Elon Musk Wants To Take Over Twitter.

IMHO, This is a rare example of "good" vs "evil" in it's purist form. Most Americans can admit that the MSM, tech companies and social media, all have a very obvious bias towards the left. The censorship of Hunter's laptop, Trump being banned, Dr. Melone being banned etc.. all point to the notion that the information available to Americans is being manipulated in a deceitful manner. Far too many Americans are OK with this situation because it aids their "team". However, what those Americans do not see is that this situation could very easily be used against their "team" in the future. The "powers to be" censored the Hunter laptop story. Fifty one "retired security officials" all lied and said it was "Russian misinformation".Aaaaand... Twitter made sure that the truth was not allowed to be exposed, or even discussed. For me, hiding the truth, especially such important truth, is evil. Twitter is pure evil. Elon Musk is not.
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So you don't deny all of the stuff I wrote...cool.

The big difference between the crimes you list above and the ones done by your fellow Nazis is that you guys do it for political reasons....

You do remember all of the Trump banners at the capitol on 1/6...right?

Or are you guys still trying to sell the "false flag" bullshit?
No, it's your bullshit that turns a blind eye to devastating destruction at the hands of leftist radicals.


'Mostly a peaceful protest'

Here's an idea: buytwitter.org

About turning Twitter into a customer-owned consumer cooperative (like credit unions and Recreation Equipment International).
Yet you have no proof except your word. Meanwhile, Trump's name was all over the Capitol as you thugs injured 140 cops and killed another one.
Honey, if they weren't the new SS/SA for the global socialists---our government would have used the military to shoot their criminal asses instead of allowing them to burn, murder, loot, and rape. And Soros and Zuckerberg wouldn't be aiding their financing and buying off of prosecutors will bailing this violent trash out of jail. These be the facts.

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