Edited 47% comments illustrates bias of MSM, the left's propaganda machine:


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Mother Jones, upon being called on to provide the whole tape, had to admit that they were *missing* 1-2 minutes of footage around the 47% comment by Romney.

"Earlier on Tuesday, new media pioneer James O'Keefe pointed out the hypocrisy of the mainstream media in accepting, without question, a snippet of a video recording that aimed to portray a Republican in a bad light, while conservatives are still doubted even after providing full video or audio, as O'Keefe did with his famous ACORN tapes."

"Mother Jones has failed a basic test and broken its promise to its readers and the public. There is now reason to doubt that it provided Romney's full remarks--not just the context, but the remarks themselves. And there is new reason to suspect manipulation. Corn promised the complete version of Romney's remarks. Instead, he provided a version that is missing a large portion of video at the critical moment.
Mother Jones's entire story now deserves to be treated with suspicion, if not contempt."

Thanks, I couldn't possibly have any more contempt for Mother Jones and its acolytes and readers than I already do.

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'
Kosher -

OK, so a couple of minutes were missing.

Do you think there was something on those 2 minutes which would have somehow made up for Romney's gaffes?

What could it have been....a bit where he said something like - "I'm now going to tell utter horsehit about poor people, but don't worry because it is satire"?
There were no gaffes.

The gaffe is entirely fictional.
The left now calls truth and fact "gaffes".

It would be laughable if your prez wasn't planning to protect his presidency at the expense of American lives.

Which he has shown us all through this nightmare he is willing to do....
We understand. Mitt, when standing in front of well-heeled Florida donors, is perfectly willing to divide America into two groups... the 47% whom he claims don't pay income tax and whom, he claims, are dependent upon government and whom, he claims, will never vote for him, and the OTHER 53%.

Mitt, on the campaign trail, in front of crowds of normal folks, tells us that he will NEVER divide America like, he claims, Obama does.

But if you GOP koolaid soaked faithful on here want to act as if this is perfectly acceptable behavior, that's cool... just realize that most conservative pundits and columnists in America do not share your views on this... probably because they aren't soaked.
The left now calls truth and fact "gaffes".

It would be laughable if your prez wasn't planning to protect his presidency at the expense of American lives.


That is laughable - no 'almost' about it.

I really can't imagine what you think you achieve by pretending lies aren't lies just becuase they came out of the mouth of Mr Romney?

Do 47% of Americans REALLY pay no tax?

I think we both know that is not true.
No, it's true, according to all knowledgeable sources.

So the lie that is being spouted is...your own.
LMAO, that nit calling out anyone is hysterical.

Here's what Mitten said:
There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them … I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.

47% of Americans see themselves as victims and they won't take personal responsibility, according to the most hysterically inept politician of all time.
Oh no, it was correct.

But it wasn't complete.

No..it was complete.

He said that 47% of Americans view themselves as victims and entitled to benefits.

It's pretty clear.

And he hasn't backed away from that. Additionally..along with that world view..he offers no real solutions.

Giving more money to rich people hasn't worked in the past.
This election might be the end of media as we know it. The real result is that journalists will no longer be trusted to tell the truth. It will become the American version of the old Soviet Pravda. Supported by the government for the sole benefit of the government with any kind of lie the government wants to tell.
The lefty idiots got another hard-on thinking this will be a problem for Romney, but intelligent folks, including some Democrats and independents, see his comments as spot-on and know exactly what Barry's surrogates are attempting to do. Such tactics are all they've got and the bonus is they have no clue how counterproductive their actions are.
This election might be the end of media as we know it. The real result is that journalists will no longer be trusted to tell the truth. It will become the American version of the old Soviet Pravda. Supported by the government for the sole benefit of the government with any kind of lie the government wants to tell.

You post that with a straight face..I suppose.

While FOX has a plethora of shows populated with people that are on the Romney campaign payroll.

Mother Jones, upon being called on to provide the whole tape, had to admit that they were *missing* 1-2 minutes of footage around the 47% comment by Romney.

"Earlier on Tuesday, new media pioneer James O'Keefe pointed out the hypocrisy of the mainstream media in accepting, without question, a snippet of a video recording that aimed to portray a Republican in a bad light, while conservatives are still doubted even after providing full video or audio, as O'Keefe did with his famous ACORN tapes."

"Mother Jones has failed a basic test and broken its promise to its readers and the public. There is now reason to doubt that it provided Romney's full remarks--not just the context, but the remarks themselves. And there is new reason to suspect manipulation. Corn promised the complete version of Romney's remarks. Instead, he provided a version that is missing a large portion of video at the critical moment.
Mother Jones's entire story now deserves to be treated with suspicion, if not contempt."

Thanks, I couldn't possibly have any more contempt for Mother Jones and its acolytes and readers than I already do.

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'

the "edit" doesn't change the meaning.

obama derangement is a terrible thing, allie.
This election might be the end of media as we know it. The real result is that journalists will no longer be trusted to tell the truth. It will become the American version of the old Soviet Pravda. Supported by the government for the sole benefit of the government with any kind of lie the government wants to tell.

as usual, your judgment and grasp on reality is nonexistent.

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