Póg Mo Thóin
My gawd. Mel Gibson opens the movie by showing us all that even sexay mens can have thinning hair.
This is a long way from Thunderdome.
I really expected a Bronson/Eastwood style Vengence Flick, full of MAN OF FIRE-like violent torturing of Bad Guys with their hands tied to steering wheels whilst their fingers are amputated by The Hero.
Nope, sorry, but this movie disappoints by Gibson's SLOOOOOOW investigation into an EVUL Government Cover-up, and the quick dispatch of Evul-doers among the Military Industrial Complex.
This is a long way from Thunderdome.
I really expected a Bronson/Eastwood style Vengence Flick, full of MAN OF FIRE-like violent torturing of Bad Guys with their hands tied to steering wheels whilst their fingers are amputated by The Hero.
Nope, sorry, but this movie disappoints by Gibson's SLOOOOOOW investigation into an EVUL Government Cover-up, and the quick dispatch of Evul-doers among the Military Industrial Complex.