Either your sin or God!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a timely message from Pastor Michael Boldea Jr. It is titled, The Simplest of equations but I'm posting the title of the thread for it's message. What is the message? It is either your sin or God. Choose wisely. It is a message we won't hear preached by Pastors of mega churches nor by televangelists but thanks be to God there are still godly men willing to speak truth!

Hand of Help Ministries

How is it that we always seem to find topics of conversation that focus on anything other than Jesus within the church nowadays? How is it that we make time to have pointless, useless debates over issues that the Bible has already settled, but fail to find the time to concentrate on the risen Christ, and the message of the cross?

When real world examples do not exist, we start to spin hypothetical webs, asking the same redundant questions over and over again, just in a different context, as though making someone an usher and not a choir leader excuses a sin which they’ve chosen as their identity and refuse to repent of.

Sin is sin whether it’s committed by the pastor, the deacon, or the person sitting in the last pew.

Sin of which men do not repent separates said men from God, whether their chosen televangelist insists that they’ve been given a waiver, or their chosen denomination chooses to embrace it as wholesome. God is not beholden to denominations. God is not beholden to televangelists. God is not beholden to anyone or anything, because everything other than God is creation, He is creator, and therefore He need not debase Himself in any way to either humor us or indulge us.

There is finality to what God established in His Word. There are absolutes over which men cannot gloss though they have tried, and continue to try with rabid ferocity. I still find it laughable that we believe we can dictate terms to God, and if a handful of lost souls in a dying denomination decides something, then God must do as they decide or else.
The message continues...........

I’ve said it before, and I will continue to repeat it until it either connects or you get weary of reading what I write and no longer visit this blog: men either love God more than their sin and part ways with their sin, or they love their sin more than they love God and as such find some huckster somewhere to offer them fire insurance and tell them they can be waved through the pearly gates without ever having been washed in the blood of the Lamb, without having gone and sinned no more, without having broken ties with the darkness and having embraced the light of truth and righteousness.

Men can say all sorts of things, and if there is a financial incentive in there somewhere they will be insistent upon the deception they try to force feed you, contending that those feelings of something not being quite right are due to the bigoted society we live in, and not due to the urging of the Holy Spirit to repent and be reconciled unto God.

How can you not feel obliged to bless the individual who insisted that you need not go through the trouble of repenting of your sins? How can you not feel obliged to bless the individual who insisted everyone goes to heaven regardless, even your long lost pets? How can you not feel obliged to blessthe individual who essentially gave you license to live as the world and still cling to the illusion of being saved, sanctified, and heaven bound?

It’s like sending a muffin basket to the doctor who told you that you don’t have heart disease even though you do.

‘Thanks doc, I know the tests came out all wrong and it seemed like I only had a few months to live, but you reinterpreting them and telling me they’re not so bad after all really took a load off.’

Sin kills. It has a 100% mortality rate if not repented of. The reason so much of the New Testament focuses on the need to repent of one’s sins, to be renewed of mind and heart, is because the matter of sin is a serious one, one that we cannot gloss over or overlook because it has eternal implications.

Revelation 22:14-15, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are the dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”

When the dust settles and all is said and done, when the final word is written, and the last song is sung, there will be those without and those within. There will be those who will have the right to the tree of life, and those who will not. There will be those who will be allowed to enter through the gates into the city, and those who will be cast into the outer darkness. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, and a swindler, who cares not for your eternal soul, and whose desire to pacify your conscience is thoroughly tethered to your checkbook.

Either your sin or God! Whoever this is for, you can’t have both, and it is within your purview to choose one or the other. Choose wisely!

Hand of Help Ministries
This message is so important it bears the need to be repeated once more:

Sin kills. It has a 100% mortality rate if not repented of. The reason so much of the New Testament focuses on the need to repent of one’s sins, to be renewed of mind and heart, is because the matter of sin is a serious one, one that we cannot gloss over or overlook because it has eternal implications.

Revelation 22:14-15, “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are the dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”

When the dust settles and all is said and done, when the final word is written, and the last song is sung, there will be those without and those within. There will be those who will have the right to the tree of life, and those who will not. There will be those who will be allowed to enter through the gates into the city, and those who will be cast into the outer darkness. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, and a swindler, who cares not for your eternal soul, and whose desire to pacify your conscience is thoroughly tethered to your checkbook.

Either your sin or God! Whoever this is for, you can’t have both, and it is within your purview to choose one or the other. Choose wisely!

