Edwards Cashes In On Wifes Cancer

As if libs have not used 9-11 for political gains? saying the government was behind 9-11, or Pres Bush lied at WMD's, or the liberal media publishing classified information?

When busted, liberals will always try to say how the other guy did it as well so that makes it OK (I am not calling you a liberal BTW)

That was a cute little dodge and change of subject.
I actually did the note to Mrs. Edwards. Read all about it....... here.

Thanks for the link. Yeah, I guess that the letter was in poor taste. A slight wag of the finger or shake of the head would suffice. It does not warrant people (even Republicans) getting hot and bothered and extremely upset. Yet, it seems like everything is fair game in politics.

Oh well. I guess that I get ticked when I hear either party (and party supporter) act as though its party is perfect and clean as newly fallen snow and that the other party is totally corrupt, evil, and beyond any hope. Republicans and democrats are guilty of some pretty embarrassing actions. Members from both camps lie, cheat, and steal in one way or another. I guess that this is all that I have to say about it.
While I understand how the system of raising money for the campaigns works, after telling folks they should not vote for him because of his wife's cancer, using a list generated from the e-mails sent by folks wishing his wife a successful recovery looks bad, tacky and slimy.
While I understand how the system of raising money for the campaigns works, after telling folks they should not vote for him because of his wife's cancer, using a list generated from the e-mails sent by folks wishing his wife a successful recovery looks bad, tacky and slimy.

What do expect from a guy who does not have chance of getting the nomination?
While I understand how the system of raising money for the campaigns works, after telling folks they should not vote for him because of his wife's cancer, using a list generated from the e-mails sent by folks wishing his wife a successful recovery looks bad, tacky and slimy.

Yeah, but it wasn't an out and out solicitation like some made it out to be. If you read my blog entry (shameless plug) then you saw the text of the actual email.
Then what was this?

An e-mail sent out by the Edwards campaign last week:

From: David Bonior, Edwards for President
Sent: Wed Mar 28 14:10:01 2007
Subject: 96 hrs to show substance works

Critical Deadline in Just 96 Hours. Click to Contribute

Dear Mary Ann,

I was in Congress for 26 years and I've worked on a lot of campaigns, but I've never been so proud to be a part of one as I am right now. Because John, Elizabeth and you have created something incredible together. Our grassroots campaign for change is raising the bar for what leadership means in America-and it's strong enough to win.

As you probably know, this Saturday at midnight marks the first major fundraising deadline of this campaign-which means we have less than 96 hours to show that our campaign has the support and momentum we need to put our agenda in front of voters nationwide. This first test couldn't be more important.

If you've been waiting to plunk down your $50 until a truly critical moment-that moment has arrived. Your contribution of $25, $50 or any amount you can afford to give today will send a loud message that the American people are ready for change:

Yeah, but it wasn't an out and out solicitation like some made it out to be. If you read my blog entry (shameless plug) then you saw the text of the actual email.

All right! Fine! I read your blog! Sheesh! LOL :lol:

You're right, it wasn't as bad as all that. On the other hand, you are probably now on a list and will be recieving e-mails whether you want to or not. I recently stumbled across an article that discussed ways the campaigns in both parties generated their e-mail lists. One of the most popular ploys is the "sign this petition, send Congress/the President/whoever a message!"
All right! Fine! I read your blog! Sheesh! LOL :lol:

You're right, it wasn't as bad as all that. On the other hand, you are probably now on a list and will be recieving e-mails whether you want to or not. I recently stumbled across an article that discussed ways the campaigns in both parties generated their e-mail lists. One of the most popular ploys is the "sign this petition, send Congress/the President/whoever a message!"

Ah yes, another loyal reader (brings it up to about six). I get all kinds of solicitation emails. My spam cup runneth over.
Tacky? Two trial lawyers, tacky????

Thanks for the link. Yeah, I guess that the letter was in poor taste. A slight wag of the finger or shake of the head would suffice. It does not warrant people (even Republicans) getting hot and bothered and extremely upset. Yet, it seems like everything is fair game in politics.

