Eichmann trial


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
The trial of Eichmann was historical event. It is in remembered around the world after all these years. He was hanged in Jerusalem for his crimes against humanity after his capture in Argentina. Praise to Mossad for bringing him to justice. Just following orders he said. The world learned painful lesson about that. Here is introduction to historic trial and execution.
Here is the testimony of survivors at the trial.
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.....I don't think it's remembered around the world.
....however, the Israelis are good/etc at a lot of things

...the Germans used '''a lot''' of manpower/thinking/effort/etc for the Holocaust...they were very industrious/orderly/etc....

....so, we have a group/many people who hated/denigrated/etc another group of people and then you got the Holocaust--sounds like how they denigrate white people/cops/etc today = the POINT is:
---it shows how an ''idea''/thought/assumption/etc can be dangerous/destructive/wrong/etc
Eichmann has indeed made history. He said that he as a government official has only followed orders, just doing his job.

Today, every government official says that they are just doing their jobs.

And everyone is happy about it. So why are people not happy about Eichmann too then?
Too bad they couldn't catch up to the "angel of death", Dr. Mengele before he drowned in 1979. His body was exhumed in 1985 and positively identified.
Just your typical bureaucrat; we will see his like again under the Biden administration and in Europe again as well. The Red Chinese have literally millions of Eichmans in their Cadre organizations.
"It's hard to explain the guilt," says Rainer, "even though there is no reason I should bear any guilt, I still bear it. I carry the guilt with me in my mind.
"I'm ashamed too, of course, for what my family, my grandfather, did to thousands of other families.
"So you ask yourself, they had to die. I'm alive. Why am I alive? To carry this guilt, this burden, to try to come to terms with it.
"That must be the only reason I exist, to do what he should have done."

His father never abandoned the ideology he grew up with and Rainer no longer has contact with him, as he attempts to cope with his family's guilt and shame.

Too bad they couldn't catch up to the "angel of death", Dr. Mengele before he drowned in 1979. His body was exhumed in 1985 and positively identified.

I don’t think Mengele thought he did anything wrong.

None of them did.

What a legacy they bequeathed to their children.

Not any difference between them and what many Orthodox and all ultra-Orthodox Jews would do given the same power; it's just a difference of scale now. The Orthodox in the Israeli govt. are currently backing another Muslim genocide of the Armenians, showing their new Islamo-Nazi friends they're willing to repeat the 'good old days' when Jews and Arabs rampaged around killing Xtians and invading Europe. Good times. I don't see the current trends in Israel as any different than the Weimar Republic's political trends. They're now allowing their right wing nutjobs into the IDF, even making some of them officers. That isn't going to end well.
When were Jews rampaging around Europe as invaders and killing Christians?
If you are referring to the Crusades you have the exact opposite of historical facts.
And what do you mean by Armenian genocide in Israel nowadays? And what do the Orthodox have to do with it? (They are mostly involved and busy with keeping their religious institutions open, they really don't get involved with much else. Some are staking out settlements such as Hebron, but Armenians don't really live there--mostly in Jerusalem.)
Too bad they couldn't catch up to the "angel of death", Dr. Mengele before he drowned in 1979. His body was exhumed in 1985 and positively identified.

I don’t think Mengele thought he did anything wrong.
He evaded capture for 30 years by using assumed names and changing locations in South America. You can bet your ass(ets) that he knew he would be hanged for his crimes. Too bad a stroke took him while swimming and the world didn't get closure from this monster by seeing him tried and executed.
When were Jews rampaging around Europe as invaders and killing Christians?
If you are referring to the Crusades you have the exact opposite of historical facts.
And what do you mean by Armenian genocide in Israel nowadays? And what do the Orthodox have to do with it? (They are mostly involved and busy with keeping their religious institutions open, they really don't get involved with much else. Some are staking out settlements such as Hebron, but Armenians don't really live there--mostly in Jerusalem.)

