Elder Scrolls Online: First Impressions


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
First up, the good.

Its and elder scrolls game. It's not Skyrim/Oblivion/morrowind, but it IS an elder scrolls game. The lore is all there, the races are there, the weapon/armor styles are there. You run around past Netchs, Kwamas, and other denziens you are used to seeing. I've only been in Morrowind so far, but the architecture is Dunmer.

While they cannot let you level willy-nilly, there is tons of customization. yes, you pick a class, but the class contains only 3 skill trees. All the other skill trees are open to you. Want to play a sorcerer in heavy armor? go ahead. Want to try to heal as a night blade? have at it. it may not be optimal for endgame, but it works at the lower levels.

I've reached level 21 of 50, (50 isn't the end end, you have veteran ranks from 1-10), and have enjoyed myself so far. My first delves into 4 man instances and pvp will be this week.

The crafting system is one of the more elaborate I've seen. you can do as many as you want, but crafting at higher levels takes skill points, and you need those for all of your skills.

Next, the bad (but not too bad)

There are a host of bugs that make questing annoying at times. they are fixing them as fast as they find them, but they do impede progress. you have to be willing to come back.

The quests are not spoon fed to you like in other MMO's. Without some exploring you may run out of quests before the next area, and be of too low level to proceed.

They have issues with bots, gold spammers, and boss campers, but the next patch will be fixing that (hopefully).

All in all I am enjoying myself.
First up, the good.

Its and elder scrolls game. It's not Skyrim/Oblivion/morrowind, but it IS an elder scrolls game. The lore is all there, the races are there, the weapon/armor styles are there. You run around past Netchs, Kwamas, and other denziens you are used to seeing. I've only been in Morrowind so far, but the architecture is Dunmer.

While they cannot let you level willy-nilly, there is tons of customization. yes, you pick a class, but the class contains only 3 skill trees. All the other skill trees are open to you. Want to play a sorcerer in heavy armor? go ahead. Want to try to heal as a night blade? have at it. it may not be optimal for endgame, but it works at the lower levels.

I've reached level 21 of 50, (50 isn't the end end, you have veteran ranks from 1-10), and have enjoyed myself so far. My first delves into 4 man instances and pvp will be this week.

The crafting system is one of the more elaborate I've seen. you can do as many as you want, but crafting at higher levels takes skill points, and you need those for all of your skills.

Next, the bad (but not too bad)

There are a host of bugs that make questing annoying at times. they are fixing them as fast as they find them, but they do impede progress. you have to be willing to come back.

The quests are not spoon fed to you like in other MMO's. Without some exploring you may run out of quests before the next area, and be of too low level to proceed.

They have issues with bots, gold spammers, and boss campers, but the next patch will be fixing that (hopefully).

All in all I am enjoying myself.

Just made level 36. Joined up with a guild I was with on Neverwinter. They are working on the bugs, the bots and the spammers. The server population is still strong.

PVP is very interesting, imho.
Is this pure online, or do you have to purchase the software and install it.
Is this pure online, or do you have to purchase the software and install it.

Purchase software and Install. you can do a download order, but it takes a few hours.

This is an old style MMO, buy it, subscription fee, etc, not a F2P.
Is this pure online, or do you have to purchase the software and install it.

Purchase software and Install. you can do a download order, but it takes a few hours.

This is an old style MMO, buy it, subscription fee, etc, not a F2P.
Have you played Guildwars 2? You have to purchase the software, but the online MMO is free to play after you install.

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