Diamond Member
While delivering a commencement speech this past Friday, Warren made it very clear to the American people that she is not fit for public office.
Someone who "can't help themselves" should not be sitting in the U.S. Senate and sure as hell can't be sitting in the White House. We need rational, intelligent people who are under control holding public office.
Elizabeth Warren turns college graduation ceremony into Trump-bashing speech: ‘I can’t help myself’
She's publicly acknowledging her inability to control herself and her emotions (much like Hitlery Clinton). Can you imagine someone like that sitting in the Oval Office? What happens when she's "triggered" by Vladimir Putin? Does she enter the nuclear launch codes and then tell the American people "I can't help myself"? What happens when she needs to deliver a speech before the U.N. but can't help herself from ranting like a lunatic because Iran doesn't permit transgenders to use the bathroom of their choice?Speaking to graduates on Friday, Warren began by congratulating the students for their acheivement. But the speech quickly derailed into Warren just bashing President Donald Trump for his decisions and governing policies.
“I’m trying to keep this apolitical but I can’t help myself"…
Someone who "can't help themselves" should not be sitting in the U.S. Senate and sure as hell can't be sitting in the White House. We need rational, intelligent people who are under control holding public office.
Elizabeth Warren turns college graduation ceremony into Trump-bashing speech: ‘I can’t help myself’