Elena Kagan says she will never accept supreme court’s gerrymandering ruling


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Kagan’s comments came as she discussed a fiery dissent she wrote for the minority in Rucho v. Common Cause, the closely watched gerrymandering case the Supreme Court decided on June 27. The majority, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, ruled that courts couldn’t play a role in setting limits on partisan gerrymandering. In a blistering dissent, Kagan accused the court of abandoning its duty and said the decision “imperil our system of government.”

In an appearance at Georgetown University Law Center, Kagan said she thought the majority acted completely in good faith in reaching its conclusions. But she made it clear she strongly disagreed with the reasoning.

“I didn’t really pull my punches about the importance that I thought that decision had to our political system and to the way we govern ourselves,” Kagan said. “There’s no part of me that’s ever going to become accepting of the decision made ― essentially that the court shouldn’t get involved in gerrymandering no matter how bad it is and no matter how destructive of our political system it is.”


Elena Kagan Says She Will Never Accept Supreme Court's Partisan Gerrymandering Ruling

For those who do not know what gerrymandering is, this is what it is how it works.

One notes the hundreds of thousands of people lining up in the streets to register solidarity with Kagan's opinion.
She also mischaracterizes the court's position on gerrymandering. The courts can always get involved in gerrymandering if it is being aimed at any of the suspect classes.
Dem gerrymandering good, Rep gerrymandering bad am I right OP? These Dem's are total phonies.
It is also done by those in the same party when an elected offical or representative is not PLAYING BALL, so to speak.

Allen West is an example of that. The republicans gerrymandered his district, and that does happen when a newly elected rep has shown that he cannot be...."bought."

Washington consists mainly of bought, paid and blackmailed scumbags. If you show that you are above such things, you will be eliminated one way or another.

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