Education Dept. : BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism

Repost with info:

There’s a Facebook page from a company that imports products from Israel to counter the BDS bull shit. You pay monthly and receive products from small businesses and companies in Israel. I got my first box on Monday and it was a nice assortment of items.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to help Israel fight this garbage. The company's name is Lev Haolam you can find their page on facebook, and I'm pretty sure they have a web page too.
Yeah, “problematic” for Israel. :laugh: As it is for all oppressors. I give SOME of it a pass because if I lived under embargo with secondary rights and the constant threat of attack and no hope for justice, I’d consider making signs like that against the people doing that to me too.


I think this response gives us a clue as to why BDS supporters are in such denial about their anti-semitism.

1. They remove all responsibility from one of the actors (in this case the Arab Palestinians). The activities of that particular actor are made invisible.

2. They justify hatred of the other actor within the frame of that invisibility of responsibility.

3. They apply hatred collectively to each member of the group, making each individual member responsible for the actions of the collective actor within that frame of invisibility of responsibility for the other actor, both individually and collectively.

4. They appeal to emotion as a way of justifying hatred. They give themselves permission to hate.

This is a recognizable pattern of a tactic.
It seems more and more that the reason for the strategy of total denial and cover up, is so bold and grotesque that it's usually pushed aside.

Antisemitic rhetoric, unfortunately, is a proven recruiting strategy for mass movements aiming to destabilize western societies.
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I’d say agree except if the palestinians that are angry enough at Israel to use hate speech were made to stop using hate speech, I doubt it would change a single thing. I think the most likely thing that would do is convince Israel that the Palestinian movement was drying up and inspire them to accelerate settlement building and other counterproductive activities that disregard any peace process.

You are justifying hate speech again. Worse, you are justifying hate speech as a solution to a problem rather than as part of the problem. Its akin to saying, "I can't stop beating my wife. If I stopped beating my wife, she would just take over the house." Instead of working out a reasonable, shared, mutually satisfying plan for a good relationship.

Why are you bothering with this Jerk? He just can’t stand the fact that Israel exists.
et al

PLEASE Disregard Posting #69.

Somehow it became scrambled-up in publishing.


"Disregard Posting #69."

you mean black flag's post ? this not post #69?

"I’d say agree except if the palestinians that are angry enough at Israel to use hate speech were made to stop using hate speech, I doubt it would change a single thing. I think the most likely thing that would do is convince Israel that the Palestinian movement was drying up and inspire them to accelerate settlement building and other counterproductive activities that disregard any peace process.."

if you meant one of your posts...

....very...educational (ova heer)....

i get it.....LoL.

everybody's posts! .... from joe to the debaters/crusaders to terrorist supporters [which i find .....a bit to be on the...sociopath/psychopath side) .......but none-the-less - riveting.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.

We agree. Opposing the rights of the Jewish people and the State of Israel as expressed in identical ways by other ethnic and national Peoples IS anti-semitism, though

Here's a list of some BDS protest signs. Legitimate criticism of Israel's government actions or anti-semitism?

"Gaza is the current day Holocaust"
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"
"Israel is an apartheid state"
"Resistance is a right"
"Jews are terrorists"
"Israel steals Palestinian water"
"911 was a Zionist job"
"Gaza is the Warsaw Ghetto"
"Israel: no right to exist"
"Everything about Israel is illegal"
"State of Israel terrorizing its neighbors and the whole world since 1948"
"Jews haven't learned they need Nazis more than before"
"Racist state"
"Israel is humanities number 1 enemy"
"If you are trying to humanize the oppressor, that's a problem"
Mostly true. Some are over the top.
Jews in Germany have as much right to self-determination as anybody else. In Israel, if a bunch of Jews, having the right to self-determination of course, decided to form a new nation smack in the middle of Israel; let’s say 500 square miles of land; could they do it?

Really? We are discussing NATIONAL self-determination here -- the right to create a State and have full sovereignty over territory. You think that a group of Chinese in San Francisco should be able to create their own nation there? And that Italians in New York City should be able to carve out a territory out of Manhattan and start their own country there?
Why not?
RE: BDS activity against Israel will be defined as anti-Semitism
※→ et al,

In its "purest form," I (personally) don't consider the BDS Movement to be anti-Semitic. But in recent years, the movement has taken on a newer complexion; one that transitioned from a political/economic movement, through an anti-Israeli phase and has become very anti-semitic. It is a matter of how and what material they present when they hop, skip and jump from one college community to the next. The question as to whether the activities of the BDS are formulating a hatred against the single greatest ally in the Middle East (State of Israel) as anti-Semitic.

Official BDS Movement Web Site said:
The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.

US politics and the American Domestice Landscape is shifting.

The open pressuring of entertainment personalities, science lecturers, industry production and commercial trade by BDS satellite movements is an incitement to violence and an attempt to show solidarity and approval of with the criminal behaviors of the Arab Palestinians.

