Ed Snowden is a traitor

Really? So dblack is no longer a leftie?

You use a LOT of drugs, and not all of them prescribed by your psychiatrist, doncha?

dblack is Laissez Faire - the polar opposite of the authoritarian left.

Sorry but there are plenty of commie lefties on Snowden's side. I personally think its inconsistent of them to get so bent out of shape when the White House revealed a secret agents identity under Bush, and then be OK with Snowden running around in enemy air space with laptops full of god knows what damaging secrets. Its like they were only outraged over the Plame affair because Bush and/or Cheney were implicated, but otherwise have no regard for the safety and well being of the brave men and women who work as covert operatives.

The Obamunists are outraged that Snowden would reveal anything which damages the object of their worship.

You attack Snowden because he spoke against your god, Obama. Since principle is not something you engage in, whether he is of service to the American people is irrelevant - he betrayed your lord, ergo you hate him and want him dead.

You worship the defector Snowden because he is your God. 5 times a day you kneel facing Moscow and pray to your hero God.
You worship the defector Snowden because he is your God. 5 times a day you kneel facing Moscow and pray to your hero God.


Snowden revealed the depths that the NSA stoop to in infringing 4th amendment rights. While you seek to cover this up, because it implicates the corrupt Obama administration, I embrace the revelation of wrongdoing, so we may act against it.
Really? So dblack is no longer a leftie?

You use a LOT of drugs, and not all of them prescribed by your psychiatrist, doncha?

dblack is Laissez Faire - the polar opposite of the authoritarian left.

Sorry but there are plenty of commie lefties on Snowden's side. I personally think its inconsistent of them to get so bent out of shape when the White House revealed a secret agents identity under Bush, and then be OK with Snowden running around in enemy air space with laptops full of god knows what damaging secrets. Its like they were only outraged over the Plame affair because Bush and/or Cheney were implicated, but otherwise have no regard for the safety and well being of the brave men and women who work as covert operatives.

The Obamunists are outraged that Snowden would reveal anything which damages the object of their worship.

You attack Snowden because he spoke against your god, Obama. Since principle is not something you engage in, whether he is of service to the American people is irrelevant - he betrayed your lord, ergo you hate him and want him dead.

You worship the defector Snowden because he is your God. 5 times a day you kneel facing Moscow and pray to your hero God.

Conservatives don't make Gods out of men, that belongs to liberals most exemplified by the moonbat messiah, barakula obamamation with moonbat parents teaching their children to pray to him.

Edward Snowden is brave patriot who sought refuge in a country most willing and able to protect him while he tells the truth about how evil the United States government has become.
You worship the defector Snowden because he is your God. 5 times a day you kneel facing Moscow and pray to your hero God.


Snowden revealed the depths that the NSA stoop to in infringing 4th amendment rights. While you seek to cover this up, because it implicates the corrupt Obama administration, I embrace the revelation of wrongdoing, so we may act against it.

Worship your defector hero. He's taking your nation's secrets and is giving them to the Russians. Yay! Praise Snowden!
You use a LOT of drugs, and not all of them prescribed by your psychiatrist, doncha?

dblack is Laissez Faire - the polar opposite of the authoritarian left.

The Obamunists are outraged that Snowden would reveal anything which damages the object of their worship.

You attack Snowden because he spoke against your god, Obama. Since principle is not something you engage in, whether he is of service to the American people is irrelevant - he betrayed your lord, ergo you hate him and want him dead.

You worship the defector Snowden because he is your God. 5 times a day you kneel facing Moscow and pray to your hero God.

Conservatives don't make Gods out of men, that belongs to liberals most exemplified by the moonbat messiah, barakula obamamation with moonbat parents teaching their children to pray to him.

Conservatives lie about themselves not making Gods out of men. In truth, conservatives all have a private altar to Ted Nugent in their closet, and they each wear a tiny piece of Charleton Heston's hair around their neck.

Edward Snowden is brave patriot who sought refuge in a country most willing and able to protect him while he tells the truth about how evil the United States government has become.

He sought refuge in a nation where journalists frequently disappear and true democracy has NEVER existed.

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