Elections Have Consequences; Cheating Doesn't


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Elections Have Consequences; Cheating Doesn't
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Freanl Mielie

Barack Obama liked to remind us that “elections have consequences.”
Boy, do they! For conservatives like me, the months since Democrats took over the White House and the Senate have been a tsunami of consequences. How do you think I like it when Joe Biden’s handlers aim 60 executive orders at the tip of his pen to effectuate a fundamental transformation of this country? Or when the Democrat-controlled Congress tries to push through statehood for the District of Columbia in order to guarantee their continued control of the Senate? Or when the southern border is turned into a 2,000-mile illegal-immigrant processing center?
Bottom line: Both laws are intended to lessen the opportunity for cheating on Election Day. Why, therefore, is the Democratic Party so intent on eliminating these laws? For that matter, why don’t Democrats want a serious impartial investigation of voting irregularities in Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere in the 2020 election? If cheating took place, shouldn’t we try to find out about it? Apparently not, because Marc Elias has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to prevent anyone from auditing or reviewing the election results from Nov. 3.
Taken together, the message of all these lawsuits is clear: Elections have consequences, but cheating doesn’t.

Why is it that the staff of Perkins-CoieLLC are at the forefreont of every Democrat Party issue?
For four years, Americans were exposed to month upon month of investigation of "Russian Collusion" after Trump won but now we are just supposed to accept the results of the last election when there are statistical abnormalities in this last election. There may not be any problems, but it doesn't hurt to look. We need investigation of social media putting its thumb on the scales.
Are we to believe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media or our lying eyes?
Doesn't everyone ever question why it's always Democrats who want to change the rules after they lose; filibuster, SCOTUS, electoral college, voting laws, DC statehood, open borders, etc. They're acutely aware that their positions and policy aspirations can't stand on their own merits.
The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.
The low point in American history occurred on 1/6.

Nah... That happened 64 days before, when Democrats stole the election and put their puppets Joey Xi and Kamaltoe into office.
After Bush/Cheney stole Florida -Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.
The low point in American history occurred on 1/6.
Nah... That happened 64 days before, when Democrats stole the election and put their puppets Joey Xi and Kamaltoe into office.
That's not how it's going to read in the history books. 1/6 will be up there with 12/7 and 9/11.
Elections Have Consequences; Cheating Doesn't
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Freanl Mielie

Barack Obama liked to remind us that “elections have consequences.”
Boy, do they! For conservatives like me, the months since Democrats took over the White House and the Senate have been a tsunami of consequences. How do you think I like it when Joe Biden’s handlers aim 60 executive orders at the tip of his pen to effectuate a fundamental transformation of this country? Or when the Democrat-controlled Congress tries to push through statehood for the District of Columbia in order to guarantee their continued control of the Senate? Or when the southern border is turned into a 2,000-mile illegal-immigrant processing center?
Bottom line: Both laws are intended to lessen the opportunity for cheating on Election Day. Why, therefore, is the Democratic Party so intent on eliminating these laws? For that matter, why don’t Democrats want a serious impartial investigation of voting irregularities in Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere in the 2020 election? If cheating took place, shouldn’t we try to find out about it? Apparently not, because Marc Elias has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to prevent anyone from auditing or reviewing the election results from Nov. 3.
Taken together, the message of all these lawsuits is clear: Elections have consequences, but cheating doesn’t.

Why is it that the staff of Perkins-CoieLLC are at the forefreont of every Democrat Party issue?
For four years, Americans were exposed to month upon month of investigation of "Russian Collusion" after Trump won but now we are just supposed to accept the results of the last election when there are statistical abnormalities in this last election. There may not be any problems, but it doesn't hurt to look. We need investigation of social media putting its thumb on the scales.
Are we to believe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media or our lying eyes?
Doesn't everyone ever question why it's always Democrats who want to change the rules after they lose; filibuster, SCOTUS, electoral college, voting laws, DC statehood, open borders, etc. They're acutely aware that their positions and policy aspirations can't stand on their own merits.

There are no statistical abnormalities. Social media refusexd to allow it's platform to bde used to spread false information by Trump supporters. Your eyes are lying eyes. Trump supporters are incapable of telling the truth. It is okay for Republicans to change the rules eh? Nonde of your areguments have any merit.
The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.
The low point in American history occurred on 1/6.

Nah... That happened 64 days before, when Democrats stole the election and put their puppets Joey Xi and Kamaltoe into office.