Yeah, I guess it was in bad taste, too. Question for you, do you think Elizabeth Edwards should be getting "bothered and extremely upset" over:

Elizabeth Edwards: scared of "rabid, rabid Republican" neighbor

Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. - Elizabeth Edwards says she is scared of the "rabid, rabid Republican" who owns property across the street from her Orange County home - and she doesn't want her kids going near the gun-toting neighbor.

Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, particularly recalls the time neighbor Monty Johnson brought out a gun while chasing workers investigating a right of way off his property. The Edwards family has yet to meet Johnson in person.

"I wouldn't be nice to him anyway," Edwards said in an interview. "I don't want my kids anywhere near some guy who when he doesn't like somebody, the first thing he does is pull a gun out. It scares the business out of me."

But Johnson defended the occasion he brandished a gun, saying those on his land didn't have the proper approval.

"I use the gun for protection, and I considered that an appropriate time," Johnson said. "Sometimes you have to take drastic measures."

Edwards views Johnson as a "rabid, rabid Republican" who refuses to clean up his "slummy" property just to spite her family, whose lavish 28,000-square-foot estate is nearby on 102 wooded acres.

Johnson, 55, acknowledges his Republican roots. But he takes offense to the suggestion he has purposefully left his property, including an old garage that he leases for use as a car shop, in dilapidated condition.

Johnson said he has lived his entire life on the property, which he said his family purchased before the Great Depression. He said he's spent a lot of money to try and fix up the 42-acre tract.

"I have to budget. I have to leave within my means," Johnson said. "I don't have millions of dollars to fix the place."

Johnson, who has posted a "Go Rudy Giuliani 2008" sign on a fence just 100 feet from the entrance to the Edwards' driveway, has criticized Edwards for the scale of their nearby home. The property and home, which includes an indoor basketball court, an indoor handball court and an indoor pool, is valued at $5.3 million.

The Edwardses are still putting the final touches on the property, which they purchased in 2003.

"I thought he was supposed to be for the poor people," Johnson said. "But does he ever socialize with any poor people? He doesn't speak to me."

Johnson said he has put his property on the market, in part blaming the high property taxes for his decision to leave. He also wants to move for another reason.

"I don't want to live somewhere where someone's always complaining about me," he said.


This neighbor that will NOT clean up the property enough to suit the Edward's taste and actually has a RINO sign that they are forced to look at through the windows of their new mansion?
Mattskramer Wrote:
Do you have any proof (links, references) to support your absurd accusation? Have any Democrat politicians ever said that since people are complaining, they must want Mrs. Edwards to die?

Actually, I was referring specifically to the outrage many on the left expressed at anyone asking whether or not Edwards might be benefitting or capitalizing from this situation. The media's reaction to their darling Katie Couric's interview would be a perfect example of this. Even though she was, "one of them," the media spent at least three days referring to her as "Cold Couric" or "Cruel Katie" because she had the audacity to ask reasonable questions regarding this presidential candidate and his wife. She and others who have dared to state anything but well-wishes have been pegged as cruel, heartless or out to gain political points themselves.

There is nothing absurd about making a statement regarding the way the media and some on the left have treated those who dare question their favorites. There is, however, something absurd about refusing to admit it.
It was an email solicitation that had nothing to do with the cancer. But you knew that.

I don't like edwards any more than you do. But at least I am honest about his actions.

It was the email that was sent to the same people who sent their Get Well wishes to Ms Edwards

Of course you knew that
Mattskramer Wrote:

Actually, I was referring specifically to the outrage many on the left expressed at anyone asking whether or not Edwards might be benefitting or capitalizing from this situation. The media's reaction to their darling Katie Couric's interview would be a perfect example of this. Even though she was, "one of them," the media spent at least three days referring to her as "Cold Couric" or "Cruel Katie" because she had the audacity to ask reasonable questions regarding this presidential candidate and his wife. She and others who have dared to state anything but well-wishes have been pegged as cruel, heartless or out to gain political points themselves.