Hand of Help Ministries
With so many defending the right to murder children (abortion) and so many defending the right to blaspheme God and mock His Word (homosexual marriage, gay parades, etc) and so many defending the right to take this country in the wrong direction, it is imperative to remind everyone that there is a day of reckoning. A day when we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and give an account for every word we have spoken, every act we have done, every thought we have entertained. It is important to realize that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and He is not slack concerning His promises. He will reward each one of us according to the work of our hands.

What are you expecting to hear from the LORD on that day?

Well done good and faithful servant? Or Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity I never knew you?
Upon an attempted suicide, John Bunyan was shown this vision of Heaven and Hell. Bunyan [1628-1688], an English author and preacher imprisoned for his faith, is best known for his work, The Pilgrim's Progress.

Make no mistake about it - this message is for Believers as well as unbelievers. The modern church has taken to the idea that Believers are "under the Blood" and therein not "under the law" and so they cannot lose their salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth! To whom much is given, much is required. If anything, our punishment will be greater for if we sin - we sin openly against the truth! Knowing the truth and sinning against the truth is a far greater sin than not knowing the truth and sinning against the truth. As it is written:

Luke 12:48 King James Version (KJV)

48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

King James Version (KJV)

How we represent Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world is of great matter to the LORD. He is watching all that we say, all that we do, all that we think. We need to do all that we do to the Glory of God! We will be held accountable for what we haven't done as well as what we have done. That is a word to all who are Christians reading. We will be held accountable before the LORD for it.
Jesus already died for my sins, now I'm good to go sin! :D
Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
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Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
But how do you know that what you read wasn't just made up? Where's your proof for hell?
Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
But how do you know that what you read wasn't just made up? Where's your proof for hell?

Because there is no other Book on earth that wields the power, anointing, authority that the King James Bible has demonstrated time and time again throughout the ages. It is the Only Book on earth that has been read, the Scriptures believed and declared and has the power to set men free from demonic possession, from oppression of the devil, opened the eyes of the blind, made lame feet walk, healed the sick, given divine protection, and the greatest miracle of all - salvation to the lost and their names written in heaven. What other Book has presented such evidence? What other Book has shown such results? I tell you the truth, no other Book on earth can do that, no other Word can do that because there is only One Word of God and it is Alive! Jesus Christ is the Word and He is Alive!

The Old Testament Scriptures speak of hell over 400 times and in the New Testament it's mentioned repeatedly. Jesus Christ preached on hell more than any other subject. Hell is a real place. Satan has blinded the minds of the lost souls that they cannot see the truth - but when the Glorious light of the Gospel is revealed to them - they know that Jesus is the LORD and when they receive Him? They are set free! He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Have you ever received Jesus Christ into your heart before? If not, you can do so today!
Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
But how do you know that what you read wasn't just made up? Where's your proof for hell?

Because there is no other Book on earth that wields the power, anointing, authority that the King James Bible has demonstrated time and time again throughout the ages. It is the Only Book on earth that has been read, the Scriptures believed and declared and has the power to set men free from demonic possession, from oppression of the devil, opened the eyes of the blind, made lame feet walk, healed the sick, given divine protection, and the greatest miracle of all - salvation to the lost and their names written in heaven. What other Book has presented such evidence? What other Book has shown such results? I tell you the truth, no other Book on earth can do that, no other Word can do that because there is only One Word of God and it is Alive! Jesus Christ is the Word and He is Alive!

The Old Testament Scriptures speak of hell over 400 times and in the New Testament it's mentioned repeatedly. Jesus Christ preached on hell more than any other subject. Hell is a real place. Satan has blinded the minds of the lost souls that they cannot see the truth - but when the Glorious light of the Gospel is revealed to them - they know that Jesus is the LORD and when they receive Him? They are set free! He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Have you ever received Jesus Christ into your heart before? If not, you can do so today!
You're nuts, you have zero proof of hell.
Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
But how do you know that what you read wasn't just made up? Where's your proof for hell?

Because there is no other Book on earth that wields the power, anointing, authority that the King James Bible has demonstrated time and time again throughout the ages. It is the Only Book on earth that has been read, the Scriptures believed and declared and has the power to set men free from demonic possession, from oppression of the devil, opened the eyes of the blind, made lame feet walk, healed the sick, given divine protection, and the greatest miracle of all - salvation to the lost and their names written in heaven. What other Book has presented such evidence? What other Book has shown such results? I tell you the truth, no other Book on earth can do that, no other Word can do that because there is only One Word of God and it is Alive! Jesus Christ is the Word and He is Alive!