You may recall that I, several years ago, considered the BDS Movement to be a legitimate means of political protest. This is not the first time that the Jewish People have faced a national level Boycott, Hitler had commanded a boycott of Jewish businesses in 1933. It is nothing new. However, the Arab Palestinians are not (in any way shape or form) attempting to introduce any assemblance law and order; with the self-governing body that supports programs for the general population. The BDS Movement is not in the habit of putting together a culture anywhere near that of Israel → even when donor nations produce the necessary revenue to build the new infrastructure. Nor does the BDS Movement support the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States. There is absolutely no attempt by the political opponents to try and pursue in good faith negotiations for the settlement of their international disputes. The BDS Movement attempts to paint and present a favorable image of the nebulous regime behind the Arab Palestinian people. The BDS Movement attempts to pass itself off as a program of Public Enlightenment and Education about the sense and plight of the Arab Palestinian as if they were the downtrodden underdog. (Never mentioning the contributions major donors → in the Billions per year.)

The manner and type of presentation of most BDS Activities are immediately to impress the audience that Israel is the principal cause of all problems facing the Arab Palestinians. Because each BDS presentation only presents one side of the story. And while Israel is not perfect, the Arab Palestinian cannot reasonably expect the Israelis to take a punch and not respond.

Most Respectfully,
Nor does the BDS Movement support the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States. There is absolutely no attempt by the political opponents to try and pursue in good faith negotiations for the settlement of their international disputes.
What do you mean by that?
The manner and type of presentation of most BDS Activities are immediately to impress the audience that Israel is the principal cause of all problems facing the Arab Palestinians.
What problems do they have that are not related to Israel?
That’s how the UN created Israel. Israel has since established a theocracy and declared that Jews have special rights. They have a special right to self determination there, where as in Germany, for example, they have an equal right to self determination as anybody else.

Here we go with the ignorance. The UN did not "create" Israel. Israel declared independence just like every other State in the world. Israel is not a theocracy. And there is not a single law in Israel which gives Jews special rights -- all are equal.

All peoples have the right to self-determination, right? All peoples have a right to national self-determination, right? Where else if not in their historical homeland? Yes, the Jewish people have a special right to form their nation (State) in a specific territory BECAUSE it is their historical homeland.

Surely you are not going to argue that Arab Palestinians have a right to self-determination, but in Uganda or Brazil and not in Palestine, are you?
You equate “self-determination” with “national self-determination,” which is nonsense. The only “right” by which Israel was created was the same as every other nation. Some people picked some land and killed or evicted as many people as they needed to to hold that land.

Don’t make me laugh about everyone having the “same rights” either. Not everyone has the right of return, not everyone has a right to self-determibation, not everyone has the right to leave whenever they want to, not everyone has their home destroyed if a family member commits a crime, and on and on.

You don't seem to have a very good handle on what you mean by self-determination.

The Jewish people have a right to national self-determination (to form a State which represents and protects their particular culture, language, traditions and history) in their historical homeland. Yes or no?

The Arab Palestinian people have a right to national self-determination (to form a State which represents and protects their particular culture, language, traditions and history) in their historical homeland. Yes or no?

I say yes to both. Do you?
You don't.
Yeah, “problematic” for Israel. :laugh: As it is for all oppressors. I give SOME of it a pass because if I lived under embargo with secondary rights and the constant threat of attack and no hope for justice, I’d consider making signs like that against the people doing that to me too.


I think this response gives us a clue as to why BDS supporters are in such denial about their anti-semitism.

1. They remove all responsibility from one of the actors (in this case the Arab Palestinians). The activities of that particular actor are made invisible.

2. They justify hatred of the other actor within the frame of that invisibility of responsibility.

3. They apply hatred collectively to each member of the group, making each individual member responsible for the actions of the collective actor within that frame of invisibility of responsibility for the other actor, both individually and collectively.

4. They appeal to emotion as a way of justifying hatred. They give themselves permission to hate.


You state you give SOME of it a pass. Of the examples I gave -- what would you NOT give a pass to?
1. They remove all responsibility from one of the actors (in this case the Arab Palestinians).
How was it the Palestinians were responsible for foreigners stealing their country?
I’m just a typical person and when I see “Israel attacks Gaza after rockets fired” I think “oh yeah that’s a good idea they need to defend themselves.” Then when I see “Israel has 10+ year land and air embargo of Gaza” I think “wow if I were in Gaza that would really piss me off.”

Its interesting you think it is permissible for Israel to defend herself using military strategy and yet are "pissed off" when they use non-military tactics like an embargo. Those are both defense mechanisms. Against the problem. Which is that the government of Gaza keeps attacking Israel.

Israel's goal with Gaza is, and has always been, to defend herself against attacks from Gaza. The solution to the problem isn't complicated. Just. Stop. Attacking. Your. Neighbor.
Indeed, Israel has to defend its settler colonial project.
I’d say agree except if the palestinians that are angry enough at Israel to use hate speech were made to stop using hate speech, I doubt it would change a single thing. I think the most likely thing that would do is convince Israel that the Palestinian movement was drying up and inspire them to accelerate settlement building and other counterproductive activities that disregard any peace process.