lol Jewish soldiers marched into Spain with the Muslim armies and were the police garrisons and administrators of most of the cities, if not all of them, which is why so Many Jews were in Spain in the first place. The local Jews aided the invaders, by opening the gates to them on Sunday when most of the city people were attending churches. These are historical facts as determined by Jewish scholars. As for the Crusades, merely self-defense and re-taking former lands invaded by your Muslim heroes and their Jewish allies. This applied all along with attacking Christians as well as Indians and anybody else around them. Here's a clue: when you align yourselves with the top 1% ers and collect their taxes and aid them in robbing the locals, that tends to make you very unpopular with the other 99%, who now want you dead, which is of course the normal in most societies. Jews did great most of them time, better than the peasants they shook down for a good living. They were never trusted because of their alliances with Muslims, and with good reason. I know some have invented a silly '2,000 years of oppression n Stuff by da evul bigoted Xtians' story, but it's mostly self-serving rubbish. Jews as a people were never pacifistic lil hapless hobbit- like munchkins; as one Jewish intellectual referred to his people, Arabs were just Jews on horseback.

AS for Armenians:

Enter Israel: Fully aware of the Azeri and Turkish desire to rid the region, once and for all, of its indigenous Armenians, Israel found a highly lucrative opportunity to profit from misery, to the tune of $5 billion worth of arms sales to Azerbaijan over the past few years. Immediately before the invasion and during this war, dozens of cargo flights departed Israel, either directly to Azerbaijan or via Turkey. And we are not talking about rifles and mortar launchers, but rather cluster bombs and suicide drones which, considering how much incidental destruction they cause to civilians, are internationally banned. From Day 1 Azerbaijan deliberately targeted civilians, including schools, hospitals and churches, not to mention engaged in torture and execution of Armenian prisoners; before Day 1 dawned, Azeri money had already flowed into Israel’s coffer.

In response to this outrage, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recalled the Armenian ambassador to Israel where, just one week prior to the Azeri invasion, the opening of the Armenian embassy was announced. When Pashinyan protested the illegal arms sales, an Israeli analyst responded, “It is not our responsibility what (the Azeris) are doing”. He then cut to the chase: “…we have to make sure that we will honor the contracts we make with Azerbaijan.” When tensions rose further, Israeli President Reuven Rifkin, in an act of forced compassion, offered humanitarian relief to the Armenians. Pashinyan responded that the aid should instead be sent to the jihadist mercenaries that Turkey imported from Syria to fight alongside the Azeris.

Speaking of jihadist mercenaries and bedfellows so strange that Larry Flynt would blush, Israel’s military supplies to the Azeris have supported a ground offensive that has been carried out in no small part by terrorists who, on any other day, would happily train their gun sights on Israel and its non-Muslim population. So when Israel supports Azerbaijan with heavy armament, it also supports the same terrorists that most of the civilized and sane world, which one would imagine consists of the United States and Europe, wishes to contain.

Israel, for its role, is one part proud and one part flippantly indifferent. Prior to Israel joining the fight, Azerbaijan was ill-equipped to battle a superior Armenian army. An Israeli military spokesman crowed “Azerbaijan would not have been able to continue its operation at this level without (Israel’s) support.” The Armenian side has rightly questioned these arms sales, not only in terms of the actual arms, but against whom they are being used, and the manner of use. President Rivlin “expressed sorrow at the outbreak of violence … and loss of life on both sides.”

Apparently the Israeli Right are looking forward to a return to the Good Old Days with their recent return to being Islams' new BFF, a sad turn of events they are going to regret in the future. But hey, the goy aren't actual people, they're just animals God put here to reward or punish Jews with as far as the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox are concerned. Israel will die as a state if it continues to cater to its right wingers, same as Nazi Germany did.
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When were Jews rampaging around Europe as invaders and killing Christians?
If you are referring to the Crusades you have the exact opposite of historical facts.
And what do you mean by Armenian genocide in Israel nowadays? And what do the Orthodox have to do with it? (They are mostly involved and busy with keeping their religious institutions open, they really don't get involved with much else. Some are staking out settlements such as Hebron, but Armenians don't really live there--mostly in Jerusalem.)