Biden won fair and aquare. The only puppets I see are Trump supporters. You are incapable of thinking for yourselves.
Elections Have Consequences; Cheating Doesn't
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Freanl Mielie

Barack Obama liked to remind us that “elections have consequences.”
Boy, do they! For conservatives like me, the months since Democrats took over the White House and the Senate have been a tsunami of consequences. How do you think I like it when Joe Biden’s handlers aim 60 executive orders at the tip of his pen to effectuate a fundamental transformation of this country? Or when the Democrat-controlled Congress tries to push through statehood for the District of Columbia in order to guarantee their continued control of the Senate? Or when the southern border is turned into a 2,000-mile illegal-immigrant processing center?
Bottom line: Both laws are intended to lessen the opportunity for cheating on Election Day. Why, therefore, is the Democratic Party so intent on eliminating these laws? For that matter, why don’t Democrats want a serious impartial investigation of voting irregularities in Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere in the 2020 election? If cheating took place, shouldn’t we try to find out about it? Apparently not, because Marc Elias has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to prevent anyone from auditing or reviewing the election results from Nov. 3.
Taken together, the message of all these lawsuits is clear: Elections have consequences, but cheating doesn’t.

Why is it that the staff of Perkins-CoieLLC are at the forefreont of every Democrat Party issue?
For four years, Americans were exposed to month upon month of investigation of "Russian Collusion" after Trump won but now we are just supposed to accept the results of the last election when there are statistical abnormalities in this last election. There may not be any problems, but it doesn't hurt to look. We need investigation of social media putting its thumb on the scales.
Are we to believe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their Quisling Media or our lying eyes?
Doesn't everyone ever question why it's always Democrats who want to change the rules after they lose; filibuster, SCOTUS, electoral college, voting laws, DC statehood, open borders, etc. They're acutely aware that their positions and policy aspirations can't stand on their own merits.

Oh brother....

When your blob lost the 2016 Iowa Republican Caucus...he swore there was voter fraud. No other candidates did.

When you blob won the 2016 General Election....he swore there was voter fraud. No other candidates did. There was allegations (proven later on) of Russian influence in our elections but he was the only one complaining about fraud.

When he lost the 2020 General Election...you guessed it...again he complained about voter fraud. Nobody else did.

There should be consequences for the incessant bitching you're doing.
The funny thing about the article is, Montana has the fewest blacks of any state, only about 1% of the population.

The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.

If the American experiment is destroyed, it's because gullible cultist snowflakes like yourself believe lies about the election being stolen because you're nothing but a bunch of precious snowflakes who can't handle their feelings.
The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.
The election was not stolen and you like the rest have not one shred of evidence to prove that. You're purely parroting what trump said. If he had evidence it would be heard by SC and they threw it out. So get a grip on yourself and cease that rubbish. He was thrown out democr a totally because he was an incompetent fool and corrupt.
He will be remembered as the closest thing to a fascist the country has ever elected.
You are still sour about losing.
The stolen election will go down as the low point in American history. Even worse it may go down as the point when the great American experiment was finally destroyed.
The election was not stolen and you like the rest have not one shred of evidence to prove that. You're purely parroting what trump said. If he had evidence it would be heard by SC and they threw it out. So get a grip on yourself and cease that rubbish. He was thrown out democr a totally because he was an incompetent fool and corrupt.
He will be remembered as the closest thing to a fascist the country has ever elected.
You are still sour about losing.

This election WAS STOLEN from the American people!

Shame on the demoncRats and globalists totalitarians ! SHAME ON THEM!

again I say... Cursed are those who cheated and stole this election! :mad-61:
The election was not stolen and you like the rest have not one shred of evidence to prove that. You're purely parroting what trump said. If he had evidence it would be heard by SC and they threw it out. So get a grip on yourself and cease that rubbish. He was thrown out democr a totally because he was an incompetent fool and corrupt.
He will be remembered as the closest thing to a fascist the country has ever elected.
You are still sour about losing.
Worse yet, you sound like Mobster straight out of City Hall from the New York Five Families.
"when Democrats stole the election"
Prove it.
Or go.

Show, so no one will view your avatar as just a pouty whiner.

Cursed are those who cheated and stole this election!.....
This election WAS STOLEN from the American people!

You know, poster skye, this is kinda like a Whack-A-Mole with your avatar.

It occasionally comes on to this venue to whine about "the Steal".....but when asked to show your evidence, well, it disappears for a while so the immediacy of the query fades away.

But then, like a keyboard enema......it comes back.

Still, my avatar is patient, forbearing, and empathetic.
There's no animus.

Just the lingeringg query to your avatar, 'skye'.

To wit, prove it.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
That you ain't just all hat, no cows.

Whatcha got, poster 'skye' that proves the election was stolen?
And if you are deadsolidperfectly convinced you got the goods.....well, have you filed a complaint with the FBI?
If not, why not?

Please help us help you.
We all think well of you, except for your whining.


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