Elder in his local Presbyterian Church removed after he spoke out for gay marriage


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Mr Ford said it was a matter of great sadness that both the presbytery and session had failed to promote healing and unity within their church, despite repeated requests from him over the last nine months.

"I believed, as an elder, I had a part to play in making our congregation fit for purpose," he said.

"Unfortunately, Presbytery and the Judicial Commission have now made that impossible. It remains to be seen whether or not I have any role in Dunamuggy."

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This issue was discussed on BBC RADIO ULSTER'S TALKBACK, on Wednesday 19 October.

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Talkback - BBC Radio Ulster
Not exactly sure what he said but as a Christian he should show brotherly kindness to others but preach against the sin of homosexuality. You can love the sinner and hate the sin.
Not exactly sure what he said but as a Christian he should show brotherly kindness to others but preach against the sin of homosexuality. You can love the sinner and hate the sin.

And you holier than thou prick can kiss the ass of all gay folks in the world.

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