You are justifying hate speech again. Worse, you are justifying hate speech as a solution to a problem rather than as part of the problem. Its akin to saying, "I can't stop beating my wife. If I stopped beating my wife, she would just take over the house." Instead of working out a reasonable, shared, mutually satisfying plan for a good relationship.
Why is pointing out Israel's violations considered hate?
Why does Gaza attack?

Are you going to justify terrorism and war crimes now?

Gaza attacks because they CHOOSE to use violence as a means to pressure Israel into responding in order to demonize Israel and solicit (unwarranted) international sympathy for their "plight" (which they are the agents of). Gaza attacks Israel in order to turn themselves into "victims" of the "evil Jews" and thus justify their own terrorism and violence. Gaza attacks Israel because they hold the fundamental ideology that Jewish people have no rights and no claim to Jewish historical and indigenous homeland and that once conquered, Islamic land remains Islamic land in perpetuity. Gaza attacks Israel because the GOAL is not to enter into peaceful relations with another neighboring people but to deny that neighboring people any right to exist as a national entity, and eventually, as a separate and distinct people. And even further along, in the most extremist religious terms, to survive and exist at all.

If the GOAL was to achieve peace, a strong economy and good international relations the answer is to stop attacking your neighbors.
You are a hoot.

Did you make that shit up by yourself?
Abolish the Department of Education. It’s unconstitutional, it's a waste of taxpayer money and it has been consistently detrimental to the quality of education in America.

We used to run on abolishing it. What happened?
And quit stealing money from the taxpayers to send to Israel, too, while I'm thinking about it. The ungrateful thieves...
And another thing. Kick their lobby outta Washington, too. Why the heck does Israel have a lobby in the halls of Congress to influence the electorate's affairs anyway?

We've got millions of Americans living on the streets of our own nation, yet we're more interested in Israel's affairs and feels. Phhhht.

Priorities people...
BDS activity against Israel on campus will be defined as anti-Semitism
In the decision taken by Obama, it was determined that Judaism is a religion only, but the Trump administration changes the definition and determines that Judaism is also an ethnic origin. Meaning: Anti-Israel activity will be considered anti-Semitism in the US.
Pro-Palestinian activists warn: the move will significantly harm our activities.

This is a significant change from the days of the Obama administration, when Judaism was defined as a religion only and therefore it could be fought without this being a violation of the law against anti-Semitism.The new definition means that opposition to Zionism will be considered anti-Semitic.

According to Marcus's letter to the American Zionist Organization, anyone who acts to "negate the right of the Jewish people to self-determination, on the grounds that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist act," will be considered an anti-Semite, Other pro-Palestinian activists in the US are already warning that the new move will harm the Palestinian cause and that virtually all such activity will be defined as anti-Semitic.


I remember asking a BDS activist here on the forum, 'why is it so difficult for the organization to deal with the open anti-semitism in the rhetoric of their leaders and followers?'
For an organization attempting so hard to draw an image of activism for 'human rights' , this should have been a most natural issue to deal according to accepted norms. However even when brought against the most vile examples among their ranks they have strangely refused to even face the issue, failing to see how it works against Palestinians and the BDS movement itself.

These tactics and strategy of non-cooperation and denial, have failed the Arabs for more than a century,
now that they've copied this failure on the global stage, they still refuse to see the reason why they, even if unintentionally, always end up playing for the other field.

Q. Can BDS even start facing the antisemitism issue to begin with,
or is it going to be denial by default?

Meaning: Anti-Israel activity will be considered anti-Semitism in the US.

The rocket fire and attacks began to intensify after the Israelis unilaterally withdrew from Gaza.
The new rule is based on lies and runs afoul of the constitution.

I don't see how they can get this pig to fly.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, run by Sharia courts, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move against the hate speech.
BDS is the Palestinian's call to end the occupation.

Israel singles itself out by being the only one in that category.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, run by Sharia courts, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move against the hate speech.
BDS is the Palestinian's call to end the occupation.

Israel singles itself out by being the only one in that category.

Actually, BDS is just another expression of Jew hatred that has a 1400 year old history in Islamism.
Opposing the actions of Israel’s government is not anti-semitism.
This is not the issue, no one said it was,
it becomes hate speech when one denies the Jewish people right to self determination, and uses double standards to attack Israeli policies otherwise not used against other countries.

But at the least it has to start with the basic acknowledgment of the boldest antisemitic rhetoric and imagery used in the BDS ranks. Is it going to be denial?
Everybody has a right to self determination. Well, except for non-Jewish people in Israel now.

Same is Arab-Palestine, both of them, run by Sharia courts, but You have no problem with that.
This is called double standard, not used against any other nation but Israel, exactly what was expressed in the article, hence the Education Dept. move against the hate speech.
BDS is the Palestinian's call to end the occupation.

Israel singles itself out by being the only one in that category.

Actually, BDS is just another expression of Jew hatred that has a 1400 year old history in Islamism.
So, who else occupies Palestine?

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