lol Jewish soldiers marched into Spain with the Muslim armies and were the police garrisons and administrators of most of the cities, if not all of them, which is why so Many Jews were in Spain in the first place. The local Jews aided the invaders, by opening the gates to them on Sunday when most of the city people were attending churches. These are historical facts as determined by Jewish scholars. As for the Crusades, merely self-defense and re-taking former lands invaded by your Muslim heroes and their Jewish allies. This applied all along with attacking Christians as well as Indians and anybody else around them. Here's a clue: when you align yourselves with the top 1% ers and collect their taxes and aid them in robbing the locals, that tends to make you very unpopular with the other 99%, who now want you dead, which is of course the normal in most societies. Jews did great most of them time, better than the peasants they shook down for a good living. They were never trusted because of their alliances with Muslims, and with good reason. I know some have invented a silly '2,000 years of oppression n Stuff by da evul bigoted Xtians' story, but it's mostly self-serving rubbish. Jews as a people were never pacifistic lil hapless hobbit- like munchkins; as one Jewish intellectual referred to his people, Arabs were just Jews on horseback.

AS for Armenians:

Enter Israel: Fully aware of the Azeri and Turkish desire to rid the region, once and for all, of its indigenous Armenians, Israel found a highly lucrative opportunity to profit from misery, to the tune of $5 billion worth of arms sales to Azerbaijan over the past few years. Immediately before the invasion and during this war, dozens of cargo flights departed Israel, either directly to Azerbaijan or via Turkey. And we are not talking about rifles and mortar launchers, but rather cluster bombs and suicide drones which, considering how much incidental destruction they cause to civilians, are internationally banned. From Day 1 Azerbaijan deliberately targeted civilians, including schools, hospitals and churches, not to mention engaged in torture and execution of Armenian prisoners; before Day 1 dawned, Azeri money had already flowed into Israel’s coffer.

In response to this outrage, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recalled the Armenian ambassador to Israel where, just one week prior to the Azeri invasion, the opening of the Armenian embassy was announced. When Pashinyan protested the illegal arms sales, an Israeli analyst responded, “It is not our responsibility what (the Azeris) are doing”. He then cut to the chase: “…we have to make sure that we will honor the contracts we make with Azerbaijan.” When tensions rose further, Israeli President Reuven Rifkin, in an act of forced compassion, offered humanitarian relief to the Armenians. Pashinyan responded that the aid should instead be sent to the jihadist mercenaries that Turkey imported from Syria to fight alongside the Azeris.

Speaking of jihadist mercenaries and bedfellows so strange that Larry Flynt would blush, Israel’s military supplies to the Azeris have supported a ground offensive that has been carried out in no small part by terrorists who, on any other day, would happily train their gun sights on Israel and its non-Muslim population. So when Israel supports Azerbaijan with heavy armament, it also supports the same terrorists that most of the civilized and sane world, which one would imagine consists of the United States and Europe, wishes to contain.

Israel, for its role, is one part proud and one part flippantly indifferent. Prior to Israel joining the fight, Azerbaijan was ill-equipped to battle a superior Armenian army. An Israeli military spokesman crowed “Azerbaijan would not have been able to continue its operation at this level without (Israel’s) support.” The Armenian side has rightly questioned these arms sales, not only in terms of the actual arms, but against whom they are being used, and the manner of use. President Rivlin “expressed sorrow at the outbreak of violence … and loss of life on both sides.”

Apparently the Israeli Right are looking forward to a return to the Good Old Days with their recent return to being Islams' new BFF, a sad turn of events they are going to regret in the future. But hey, the goy aren't actual people, they're just animals God put here to reward or punish Jews with as far as the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox are concerned. Israel will die as a state if it continues to cater to its right wingers, same as Nazi Germany did.
Jewish slaves probably built the pyramids-so what? It has nothing to do with the nazi monster's crimes against humanity.
The trial of Eichmann was historical event. It is in remembered around the world after all these years. He was hanged in Jerusalem for his crimes against humanity after his capture in Argentina. Praise to Mossad for bringing him to justice. Just following orders he said. The world learned painful lesson about that. Here is introduction to historic trial and execution.

