Elon Musk Wants To Take Over Twitter.


Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports​



Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports​

Never lose hope, never! :up: Go Elon Musk!

"Private Equity form Apollo Global is reportedly thinking about participating in a Twitter bid with Elon Musk.

Via JDSupra: Private Equity firm Apollo Global Management is “considering” joining a bid by Elon Musk to acquire the social media platform, a potential early answer to skepticism from investors about Musk’s ability to “cobble together the funds needed to buy Twitter” (as most of Elon’s wealth is “tied up in stock”) – NYTimes and WSJ and Bloomberg"

Published April 19, 2022
CNN: Elon Musk could threaten free speech on Twitter by literally allowing people to speak freely 1 week ago GENESIUS TIMES Exavier Saskagoochie

(CNN) Elon Musk became the largest shareholder of Twitter on Monday, which could threaten free speech on the platform by Musk’s agenda to allow people to speak freely.

Yeap, makes perfect sense to many. That, makes perfect sense

Just in today.

CNN: Elon Musk could threaten free speech on Twitter by literally allowing people to speak freely 1 week ago GENESIUS TIMES Exavier Saskagoochie

(CNN) Elon Musk became the largest shareholder of Twitter on Monday, which could threaten free speech on the platform by Musk’s agenda to allow people to speak freely.

Yeap, makes perfect sense to many. That, makes perfect sense


$44 Billion

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