There is nothing absurd about making a statement regarding the way the media and some on the left have treated those who dare question their favorites. There is, however, something absurd about refusing to admit it.

I still contend that it is a stretch to suggest that the liberals contend that the Republicans that complain about Edward’s strategy wish Mrs. Edwards to die. Liberals might say that it is nitpicky for Republicans to complain about the Edwards campaign strategy but they are certainly not claiming that such Republicans wish ill for Mrs. Edwards. It seems as though you are looking for something, or trying to suggest something, that really is not there.
I still contend that it is a stretch to suggest that the liberals contend that the Republicans that complain about Edward’s strategy wish Mrs. Edwards to die. Liberals might say that it is nitpicky for Republicans to complain about the Edwards campaign strategy but they are certainly not claiming that such Republicans wish ill for Mrs. Edwards. It seems as though you are looking for something, or trying to suggest something, that really is not there.

At least Republicans did not send Mrs Edwards the same type of Get Well wishs libs sent Tony Snow
BTW, here are some of those Get Well wishes

I feel nothing for this man and its sad. Bush has polarized this country to the point where I just hate Republicans and I wish I didnt, but its to late.

By phoule | Mar 27, 2007 12:39:29 PM | Request Removal


Tony Snow....I hope you die from this cancer, no I hope you suffer terribly and then die like a dog from this cancer. Dont keep Satan waiting.

By playa_brotha | Mar 27, 2007 12:53:07 PM | Request Removal


Snow gets cancer of the *ss. This is clearly a punishment from God for his sins. *Isnt that what the Right would have said about a gay person?*

By lou | Mar 27, 2007 12:56:29 PM | Request Removal


To all of you scumbags crying your eyes out at Tony Snows cancer....where was your tears when Tony shamelessly defended this administrations lies and propaganda that killed 600,000 iraqis just to loot their oil? Disgusting!

By playa_brotha | Mar 27, 2007 1:27:21 PM | Request Removal


Tony Snow job and the rest of the Fox clowns have been cheerleading the invasion and occupation of Iraq since day one. I suspect God has grown disgusted with his double talk, and unleashed one of his minor angels. Lets just hope the cancer in tony also afflicts the rest of the cheerleaders at Faux News, and of course any and all neocons, their friends and families. Now let us bow our heads in prayer.

By silverpanda | Mar 27, 2007 2:11:37 PM | Request Removal


Liver cancer is universally fatal, and quickly. Let the party begin people, let us dance on our roofs in joy at the end of a neocon mouth piece. This will be a big party, the only one bigger at this time would be for the utter and complete distruction of israel via Iranian nuclear tipped missles. Oh what a beautiful day that would be, mushroom clouds over toilet aviv, oh joy! Stick that in your pipe wolfie, pearlie, libbie, and feithie - I dance a jig in celebration.

By whetsell | Mar 27, 2007 2:20:22 PM | Request Removal


I can*t help but wonder if karma is coming into play with two of the liars in the *W* regime, DICKY and Antny. I despise the present regime but I want them to live long lives, preferably in real prisons, so that they can watch just how low the legacy will go.

By kentigereyes | Mar 27, 2007 2:28:19 PM | Request Removal


He must have caught this cancer thing from FAUX News. you know the one that could not tell the whole truth if their life depends on it. Now life does depend on the truth.. keep-up the lies there Tony, it is real cute to see you do it, take a moment to go to Bethesda too and see what cancer of the mind does to the youth. BUT please tell your boss Rupert that he can not take it with him and he will receive what he delivered and also tell him that it is an insult to GOD to own Zondervan Publishing Co. Tell m God told me that he need not change the BIBLE. You lying terrorist of decency, honor and integrity. YOU should not have sympathy of anyone but a rattlesnake and I ask you to trust said partner. Today I pray for the good people not you liars!

By abroadventure | Mar 27, 2007 3:15:53 PM | Request Removal


This neighbor that will NOT clean up the property enough to suit the Edward's taste and actually has a RINO sign that they are forced to look at through the windows of their new mansion?