The story about his capture is always an interesting read too.
When were Jews rampaging around Europe as invaders and killing Christians?
If you are referring to the Crusades you have the exact opposite of historical facts.
And what do you mean by Armenian genocide in Israel nowadays? And what do the Orthodox have to do with it? (They are mostly involved and busy with keeping their religious institutions open, they really don't get involved with much else. Some are staking out settlements such as Hebron, but Armenians don't really live there--mostly in Jerusalem.)

lol Jewish soldiers marched into Spain with the Muslim armies and were the police garrisons and administrators of most of the cities, if not all of them, which is why so Many Jews were in Spain in the first place. The local Jews aided the invaders, by opening the gates to them on Sunday when most of the city people were attending churches. These are historical facts as determined by Jewish scholars. As for the Crusades, merely self-defense and re-taking former lands invaded by your Muslim heroes and their Jewish allies. This applied all along with attacking Christians as well as Indians and anybody else around them. Here's a clue: when you align yourselves with the top 1% ers and collect their taxes and aid them in robbing the locals, that tends to make you very unpopular with the other 99%, who now want you dead, which is of course the normal in most societies. Jews did great most of them time, better than the peasants they shook down for a good living. They were never trusted because of their alliances with Muslims, and with good reason. I know some have invented a silly '2,000 years of oppression n Stuff by da evul bigoted Xtians' story, but it's mostly self-serving rubbish. Jews as a people were never pacifistic lil hapless hobbit- like munchkins; as one Jewish intellectual referred to his people, Arabs were just Jews on horseback.

AS for Armenians:

Enter Israel: Fully aware of the Azeri and Turkish desire to rid the region, once and for all, of its indigenous Armenians, Israel found a highly lucrative opportunity to profit from misery, to the tune of $5 billion worth of arms sales to Azerbaijan over the past few years. Immediately before the invasion and during this war, dozens of cargo flights departed Israel, either directly to Azerbaijan or via Turkey. And we are not talking about rifles and mortar launchers, but rather cluster bombs and suicide drones which, considering how much incidental destruction they cause to civilians, are internationally banned. From Day 1 Azerbaijan deliberately targeted civilians, including schools, hospitals and churches, not to mention engaged in torture and execution of Armenian prisoners; before Day 1 dawned, Azeri money had already flowed into Israel’s coffer.

In response to this outrage, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recalled the Armenian ambassador to Israel where, just one week prior to the Azeri invasion, the opening of the Armenian embassy was announced. When Pashinyan protested the illegal arms sales, an Israeli analyst responded, “It is not our responsibility what (the Azeris) are doing”. He then cut to the chase: “…we have to make sure that we will honor the contracts we make with Azerbaijan.” When tensions rose further, Israeli President Reuven Rifkin, in an act of forced compassion, offered humanitarian relief to the Armenians. Pashinyan responded that the aid should instead be sent to the jihadist mercenaries that Turkey imported from Syria to fight alongside the Azeris.

Speaking of jihadist mercenaries and bedfellows so strange that Larry Flynt would blush, Israel’s military supplies to the Azeris have supported a ground offensive that has been carried out in no small part by terrorists who, on any other day, would happily train their gun sights on Israel and its non-Muslim population. So when Israel supports Azerbaijan with heavy armament, it also supports the same terrorists that most of the civilized and sane world, which one would imagine consists of the United States and Europe, wishes to contain.

Israel, for its role, is one part proud and one part flippantly indifferent. Prior to Israel joining the fight, Azerbaijan was ill-equipped to battle a superior Armenian army. An Israeli military spokesman crowed “Azerbaijan would not have been able to continue its operation at this level without (Israel’s) support.” The Armenian side has rightly questioned these arms sales, not only in terms of the actual arms, but against whom they are being used, and the manner of use. President Rivlin “expressed sorrow at the outbreak of violence … and loss of life on both sides.”

Apparently the Israeli Right are looking forward to a return to the Good Old Days with their recent return to being Islams' new BFF, a sad turn of events they are going to regret in the future. But hey, the goy aren't actual people, they're just animals God put here to reward or punish Jews with as far as the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox are concerned. Israel will die as a state if it continues to cater to its right wingers, same as Nazi Germany did.
Jewish slaves probably built the pyramids-so what? It has nothing to do with the nazi monster's crimes against humanity.

Somebody else brought up the topic of what Jews did in Europe. Take it up with them, I just answered somebody's post. And, take it up with those Jews who are fine with genociding non-Christians while sniveling about their own 'victimhood' scams.

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