The Old Testament Scriptures speak of hell over 400 times and in the New Testament it's mentioned repeatedly. Jesus Christ preached on hell more than any other subject. Hell is a real place. Satan has blinded the minds of the lost souls that they cannot see the truth - but when the Glorious light of the Gospel is revealed to them - they know that Jesus is the LORD and when they receive Him? They are set free! He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Have you ever received Jesus Christ into your heart before? If not, you can do so today!
You're nuts, you have zero proof of hell.
Do you not consider the Bible to be proof enough? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or haven't you? If you leave this earth without Jesus Christ you'll find out too late that hell is all too real. Hell is real and it doesn't have any exits. You need to make sure you are right with the LORD now. If you died in your sleep tonight you should know where it is you are going, Taz!
Taz this is the video message you need to see - it is from the testimony of a woman who saw with her own eyes a witch in hell - suffering horrific torments - she would transform into a sort of animal - and then into another being each time crying out in terrific agony and suffering - the LORD told this woman that the witch had been involved in human sacrifice for powers from Satan and had drank human blood for powers - and this was her punishment - listen to this testimony and realize that all who dabble in the occult / witchcraft /satanism will suffer greatly in hell. Satan has no power to reward any of his servants once they enter hell - their torment begins. Eternally. Watch this:
Wrong, Taz. Now you can deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.

There were disciples of Christ long ago who heard what was required and decided they didn't want to obey Him either. Rebellion isn't anything new. Which is why hell is enlarging it's mouth.

it is written:

From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
John 6:66


Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14
But how do you know that what you read wasn't just made up? Where's your proof for hell?

Because there is no other Book on earth that wields the power, anointing, authority that the King James Bible has demonstrated time and time again throughout the ages. It is the Only Book on earth that has been read, the Scriptures believed and declared and has the power to set men free from demonic possession, from oppression of the devil, opened the eyes of the blind, made lame feet walk, healed the sick, given divine protection, and the greatest miracle of all - salvation to the lost and their names written in heaven. What other Book has presented such evidence? What other Book has shown such results? I tell you the truth, no other Book on earth can do that, no other Word can do that because there is only One Word of God and it is Alive! Jesus Christ is the Word and He is Alive!

The Old Testament Scriptures speak of hell over 400 times and in the New Testament it's mentioned repeatedly. Jesus Christ preached on hell more than any other subject. Hell is a real place. Satan has blinded the minds of the lost souls that they cannot see the truth - but when the Glorious light of the Gospel is revealed to them - they know that Jesus is the LORD and when they receive Him? They are set free! He who the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Have you ever received Jesus Christ into your heart before? If not, you can do so today!
You're nuts, you have zero proof of hell.
Do you not consider the Bible to be proof enough? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or haven't you? If you leave this earth without Jesus Christ you'll find out too late that hell is all too real. Hell is real and it doesn't have any exits. You need to make sure you are right with the LORD now. If you died in your sleep tonight you should know where it is you are going, Taz!
The bible is only proof of man's gullibility. I bet you can't tell me how Noah got marsupials from Australia and back.
Taz this is the video message you need to see - it is from the testimony of a woman who saw with her own eyes a witch in hell - suffering horrific torments - she would transform into a sort of animal - and then into another being each time crying out in terrific agony and suffering - the LORD told this woman that the witch had been involved in human sacrifice for powers from Satan and had drank human blood for powers - and this was her punishment - listen to this testimony and realize that all who dabble in the occult / witchcraft /satanism will suffer greatly in hell. Satan has no power to reward any of his servants once they enter hell - their torment begins. Eternally. Watch this:

Personal testimony isn't proof, more likely a delusion.
Actually, Taz, your rejection of the Bible is evidence of your gullibility. You see, by rejecting God's Word and His guidance and deciding to go it alone, you have placed yourself in great danger and are vulnerable to every lie Satan whispers in your ear. You know, Taz, Satan may even tell you that you'll be reincarnated - given a second chance - or perhaps he is offering you immortality (another lie) and youth, wealth and riches of this world - what good can this do you in hell and why would you ever expect one such as Satan to have any virtues? Telling the truth is a virtue, keeping one's word is a virtue, delivering a reward promised is a virtue, the very nature of Satan reveals to you that he has no virtues.
In light of that fact, why are you serving him? He was defeated at the cross over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ has the keys to hell and death. What kind of god doesn't have the keys to his own house? I'll tell you. Hell is his future place of torment. He doesn't own hell. He owns nothing. Even his claim of owning someone's soul is a lie. Satan cannot buy your soul and keep it. Because the moment you turn to Christ to become His the chains that bound you to the devil are broken. If he owned your soul how could Christ redeem you afterwards? You see? He has no authority. He's a liar.