1. Issues are relative and subjective in importance. Personally, I would be concerned for my children’s safety around a man who would bring out a gun while chasing workers investigating a right of way off his property. With what little information I have on the person/incident, I doubt that I would want my kids around such a seemingly paranoid gun-happy individual.

2. If the Republican’s home complies with city ordinances, even if it is slummy, then the Republican is under no obligation to change the home to suit Edwards. He might be an insensitive jerk, particularly if he is keeping it messy to spite Edwards (petty bickering) but he is under no requirement to clean it up.

A person feels how she feels. Each person is entitled to heel how she wants to feel about the antics of another. If I were Mrs. Edwards, based on what little information that I have about the story, I, personally, would feel slightly annoyed. I would keep my kids away from the individual. Also, considering my resources and options, I might consider moving away from him.
Libs always think about the poor - they do not want them in their neighborhood - bu they do think about them
BTW, here are some of those Get Well wishes

I feel nothing for this man and its sad. Bush has polarized this country to the point where I just hate Republicans and I wish I didnt, but its to late.

By phoule | Mar 27, 2007 12:39:29 PM | Request Removal


Tony Snow....I hope you die from this cancer, no I hope you suffer terribly and then die like a dog from this cancer. Dont keep Satan waiting.

By playa_brotha | Mar 27, 2007 12:53:07 PM | Request Removal


Snow gets cancer of the *ss. This is clearly a punishment from God for his sins. *Isnt that what the Right would have said about a gay person?*

By lou | Mar 27, 2007 12:56:29 PM | Request Removal


To all of you scumbags crying your eyes out at Tony Snows cancer....where was your tears when Tony shamelessly defended this administrations lies and propaganda that killed 600,000 iraqis just to loot their oil? Disgusting!

By playa_brotha | Mar 27, 2007 1:27:21 PM | Request Removal


Tony Snow job and the rest of the Fox clowns have been cheerleading the invasion and occupation of Iraq since day one. I suspect God has grown disgusted with his double talk, and unleashed one of his minor angels. Lets just hope the cancer in tony also afflicts the rest of the cheerleaders at Faux News, and of course any and all neocons, their friends and families. Now let us bow our heads in prayer.

By silverpanda | Mar 27, 2007 2:11:37 PM | Request Removal


Liver cancer is universally fatal, and quickly. Let the party begin people, let us dance on our roofs in joy at the end of a neocon mouth piece. This will be a big party, the only one bigger at this time would be for the utter and complete distruction of israel via Iranian nuclear tipped missles. Oh what a beautiful day that would be, mushroom clouds over toilet aviv, oh joy! Stick that in your pipe wolfie, pearlie, libbie, and feithie - I dance a jig in celebration.

By whetsell | Mar 27, 2007 2:20:22 PM | Request Removal


I can*t help but wonder if karma is coming into play with two of the liars in the *W* regime, DICKY and Antny. I despise the present regime but I want them to live long lives, preferably in real prisons, so that they can watch just how low the legacy will go.

By kentigereyes | Mar 27, 2007 2:28:19 PM | Request Removal


He must have caught this cancer thing from FAUX News. you know the one that could not tell the whole truth if their life depends on it. Now life does depend on the truth.. keep-up the lies there Tony, it is real cute to see you do it, take a moment to go to Bethesda too and see what cancer of the mind does to the youth. BUT please tell your boss Rupert that he can not take it with him and he will receive what he delivered and also tell him that it is an insult to GOD to own Zondervan Publishing Co. Tell m God told me that he need not change the BIBLE. You lying terrorist of decency, honor and integrity. YOU should not have sympathy of anyone but a rattlesnake and I ask you to trust said partner. Today I pray for the good people not you liars!

By abroadventure | Mar 27, 2007 3:15:53 PM | Request Removal


From where did you get these comments – a bulletin board? Who is playa_brotha? Anyway, the address from the web site link could not be found. I’m confident that if I search the web I could find cruel and insensitive comments for Mrs. Edwards but I don’t care to play that game.

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