Education: Can't read, can't speak?

Some reports state that the "t" was pronounced originally up until about the 1700's but how the hell do they know? There were no recordings to prove it. LOL.
Virginia, along with only five other states, require a proficiency exam before a student can graduate HS.

At one time 36 states required the exam. For the most part the teacher unions got rid of them.

And you wonder why Jamar can't read or make change.
I remember when I was in early schooling. A lot of effort went into teaching us that the "T" in "often" was silent. Why do so many people now pronounce the word often as off-ten? We know a lot of people cannot read nowadays, but does this mean they have forgotten how to speak as well?

Did you know the word queue is just the sound of the letter q followed by 4 silent letters and sounds exactly like cue which doesn't even contain the letter q?

When I went to school, that pronunciation of off-ten was taught with the t subtlety pronounced just like in the word subtle. We pronounced it closer to "ovten" with the f sounding closer to an v. Your regional dialect may just be different.

Great thread idea!
I remember when I was in early schooling. A lot of effort went into teaching us that the "T" in "often" was silent. Why do so many people now pronounce the word often as off-ten? We know a lot of people cannot read nowadays, but does this mean they have forgotten how to speak as well?

Because we are potty training kindergarteners. Not special needs kindergarteners. Just regular kids whose parents "didn't get around to it".

We are acting as if schools are still institutions of learning. They are not. They are day treatment centers for a dying society, and it shows.
Because we are potty training kindergarteners. Not special needs kindergarteners. Just regular kids whose parents "didn't get around to it".

We are acting as if schools are still institutions of learning. They are not. They are day treatment centers for a dying society, and it shows.

Oh FFS, QUIT ALREADY. Stop bitching and crying here all the time and go barricade yourself against roving bands of 6 year-olds.

We are acting as if schools are still institutions of learning. They are not. They are day treatment centers ...

Maybe yours is because they keep on whiny bitches like you who can't teach a 6 year old to "play" a kazoo without pretending it's like charging the beaches at Normandy.
Maybe yours is because they keep on whiny bitches like you who can't teach a 6 year old to "play" a kazoo without pretending it's like charging the beaches at Normandy.

Yes, not you posting all day long....I caught you...and now your posts are how great the teacher parties are, how nice it is to run into students. Dude, that's been my every day for 30+ years. It's not special. It's great, but not special.

Getting 100 8 year olds to learn dances, songs, instrumentals and perform them LIVE for an audience, which the audience then films and blasts all over social media?

Knowing--and fully accepting--that if the kids do great, it's THEM--and if they fail--it's YOU?

I have put on 100s of concerts. Some good, some great, some awesome. Not a single fail.

You couldn't hack it. Most could not.

PS Is it "storming the beaches of Normandy"? Not even close. But it ain't easy, it's not for many. The pressure either feeds you or it ruins you.

I have put on 100s of concerts. Some good, some great, some awesome. Not a single fail.


"Fail"? There is no fail. Parents will come watch their kids play the recorder badly no matter how they do it.

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