He's been given a short time and is out to deceive the world. He's deceiving you right now into not believing the King James Bible is the truth! Why not read the Bible today? Why not open to John 7:17 and ask the LORD to reveal to you whether this is God's will for your life? If you are willing to do the will of God once you know it? He'll reveal it to you! He says he will! Unlike Satan, you can take God at His Word.
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Taz this is the video message you need to see - it is from the testimony of a woman who saw with her own eyes a witch in hell - suffering horrific torments - she would transform into a sort of animal - and then into another being each time crying out in terrific agony and suffering - the LORD told this woman that the witch had been involved in human sacrifice for powers from Satan and had drank human blood for powers - and this was her punishment - listen to this testimony and realize that all who dabble in the occult / witchcraft /satanism will suffer greatly in hell. Satan has no power to reward any of his servants once they enter hell - their torment begins. Eternally. Watch this:

Personal testimony isn't proof, more likely a delusion.

It is written:
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

Who is they? The Born Again Christians. Who did they overcome? Satan. Satan is a defeated foe. He is under my feet today.

You live in fear and torment, Taz. I'm living in the freedom of Jesus Christ where fear has been conquered! My Master holds the keys to hell and death and defeated Satan at the cross! My Master, Jesus Christ is Lord over all. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, including Satan's.
Your freedom is a breath away. It takes only one thing from you. A decision to turn from the life you are in to freedom in Jesus Christ. Your decision is a very simple one - you decide to switch sides. To turn from Satan and turn to Christ. You can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today and He will fight every battle you are facing right now - for you. Your decision. Serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Or serve a defeated foe who is seeking to hold you in captivity and take you to hell with him. Your choice. Choose this day whom ye shall serve. Life or death. Life in Christ. Or death without Him. Choose Life, Taz! Choose Life!
Actually, Taz, your rejection of the Bible is evidence of your gullibility. You see, by rejecting God's Word and His guidance and deciding to go it alone, you have placed yourself in great danger and are vulnerable to every lie Satan whispers in your ear. You know, Taz, Satan may even tell you that you'll be reincarnated - given a second chance - or perhaps he is offering you immortality (another lie) and youth, wealth and riches of this world - what good can this do you in hell and why would you ever expect one such as Satan to have any virtues? Telling the truth is a virtue, keeping one's word is a virtue, delivering a reward promised is a virtue, the very nature of Satan reveals to you that he has no virtues.
In light of that fact, why are you serving him? He was defeated at the cross over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ has the keys to hell and death. What kind of god doesn't have the keys to his own house? I'll tell you. Hell is his future place of torment. He's been given a short time and is out to deceive the world. He's deceiving you right now into not believing the King James Bible is the truth! Why not read the Bible today? Why not open to John 7:17 and ask the LORD to reveal to you whether this is God's will for your life? If you are willing to do the will of God once you know it? He'll reveal it to you! He says he will! Unlike Satan, you can take God at His Word.
There's no proof that your satan even exists. So, how did Noah get marsupials from Oz and back again?
Taz this is the video message you need to see - it is from the testimony of a woman who saw with her own eyes a witch in hell - suffering horrific torments - she would transform into a sort of animal - and then into another being each time crying out in terrific agony and suffering - the LORD told this woman that the witch had been involved in human sacrifice for powers from Satan and had drank human blood for powers - and this was her punishment - listen to this testimony and realize that all who dabble in the occult / witchcraft /satanism will suffer greatly in hell. Satan has no power to reward any of his servants once they enter hell - their torment begins. Eternally. Watch this:

Personal testimony isn't proof, more likely a delusion.

It is written:
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

Who is they? The Born Again Christians. Who did they overcome? Satan. Satan is a defeated foe. He is under my feet today.

You live in fear and torment, Taz. I'm living in the freedom of Jesus Christ where fear has been conquered! My Master holds the keys to hell and death and defeated Satan at the cross! My Master, Jesus Christ is Lord over all. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, including Satan's.
Your freedom is a breath away. It takes only one thing from you. A decision to turn from the life you are in to freedom in Jesus Christ. Your decision is a very simple one - you decide to switch sides. To turn from Satan and turn to Christ. You can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today and He will fight every battle you are facing right now - for you. Your decision. Serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Or serve a defeated foe who is seeking to hold you in captivity and take you to hell with him. Your choice. Choose this day whom ye shall serve. Life or death. Life in Christ. Or death without Him. Choose Life, Taz! Choose Life!

It is written. Sure, anyone can write a book. Prove your god to me properly without a book and I'll believe.

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