story!

This criminal behavior was anything BUT that of the people best suited to answer that phone call. While 4 Americans were under attack, DYING from a terrorist attack, these 2 Liberal Democrats were trying to figure out how one could save his re-election and the other her political future!

This is not what happened and all you lies won't make it so. And it's bullshit.

Armchair warriors who weren't there and are reading lies promulgated by right wing conspiracy theorists as to what happened.

If you believe that Ambassador Stevens could have been saved, you're deluding yourself.

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